There Was Such A Thing In The World?!

After some chit-chat with the elders and settling their questions, Tang Zixin had gained the Lunar Moon clan's permission to take Han Ying out for a walk, who had all instantly approved with happiness.

Having seen the chatty elders off, Tang Zixin finally glanced at the young maiden to his side, and he noticed the beads of sweat on her white nape.

The two had already traversed quite the distance and were nearing a popular district of the capital known as the Yate Grandly Lights. It was a merchant district that affluent young masters and misses often frequented; they were close to the border's entrance.

Han Ying could not bear the silence any longer and she quietly asked, "B-Brother Xin, where are we?"

She still could not get used to affectionately calling him Brother Xin, who was like an idol to her.

Tang Zixin knew that Han Ying was not paying attention to where they had been going at all, so he was not surprised.

"Han Ying, we are at the Yate Grandly Lights." Tang Zixin pointed at a red billboard. "Have you been here before?"

All this way, Tang Zixin had been walking with his hands clasped behind his back, so his arms felt rather stiff at this moment.

This type of quick response was very much a grand improvement compared to the him of the past, who was once like a block of ice who did not answer anyone.

"Mm, I have, Brother Xin." Han Ying subconsciously answered.

During this time, many bystanders had begun to notice them, making the young maiden a bit nervous. She was not used to all the attention.

Of course, they were not staring at her, but rather the white-robed young man at her side. They were all curious about his identity. In this era, most of the strong cultivators had an attractive and noble appearance, but this young man seemed to be many steps beyond the rest.

Though the Twelve-Suns Eldest Young Master had a renowned reputation throughout the capital, not many were aware of his appearance apart from the fact that he was handsome.

Tang Zixin, the Twelve-Suns Eldest Young Master, was very mysterious and did not frequent out much, but each time he did, the capital would be in an uproar.

It was not just because of his looks and power, but rather the havoc he would wreak each time.

"Is there any place you would like to go then, Han Ying?" Tang Zixin thoughtfully said.

"How about there, Brother Xin?" Han Ying asked, carefully watching his reaction.

If he showed any dissatisfaction, she would instantly change her mind to another.

Looking in her direction, Tang Zixin saw a large dumpling stand, and he raised his brow.

"N-nevermind!" Han Ying hurriedly waved her hands. How could she have been so stupid recommend a street store to the Twelve-Suns Eldest Young Master?

Though it really was super delicious…

"No, it's okay. I don't mind." Tang Zixin laughed and rubbed her soft head.


Blushing, when Han Ying saw her idol nod again, she instantly became gratified and cheerful.

Clearly, she had become someone important to him, but she still did not know how exactly.

Regardless of the reason, it still made her very happy.

Tang Zixin followed Han Ying's lead, watching her slim hips sway back and forth.

"She has quite a good figure." Tang Zixin thought with a nod. In the past, he had not paid attention to her appearance at all, but now that he did, she was indeed not bad at all.

Feeling the hot gaze behind her, Han Ying blushed, and Tang Zixin did not miss the tips of her white ears turning red.

Coughing, Tang Zixin realised that he was being inappropriate in a public space.

Very soon, at the dumpling stand, Tang Zixin and Han Ying were greeted with the male shopkeeper's pudgy face who was clad in a clean white chef outfit.

"Uncle Ren." Han Ying politely greeted the pudgy male shopkeeper.

"So it's Little Ying! Will that be the same as usual?" Shopkeeper Ren chuckled. Clearly, he was used to seeing her, and he liked her kind and innocent personality.

Little Ying was around the same age as his daughter. Shopkeeper Ren thought that the two would be able to get along very well, though he could tell that despite her kind behavior, she was definitely someone of a rather high status.

"Uncle Ren, please make it two portions this time." Han Ying hurriedly hinted at Tang Zixin, who was standing beside her with a pair of narrowed eyes.

"If she becomes sick from eating this, today will be your last old man." Tang Zixin snickered inside. He did not worry about himself in the slightest, but Han Ying was clearly a frail little girl. What if she got sick from eating at this dirty food stand?

Taking a thousand lives of this old man would not be enough.

"Right away, Little Ying." Shopkeeper Ren laughed as he shouted behind him, "Little Han, two orders of our special soup dumplings, and two fresh soymilks!"

"The soymilk is on the house, Little Ying. It is freshly grinded. You will definitely love it." Shopkeeper Ren chuckled.

"Thank you, Uncle Ren." Han Ying giggled, handing over a few bronze coins.

While they moved to the side to allow the next lady in line to order, Han Ying was trying her best to come up with something to talk about with Tang Zixin, but her mind was blank.

During her distress, Tang Zixin suddenly asked, "You like this kind of stuff?"

Though he had known her for years, he still not did not even know what she liked and disliked, he felt guilty.

"Is that bad?" Han Ying looked at the cold, hard ground, her fingers intertwining in embarrassment.

"N-not at all." Tang Zixin, seeing his future wife's pitiful appearance, had the sudden urge to hug and protect her.

"Ah!" Suddenly, while Han Ying was thinking about his words just now, a large figure almost twice her size bumped into her from behind.

Not to mention that, after Han Ying was bumped into, she even felt a scorching-hot liquid pour all over her back.

It would definitely leave some marks if left untreated.

"Ai, ai. My back." The large burly figure irritatedly rubbed his back. "Little girl, why are you blocking my way? Tch, you even made me drop my soup and dumplings."

"Little Ying, are you okay?! Bastard, it was clearly you who bumped into her, and you are still not apologizing?" Shopkeeper Ren was about to continue denouncing this shameless figure, but after noticing the man's luxurious outfit, he knew that he could not afford to offend someone of this calibre as a mere shopkeeper.

Quickly, Shopkeeper Ren shut his mouth.

"Idiot, how dare you speak to Lord Wangzi like that?! He could buy your entire family and make them his slaves!" Standing next to the large burly figure was a servant boy in his teens, the boy continued to ruthlessly bark at Shopkeeper Ren.

Tang Zixin had been distracted by Han Ying's beauty, and it took him a moment to register what had happened.

"Han Ying!"

Hurriedly, Tang Zixin knelt on one knee as he allowed his aura to cover the trembling little beauty. The red marks began to quickly heal.

"I almost thought I had broken my back." Lord Wangzi continued rubbing his back as he handed the servant boy a gold coin, whose face instantly lit up at the sight.

"Thank you, Lord!"

Whenever his master was satisfied, the servant boy would be greatly rewarded.

Now, the servant boy finally turned his attention to Tang Zixin and Han Ying, "You two insolent things, still not bowing to Lord Wangzi?!"

"Just two brats. How do you plan on repaying me?" Lord Wangzi did not feel shameless about flipping right and wrong. After all, whoever held the most power would always be the right one!

Seeing the girl's pretty tearful face along with her slender and petite figure, Lord Wangzi licked his lips, "I believe that we will be able to privately settle this nicely."

If the law officials were to get involved, someone like Lord Wangzi definitely possessed the power to send a few insignificant individuals to suffer in prison.

The officials around these parts had been bribed by him long ago.

"B-Brother Xin." Han Ying could not help but cry. She was mournful and depressed. Why, why did everything have to go wrong today out of all days?

Compared to the scorching pain, she was much more afraid of earning Tang Zixin's scorn and contempt.

"Be obedient and don't move." Tang Zixin did not hide his worry as his anger soared. "I will handle this."

Seeing the white-robed youth stand up, the servant boy snickered, "Don't tell me you want to hit us in broad daylight? Are you not afraid of spending the rest of your life in prison?!"

"Fuck. Tizi, wait a moment." After having a clear look of the white-robed youth, Lord Wangzi wanted to stop the servant boy from speaking, but it was too late.

With his years of experience, Lord Wangzi was extremely crafty and knowledgeable like an old fox. Someone with a poise and appearance like that. How could they be ordinary?

Usually, he was cautious and would avoid offending anyone like that, even if he could afford to.

"Die." Tang Zixin did not even bother explaining as he pointed a finger.

This single finger beamed with a mysterious sword light as it cut through the air like a hot knife through butter.

In a flash, the servant boy was instantly decapitated, his mouth gaping outward.

Perhaps, he did not even have the time to register his death.

Lord Wangzi was stunned by the young man's decisiveness and ruthlessness.

Finally, fear crawled up behind him, his face darkened.

Sword intent! This young man, just who was he?!