
-- 31 --


Rebecca cleans her tears as she steps into Debby's room

She walked up to the crib

"Daniel, ba.... Daniel"

She lifts him

"Dan, Dan.. what's wrong with this boy"

She felt a blade at her neck

She turns to see Alisha

"Why are you pointing a sword at me

"The queen wants to see you"

"What do you mean by the queen wants to see me, I am the queen of pario"

"Not anymore sweetheart"

Rebecca teleported to the throne room

"What is the meaning of all this, what happened to Daniel, I left him in your care, Deborah's son is still"

"He's dead"

"And what do you mean by he's dead"

Paola came down the throne stairs and walked up to her

"I ended him and I've striped you off your title"

All the guards came in and pointed their weapons at Rebecca

Paola played with her hair a bit before holding her by the neck

"You're no more the queen, I am now"


Tyla struggled for breath a bit

"What's wrong" Casey asks