The siren was hurting their ears and the three of them ran out to see the commotion, It has seemed like someone had hacked into Renimba City's firewall and is controlling every single thing, from the locks to the traffic lights, then marching down the street is a group of 50-100 Team Boom members with Admins Norman and Bradley leading the way, along side a Team Boom admin Mike was not familiar with. They stood there, ordering people to not come their way. Then, on a big billboard, the screen changed and showed a live call with the Team Boom Boss, his voice was disguised using a voice changer and also shown on the screen was Mike's mother. The Boss stated that the woman in the background is working on a key to the change of Hammerton.
The boss continued stating his plan, he said he was going to destroy every single part of Hammerton and rebuild it to the likes of Team Boom. Then, around 100 citizens of Renimba City, including Mike, Georgia and Carson riotted with Team Boom, the massacre lasted for 10 whole minutes, with lots of Pokemon used. When the riot was over there were many injuries and deaths. Mike and Carson ended up fine, with only a little bit of scratches and bruises, but Georgia on the other hand wasn't feeling so great. She was complaining that she couldn't walk. Mike and Carson rushed to the hospital, where Georgia got emergency treatment, while waiting, there was a news report saying that there were 31 reported citizen deaths and 54 reported citizen injuries and 22 Team Boom member deaths, including Team Boom Admin Norman. When they exited the hospital, with Georgia in a wheelchair, there were bodies scattered all over the sides of the street, with ambulances rushing all over the town and sirens blaring all over.
Then, the firewall system was back in order with Team Boom losing access. The Renimba Police claimed that they tracked the IP address of the hacker and it was coming from Ikerlight City, the police also exclaimed that they have most likely relocated their base after this incident. Mike, Georgia and Carson stayed back at the shelter waiting for the wreckage to be cleared. 1 day later, most of the wreckage was cleaned up and there was only a small amount of debris on the streets, but the city was functioning back to normal, with most of the citizens still shaken up. Jessica then came up to the 3 of them and said that her gym is now open for new trainers.