
The big boss

The next day he felt horrible. Sleep was meant to make everything better, but it just made it a hundred times worse.

Was this how everything was going to be?


That had him up on his feet.


It was Geiru.

“What is it?” he asked.

“Get off your lazy ass and let’s go”.


“Did you forget what happened yesterday? Get dressed let’s move”.

Takashi dashed into the bathroom. Five minutes later he was dressed, and ready to meet with the leader of the gang.

He opened his door to see Geiru standing there impatiently. “Done?”

“Yes” he replied all smiles and she groaned.

“Let’s go”.

They were not at the stairs yet, when the woman of yesterday who approached them, appeared out of nowhere.

“Good. You’re up”.

“Problem?” Geiru asked.

“No. Now if you’ll please follow me” she said walking, not waiting for them to catch up.

They went down the stairs, and up the other stairs opposite it, leading to another part of the house.

“Remember what I told you” the woman said flatly.

“No” Takashi replied.

“Do not stare” and she opened a door.

Takashi and Geiru saw the bloody woman of yesterday all cleaned up, and she didn’t look that bad. She sat on the table, and the chair by her was turned to the window.

“They’re here” Karou said.

The chair turned slowly and both strangers came face to face with a woman. Not that old and not that young, and her face neutral.

“Good morning” she said.

“Morning” Geiru replied.

“Cat got your tongue Fujiwara?” Sachi asked.

“No” he replied.

Karou gave him a side eye glance, and she was glaring.

“So you are Takashi Fujiwara?” she asked not surprised. Like she could be doing anything else. Well she was the leader of a gang, so maybe she had much money to take from a neighborhood.

“Yes” he replied.

“Well Sachi told me you’re no fraud, but just know I’ll want a demonstration later on”.

He nodded his head.

“Good” and she stood up.

Takashi’s eyes went wide, but he was subtle. No one seemed to notice, but Geiru was giving him a dirty look, and he could feel the anger radiating off her. But it wasn’t his fault. When the woman was just…

“I’m Megumi Hirose leader of Phantom” she said rounding the table and in her hand was a gun. “What’s your name?”


“Well Geiru time for your initiation” and she twirled the gun, her finger in the trigger.

She held it out for Geiru, and she took it easily which shocked Takashi.

“Bring her in” Megumi said going back to her desk.

The door opened and two men dragged a woman inside, who was struggling and trying to get away from the two men, but she was no match for both of them.

She was forced to her knees before Geiru.

“Before one joins Phantom they have to show that they can at least work a weapon, and know what to do with it. I don’t want crybabies in my gang”.

Geiru stretched her hand and the barrel rested against the woman’s nose.

She wouldn’t, would she? She could ask for Megumi to give her something else, couldn’t she?


“Please don’t…..I have a family and…..”


The gun went off. Right between her eyes. Takashi didn’t know when he closed his eyes, when he did open his eyes, the woman was in the ground. A pool of blood underneath her and everywhere.

“You aren’t a neat killer are you? Just look at my desk”.

“Sorry” Geiru apologized.

“If she knew she had a family then she should have stayed far away from gang business” Sachi chuckled.

“Karou. Make sure my office gets cleaned, and send the body back to her gang”.

Megumi looked at the two. “Welcome to Phantom. We’ll meet later to formally introduce you to the gang. You can leave for now”.

Geiru walked out, and Takashi kept looking before he turned around and followed the woman, closing the door softly behind him.

“So what now?” Sachi asked.

“Send this body to her family” she told Karou.


“You look pale” Geiru stated.

They were both in her room and he was on her bed, while she paced.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” he asked. “You just killed someone”.

Geiru stopped pacing and turned to him. “That’s just how it is Takashi. If you couldn’t handle this, then you shouldn’t have accepted the offer”.

“She was innocent! She had a family, and you just killed her. Is that why you joined a gang? To kill the innocent and put fear in their hearts?!”

“Don’t talk like you know anything”.

“Aren’t I right?”

“Why I joined the gang is my business. I know I’m not innocent and neither was she. I made my choice and so did she. Too bad she was unlucky”.

“How can you….”

“You want your revenge don’t you? Shut up and act like it, instead of sitting here crying like a bitch. I will do my duty here and if you compromise my position, I will leave you to die”.

Takashi shot her a dirty look.

“Remember that” and she walked out of her own room.


“So what do you think of the Takashi kid?” Megumi asked as her sister threw a full grown man of the mat.

“Stop calling him a kid. You’re not that older than him”.

“Where do you think he has been all this while?”

“Well father always talked about Fujiwara, but he never mentioned that they had a son”.

“And he just disappeared, then he appeared in a club wanting to be part of a gang”.

“Maybe he was just there to party” her sister replied.

Megumi watched as she flipped a woman over her shoulder, and held one arm, stepping on another hand and landing with both knees on her ribs. Her sister was really mean sometimes.

A man snuck up behind and her, and put her in a chokehold.

She could easily tap, but she wouldn’t. She flung her head back hitting him hard in the face, and threw her elbow and he released her.

“Give them a break Sachi” Megumi said standing.

Her sister stopped and turned to her.

“We have new members to welcome”.

“Don’t you think he’s kind of cute?” Sachi asked.

Megumi walked away without replying.


Megumi sat on her armchair like a queen, while the rest of the gang chatted aimlessly. She gave them a few more minutes before she rose. The room was silent that instant.

“Some of you may know and others may not, but we have two new recruits”.

She turned to the newbies and smiled. “Geiru and Takashi Fujiwara. You guys know the Fujiwara name, and you knew of his early demise. A real tragedy”.

Takashi grit his teeth as she spoke. How could she just stand there and talk about his parents like she didn’t know her father killed them.

“…..well the girl has proved her loyalties, but I’m still not sure about you Fujiwara” she said looking at him.

He just stared back blankly. Trying not to show how much her stare scared him.

“I don’t trust anyone and Fujiwara or not, I don’t trust you. We’re going somewhere tonight, and you will prove yourself that you are who you say you are”.

“Sounds easy enough”.

Megumi smirked at the reply.

“Karou will follow you and once she finds out you’re a fake, the bullet through your brain will be your last thought”.

Takashi gulped and she chuckled.

“Move out!” she barked.

“Why didn’t you just shut up?” Geiru asked.

“Leader of Phantom or not I won’t let her push me down”.

“You really don’t know how this works. Don’t go acting smart Takashi. It will be the end of you”.


They were ushered into a car and they were off. The drive was really fast, but the others were unfazed and barely moved from their seats at the unnecessary speed. He needed to get his act together.

Soon they stopped and his door opened from the outside.

“Let’s go Fujiwara” Karou said.

Takashi walked out and followed the girl. They walked up to the side of a building and climbed up the stairs, and went to the roof.

“Get your stuff out and wait for my signal”.

“What’s the signal?” Takashi asked.

“You’ll see” she said.

She got out her binoculars and looked to where the rest were.

Megumi leaned against the car looking up at the sky.

“It’s going to rain cats and dogs” she murmured.

“You see it as rain, I see it as something ominous. Something is going to happen tonight. Don’t let your guard down”.

“Do I ever?” she asked.

They waited few more minutes, maybe an hour when they could hear tires screeching and see headlights. Megumi was unfazed and so was her sister. The rest of the gang though were tense.

The doors opened and a lot of people stepped out. She didn’t care for any of them though. Her eyes were on only one person”.

“What the fuck?!” a man yelled advancing towards Megumi. Her sister made a move to step in between them, but Megumi raised her hand.

“What do you think you did to my members?!”

“Send a message. Looks like you got it. My money!”

“You will get it. No need to kill my members”.

“You took a long time before I got it. Now I know not to loan you anymore. My money Makoto” she said her voice low.

“And if I say no?” he smirked.

Megumi craned her neck and there was a slap from the opposite gang.

Makoto turned to inspect and at that moment, a member fell.

“What the….Megumi!” he yelled.

Another one fell.

“Alright stop!”

Megumi smirked and Sachi just glared at the man.

He snapped his fingers, and a man walked up to him holding a briefcase which he opened.

“Ten million” he said running a hand through his hair.

Sachi took it still glaring.

“Now tell me what you did to my men” he threatened.

Megumi raised her hand so Sachi wouldn’t go berserk.

“Who knows?”

“You know you are really infuriating? Everyone in this knows you are just a daddy’s girl who has too much time on her hands. You are not fit to run a gang. You are not strong and wear a mask to cover up how terrified you are”.

Megumi yawned. “Are you done?” she asked.

He only grunted. “Even your mad sister would do a better job”.


Megumi didn’t flinch as her sister moved, and used the briefcase to hit him hard across the face, and he stumbled back.

His gang already had their guns out, but he raised his hand.

“You’ll regret that” he said lowly. It was funny how he wasn’t raising his voice anymore.

“Move out!” she barked.

“You should get that jaw checked out” Sachi winked and she followed her sister.

She got into her car unbothered with her sister, and moved.

“The kid did a god job” Megumi commented.

“He’s no fraud then, and stop calling him a kid. You’re not that older than him”.

“Whatever. I’ll kill that disgusting man one day”.

“Why didn’t you just tell Karou to instruct Takashi to kill him then?” Sachi asked counting the money.

“I like to play” she smirked.

“Take us home. The boss needs something to drink”.


This time he threw up longer. It would have been better if he was in his room, but Geiru had to talk and barely a few minutes in, he was puking his guts out.

“I don’t see the big deal here Takashi” Geiru said sitting on her bed.

“I killed two people today Geiru”.

“I also did, but you don’t see me throwing up” she sneered.

“I’m sorry. I forgot you were a murderer” he said flushing the toilet.

“Megumi trusts you now and that is all that matters. You have to build your way up to her inner circle, and then strike like the snake on your back”.

“What are you going to do all the time I’m climbing up the ladder?” he asked.

“I will do what I’m meant to do. I’m a mole after all”.

“Won’t it be dangerous?”

“It will, unless you do what you’re meant to do”.


“Get close to her. Make her trust you. She already congratulated you in front of everyone. In case you don’t know, that’s an honour”.

“Explain to me what you’re going to do again?”

“I will feed my gang information, so that they can always be a step ahead of phantom” she explained.

“How are you going to do that?” she asked.

“I’ll always be close to Megumi. She knows I’m good with money. She’ll give me jobs concerning that, when I’m not winning tournaments for her”.

“And how long do you think it will take before she gets suspicious?”

“Megumi is a lot of things, but she isn’t smart. She’s a daddy’s girl from the information I found, and she’s just acting tough. Her sister is the muscle and she’s the one who calls the shots”.

“Well you are the mole. I will leave that all to you. But then, how will I get close to Megumi?” he asked.

“Do I have to think for you Takashi? You’re good looking use that to your advantage”.

“You want me to seduce her?!” he asked aghast.

“You say that like it’s a bad thing. I saw the way you looked at her when you saw her” she said dryly.

“That was because……it was all out there. How do you expect one not to stare at that?” he broke off into a low murmur.

“Yeah” she said rolling her eyes. “She’s good looking and single. You have to make her trust you and she won’t suspect a thing, and overlook every little thing you do. What do you say?” she whispered.

“Fine” he groaned. “Even though she’s old I’ll do it”.