
t r i g g e r (Noun.)

a small device that releases a spring or catch and so sets off a mechanism, especially in order to fire a gun.

The shining object turned out to be the handle to a taser. It was something that the organization’s military held to keep people in line in HQ. She only knew of one instance that anyone ever actually used it. It put that person into the med wing for several days on end and that was only in contact on top clothing for only a few moments at most. They were powerful, to say the least. And one was now pressed to her throat, daring her to test the person threatening her.

“Wait, wait,” she pleaded, eyes zoned in on the finger that tightened when she tried pulling away from the weapon. “We’re here to help. I’d show yah my hands, but I have a babe. I’m holding a baby.”