Starlight Auction House

In a popular building that was known as the Starlight Auction House, many rich and powerful figures were walking about here.

Though they were rich and powerful, none of them dared to be arrogant within the Starlight Auction House. All of them were humble as they looked around.

The popular Starlight Auction House was located in the center of the Yate Grandly Lights district. It was the number one auction house within tens and thousands of miles.

Tang Zixin and Han Ying were being guided by a young-looking female attendant. She was courteous and respectful.

Compared to the seniors and all the powerful young masters and ladies who did not hide their identity, Tang Zixin's and Han Ying's appearance did not draw much attention.

After entering the building and being given a rough tour, Tang Zixin nodded at her and threw the young-looking female attendant a shiny spiritual stone.

"Thank you, Young Master!" The young-looking female attendant's eyes glistened.

The young-looking female attendant did one final bow as she hurried back to her stand.

"Brother Xin, are you going to buy something?" Han Ying was looking around everywhere, and she was very curious.

"I am." Tang Zixin smiled, but it was not for himself.

The auction was about to begin. Tang Zixin and Han Ying took one final stroll of the building before preparing to head inside the building's core.

While the two were wandering about, Tang Zixin noticed a group of young men looking at Han Ying, and there were a few beautiful ladies in this group.

In the past, Han Ying's appearance was very cute, and it gave others the urge to protect her. And after her physique was reformed, this feeling was magnified further. Her lustrous eyes seemed to shine while her white skin that looked very soft glistened.

Meanwhile, Han Ying also noticed them, and her large eyes glared to warn them.

Though to the group of young men, it just aroused their hearts even more. They all thought that this petite beauty was very cute and that she was flirting with them.

In reality, those eyes meant, "Get out stinky men, stop looking at us and do not distract my time with Brother Xin."

Tang Zixin was dissatisfied that these pieces of trash dared to ogle at his woman.

There was a weird feeling stirring inside him. It was a foreign and new emotion.

As a very reasonable young master of the Twelve-Suns Manor, he did not like stirring trouble in a public space without proper reason.

Fortunately, while he was in this predicament, the group of young men and ladies decided to approach them first.

Was this what others called serving themselves on a silver platter?

"Beauty, we could not help but notice you while we were standing over there." A handsome young man with his long black hair tied in a bun kindly smiled.

This young man was called Su Fengtian, and his proud look implied that he was the leader of this group.

"My name is Su Fengtian. Little beauty, would I have the pleasure of making your acquaintance?" Su Fengtian offered his hand with a confident smile as if there was no chance she would decline him.

"Get lost." Han Ying coldly said, her arms crossed.

"The beauty is a feisty one, huh." From the group, another richly-dressed young male laughed as he went to touch her cute face.

"What do you think you're doing, Brother Yang?" Su Fengtian intercepted the richly-dressed young male's arm.

"Hmph, isn't it just a girl. I, Yang Muli, can get thousands of better ones if I wish to." Yang Muli was annoyed that Su Fengtian would disrespect him for a mere girl.

If it was not because his family was in a rough predicament as of late, Yang Muli would definitely not have tolerated Su Fengtian. Moreover, their strengths were roughly equal.

"How dare you." Han Ying also was unable to tolerate this. Unknowingly, her temperament had begun to change after meeting Tang Zixin and the Heavenly Yin Ring.

Though her engagement had been outrageous, she had been a shy person by nature.

"Haha… this is surely a first." Tang Zixin mockingly laughed. It was the first time he had been blatantly ignored like that.

Even that unbeatable bastard had not dared to treat him with such contempt, but these insignificant fools did? Where did he get the courage and guts to do so?

"Have I rusted over the years?" Tang Zixin stretched his arms. It was not that he had become soft, but rather, his many experiences had made him become like a sheathed blade.

His true might could not be seen unless he willed it. No one could perceive how many trump cards he had under his sleeve.

The group's naivety could also be attributed to their age. Most of the old foxes would be able to tell that Tang Zixin was anything but ordinary from his noble temperament and appearance.

The beautiful young ladies in the group were busy admiring this white-robed young man's handsome appearance. It was at least a step above those so-called young masters in their group. They were also unhappy to be ignored by them for some random girl who was not even that pretty in their eyes.

If it wasn't that they had very powerful families backing them and were talented cultivators, these young ladies would not have even given them the time of day.

"You are quite the boaster." Yang Muli snickered at this unknown white-robed young man. Though Su Fengtian could make him take a step back, he believed that no one else could.

Su Fengtian also frowned, "Friend, who are you?"

If it was no one significant, he would make him pay. In his generation, both he and Yang Muli were at the very top in terms of talent in the capital. No one dared to disrespect them.

"You are not worthy." Tang Zixin proudly stepped in front of Han Ying as if he was trying to cover her eyes from this shameful bunch.

Han Ying could see nothing but his tall back, and her heart raced. This was her man!

Behind him, she felt like she was safe from all the dangers of the world.

Tang Zixin had not appeared in the outside world for a long time, and it seemed that people were forgetting about him.

But he did not care. They would know and be reminded soon enough of just who was the real genius of their generation.

Before him, no one else had the right to be called a genius. Everyone had to make way!