
c r o w d (Noun.)

a large number of people gathered together in a disorganized or unruly way.

The tent that night was crowded with just the three of them. Elain slept on the far right while Brotte took the other side; though in his drugged up state he took a little more than half his side. Selcouth was set to lay outside, since he was large and extra slimy, but he managed to weasel his way into the tent and was used as a barrier between the two. The doctor woke up out of breath with Selcouth’s large head plopping onto her stomach. He effectively pushed out any air in her lungs.

She let out a groan and shoved the beast away from her. He didn’t move far, but let out a grumble at her sudden aggression. Her palms rubbed hard under her glasses to get rid of any lingering sleepiness. Both of her tent companions didn’t look like they’d be getting up anytime soon, but she could hear the bustle of the humans outside. There seemed to be a lot of arguing.