Chapter 3

Xavier POV

I just got home from Hazel's and went to take a shower. Hazel was going to come and stay here. I wonder when she is going to come. Wait a minute. What the fuck is wrong with me? Never mind I have to focus on how to take the folder from Darren. That fucking bastard. If I don't get that folder back then we are going to be completely robbed. That's why I brought Hazel so that she could go with him and bring those folders back. But thinking of her being around Darren makes my blood boil. I am thinking of her again. I think I gotta take a shower to calm my nerves. Stripping out of my clothes, I got into the shower. I felt my muscles relax when the warm water hit my skin. Cleaning up, I wrapped a towel around my waist and changed into a fresh pair of clothes. I decided to eat something since my stomach was growling like a wolf.

I went inside the kitchen and started making spaghetti. Feeling myself being watched, I turned around and saw that Hazel was standing there wearing jeans and a pink t-shirt. Her hair was damp and went down to her waist. My eyes locked with her green orbs.

"Like what you see babe?" I smirked and she blushed.

"What are you cooking?" She asked while sitting on top of one of the stools. I serve her the spaghetti and meatballs and watched as her eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas. She licked her pink full lips and started to dig in. I wonder what it would be like to kiss those luscious lips. I quickly snapped out of my thought and started to eat .

"So what do we need to do about this Darren?" She asked.

"We will talk about this tomorrow.You had a long day go and get some rest." She got up and washed her dishes and went to her bedroom.

I finished my meal and went to my bedroom . I quickly took my sweatpants off and was only left in my boxers. I comfortably laid on the bed with a question running through my mind.

Why did I chose her?

I didn't the answer to that. Maybe it was the feeling I got when I saw her at a local cafe drinking coffee while furiously tapping away on her laptop. Maybe it was the way the sunlight hit her skin making her look like a goddess. Whatever it was, it was making me feel things that I didn't know how to handle.

Hazel POV

Groaning, I got out of the bed. I made my way to the bathroom and decided to take a shower. Today, Xavier intended time tell me about the plan. So I took a shower, brushed my teeth and wrapped a towel around my body. As I got out of the bathroom a voice spoke.

"If you really wanted to seduce me you could have just asked. What was the need to do this?" I screamed in fright while Xavier stood there smirking like an idiot.

"What the fuck are you doing in my room?" He took a step forward.

"I came to say that breakfast is ready and quickly come downstairs."I nodded and he left closing the door on his way out. What the hell just happened? Xavier fucking Knight just saw me in a towel. I really have to be careful next time.

"Urghh!" I screamed in annoyance and made my way to the closet and took out a pair of cotton shorts and a top. I tied my hair in a messy bun and applied a little bit of lipgloss on my lips.

I went into the kitchen and saw Max talking to two guys. They immediately halted their conversation upon noticing my presence.

"Hi, you must be Hazel. I am Sam." The guy with brown hair introduced himself. He was kinda cute.

"Hey yeah I am Hazel."Sam gave me a friendly smile while the other guy with dirty blonde hair continued to talk with Max and didn't even spare a glance.

"Well he is a bit rude. His name is Michael." Sam voiced out my thought.

"I heard that." He glared daggers at Sam.

"You were meant to."Sam smirked while I took out a bowl and poured some cereal along with milk. I made my way to sit on a stool while Sam and Michael continued to argue.


"Man whore."

"Son of a b-"

"Enough." Xavier's deep husky voice boomed through the kitchen. He sat across me. They immediately stopped but glared at each other.

"Everyone meet me in the hall within 5 minutes.We have to discuss a lot of things." I nodded and placed my bowl in the sink and went to the hall. Max, Sam and Michael were already sitting on the couch. I went and sat beside Sam.

"So, when did you come?"Sam questioned while staring at me.

"Just yesterday afternoon." He nodded and I took out phone skimming through Instagram. Just then Xavier came and sat on one of the single couches.

Xavier POV

I went to hall and noticed that everyone was here. Max and Michael were busy talking while Hazel played on her phone and Sam continued to stare at her. I felt a pang of jealousy when I saw Sam watching her and she didn't even notice it. What the fuck is wrong with me? I shook all my thoughts away and cleared my throat causing everyone to turn their heads in my direction. I went and sat on one of the couches.

"We brought Hazel so that we could use her to frame Darren and take hold of the important folder. But it's not going to be easy and Hazel." She looked at me with her beautiful green eyes.

"You have to be careful about what you do and Max here will be training you for a few days. So if anything happens you can protect yourself, okay?" She nodded her head and asked.

"But why do you need me to frame him ? And what's so important in that folder ?"

I also didn't have the answer to her first question. Why did I pick her? Why did I want her to frame Darren when I saw her at the cafe and not any other girl? I thought about it for a moment and decided to tell her,

"I am the mafia leader Xavier Knight " I said but was surprised to see that she didn't freak out but rather what she said astounded me." I know that." I continued to stare at her to see if she is lying or not but didn't find any clues.


"The first day you told me your name from then on I knew that you were the mafia leader." She said in a bored tone.

"But you still came even after knowing that you might get into trouble." She nodded and I turned my attention to everyone and they all were surprised to see her react like that.

"So, training starts at 2. Go and get dressed." I informed and she got up making her way to her room.

"Man, she really is something." Sam exclaimed smirking.

"Can't you just stop thinking about sex for a minute?" Michael questioned him and I rolled my eyes at their childish behavior and went to my office. I closed the door and sat on my leather chair. Hazel's reaction astounded me too.

Why would she come even when she knew that I was dangerous?

Maybe because of the money I offered her. Money can really make people do a lot of things. I smirked at the thought and continued to work. But I like the way she is so comfortable in front of me and how she talks about everything mesmerises me. But I can't feel like this. I can't like her. It will only make me weak.