My Name is...

By the time they felt the bow of their lifeboat slide into the smooth grains of sand it had been six hours. Together they toppled out of the boat. Never had land felt so amazing. He ran his fingers through the sand and watched gleefully as it poured around his digits making that yellow waterfall. He no longer felt defeated and the thought of living returned to his mind. We can make it. Henry seemed less ecstatic. His footprints in what very well could be an uncarted island were the first to leave a trail on the beach.

"Where are you going?" Henry stopped and looked back at him.

"Too higher ground. I want to get a good look at this place. I saw that cliff when we rowed in." Not wanting to be left alone he got up and dashed after him. The rainforest on the island was thick aiding in the uncharted narrative. Henry was a few paces in front of him and instead of chatting, he just enjoyed being alive. He drew the sights, or rather the lack them. Besides the trees and brush the only thing that stood out was a few seagulls flying above. I wonder where all the life is. As he continued to inspect the island he began to feel a slight incline. Thirty minutes or so later they reached the base of a large rock formation jutting out of the hill. Henry paused for a minute examing the uneven rock before placing a hand and foot on the volcanic surface. Volcanic rock, this island must have been formed by a volcanic eruption. He found Henry looking at him.

"You want to share your thoughts with the rest of the class."

"Oh, I was just thinking that this island must have been formed by a volcano erupting because this is volcanic rock. "

"Right..." Henry continued to climb. As Henry made his way up the formation something fell out of his back pocket when he was in an awkward position trying to scale the rock. Henry didn't notice as he was preoccupied with not falling. The zipper bag drifted a few feet down and he caught it. Inside the bag was a piece of paper. Smart, he thought, I won't get wet this way. Curious, he opens the bag and removes the folded paper. Unfolding the paper he began to look over the contents. On the piece of paper was a random code 0859.

"You coming?" Henry yelled down

Quickly he crumpled the paper in his hand. "Just watching where you go so I can copy you is all."

"Alright, well I'm almost at the top." Henry was a solid eight meters up. He stashed the paper in his pocket and began to climb. Eventually, they both made it to the top. The narrow platform offered a tiny amount of room for the two of them. The view though was stunning: To the West where they had landed was a narrow slip of jungle before creeping up the hill towards the rock they now stood on. Below them at sea level was the majority of the rainforest which coated the entire island. Yellow sands bordered the small island. Best guess it would take them a day to walk the circumference. As the two marveled at their potential new home an unfamiliar sound reached their ears. The sound got louder. Scanning the island once again they spotted the source. Headed in their direction was a helicopter. The thumping of its blades was majestic. Tears returned to his eyes and his body so overcome with mention gave way and he crumpled to the ground.

"You know, I still don't know your name." Henry stood over top of him with an extended hand.

"What?" He grasped his hand and Henry pulled him to his feet but didn't let go.

"Your name. You almost told me back on the ship but we got interrupted, remember?"

"Haha, right I do. Well my name is--"

"Wait, before you tell me. When did you find out?" The helicopter, their savior was inching closer.

"Henry, I'm confused, do you want to know my name or...what did I find out?"

Henry's tone suddenly got aggressive. "When did you find out it was me that sunk the cruise!" he tightened his grip.

"Wait, Henry, You did what?" Fearing for his life was back on the table. He attempted to pull his hand away but Henry held firm.

"When did you find out it was me." Henry leaned in close, he could smell his sea breath.

"I have no idea what you are referring to."

"Liar!" with his other hand he tore the paper from its hiding place. "I saw you read this."

"So, it's just random numbers."

Henry chuckled. "Wow, you really are just stupid. It's the security code for the crew access on the ship."

"How I'm I supposed to know that."

"I guess you wouldn't but when you first met me you saw me leaving a secured door."

"So what, we were dealing with that lady, I didn't even notice."

"You don't know who she is do you?"

"No, should I?"

"It doesn't matter now anyway. She was why I was hired.

"Wait, hired"?

Henry nodded. "Yes hired, I didn't sink an entire cruise ship and send all those souls to the bottom of the sea for nothing," he laughed.

"So you planned this whole thing for one lady?

Henry grinned, "Even the storm, while I had planned for the storm."

"What if the storm hadn't hit us, what then?"

"I'd have thought of something." A very awkward pause filled the air, Henry still gripping tight on his hand and the helicopter almost fully in view.


"Who?" "My name, it's Vince. I thought you might want to know the name of the man you are about to murder."

"Huh," Henry let go of Vince's hand then shoved him over the edge.

As the helicopter carried him to safety the pilot spoke over the headset, "Any survivors?"
