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Arry enters the room with a tray

"Hey darling"

"Hey Mom"

"I brought you lunch"

"Oooh..looks soooo good"


They could hear a noise

"What's that" Thelma asks

"Stay here..I'll be back"

Thelma collects the food and arry leaves

Flash back


"I'm going to Pario to get my daughter" Arry says standing up from the gathering "I can't take this anymore, I need to get Thelma" she clenched her first "I want a good reason why Rebecca took Thelma"

"Aurora, sit down" Mani says

She kissed her teeth

"Aurora, sit...we all want Thelma home too and we all know how you're feeling" Erik says

Gert goes to her

"Arry, I've gotten so tied to Thelma, I'm going with you"

Present day

Arry and gert appeared in paola's room

"Where is my daughter"

"Your daughter" Paola says


They pointed their weapons at her

"Your daughter isn't here, Aurora"

Rebecca enters the room


They turned

"You posed to be me"