Chapter 5

Hazel POV

He pulled in front of his house and got off and opened my door. I took a hold of his hand and he opened the door of his house. His hand was warm and rough. Quite big in size than mine. The house wasn't really big but a two story house and had a cozy feeling. I got inside and he immediately closed the door.

I tried to pretend to be calm but inside I was a nervous wreck. He pulled my body against his and started kissing me roughly. I tried to push him but he wouldn't budge and pushed me against the wall and started planting rough kisses down my neck, occasionally sucking on it . He grabbed my butt ,I allowed him to do it but when he loosened his hold on me, I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine and he quickly moved away and took hold of his crotch.

“You bitch!” He screamed in agony and threw a punch at me but I quickly dodged it and punched his jaw.Xavier, where are you ?? I thought to myself just then he took hold of my hair yanked my head backward. I screamed as he punched me and I fell on the ground from the harsh impact.

Just then the front door burst open and there stood Xavier, Max, Sam and Michael with their signature smirks on their faces. I quickly got up and ran towards them and stood beside Xavier. He went towards Darren's direction and threw a good few punches while Michael and Max went up the stairs to find the folder and Sam stood beside me. Xavier kept punching and kicking him. Darren also threw some punches but not as much as Xavier as he was drunk.

“Xavier, let go of him man. He’s unconscious." Sam said and Xavier let Darren go but not before kicking him. Just then, Max and Michael came from upstairs and handed him the folder. Xavier took a hold of it and rummaged through it.

“Let's go we found it ."A question popped in my mind.

“How did you know that the folder was here?."he smirked.

“I have my connections, baby."

We got in our cars and started to drive home. Home. I had started to call Xavier's house home. He cleared his throat and asked.

“Did you get hurt ?" I glanced at him.

“No, not that much."He suddenly stopped the car and turned in my direction.

“What?"I questioned innocently. He crashed his lips on mine. I was shocked at first but started to respond later. He nibbled at my lower lip and asked for entrance. I wanted to tease him that's why I kept my mouth closed he cupped my breast and I gasped at the impact. He took the opportunity to slide his tongue inside my mouth. Electricity shot through my veins. His lips were soft and warm. Our tongues danced together and he tasted like fresh mint. After a while I pulled away to catch my breath.

“I have been waiting for so long to do that." His voice husky from the kissing. He placed his forehead against mine and stared at my eyes.

“Hazel." He called not breaking eye contact.

“Hmm?" I hummed in response.

“I like you a lot.You are so beautiful. When that fucking bastard was touching you it took me all my might to not rip his head off. I know I can't be the perfect boyfriend that you want but I can try. Please give me a chance." He said it all in one breathe and I continued to stare at him dumb folded. Then I thought do I really like Xavier? Do I want him? He could break my heart but I Could take a chance.

“I like you too Xavier. I really like you."He stared at me for a while but later he grinned and said.

“Thank you so much."I smiled.

“Lets go." He shifted the gear to drive.On the way, he took ahold of my hand and his hand engulfed mine. Butterflies erupted in my stomach at his gesture.

We all reached home and everyone went to their own respective rooms.I got inside my room and took out a pair of pjs and a t-shirt. I decided to take a shower and washed myself then brushed my mouth. One side of my face was a little bit purple from the punch. I applied an ointment and got out of the bathroom to see Xavier sitting on my bed.

“What are you doing here ?" I asked him.

“" He said nervously. I raised an eyebrow and he cleared his throat.

“Can I stay with you here tonight ?" He asked while rubbing the back of his neck. I thought about it for a while then agreed.

“Um ok .. but no naughty things." He smirked.

“What were you thinking?" He said and I blushed.

“Nothing.” He smiled. I went to sleep on the bed and turned off the lamp that was on the nightstand. After a while I felt the bed dip.

“Good night Hazel." He whispered while kissing the back of my head.

“Good night."And I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

I groaned as I rolled on my back . I tried to get up but something strong around my waist was restraining me. I looked up and saw that it was Xavier's hand. He looked so peaceful. His lips slightly parted. His hair rested on his forehead. He looked nothing like a mafia leader. I tried to move his hand and get up but this only made him tighten his hold on me. He placed his head in the crook of my neck and I smiled

“Xavier wake up.” he groaned

“Let me go.” I shook him a bit only to get a groan in return.

“No sleep.” He said huskily which managed to send tingles all round my body. I wanted to stay in that position but my bladder was killing me.

“I have to go to the bathroom.” He groaned but nonetheless lifted his hand. I swung my legs off the bed and went to the bathroom and did my business. I brushed my teeth and pulled my hair in a messy bun .

I got out of the bathroom and saw Xavier rubbing his eyes.

“Good morning.” He shot a lazy grin at me while walking towards me.

“How did you sleep?” I asked returning the smile.

“The best till now.” He said while grinning.

“I will go downstairs. You go and freshen up.” He nodded and made his way to the bathroom while I went downstairs.

Xavier POV

It felt so good to have her in my arms . Today I slept so peacefully without any tension. I got the folder back and also Hazel. God, I sound like a love struck puppy. Now I have to take care of Hazel so that Darren can't harm her or anyone in any way. I have to double up the security. I opened my phone and called Caleb.

“Hello, boss.” He answered the call after two rings.

“Caleb, I need you to double the security and keep an eye on Darren.” I ordered using my business tone. That’s what Sam likes to call it.

“Yes, boss.”

I ended the call and walked downstairs to the kitchen.

The smell of bacon and eggs hit me as I reached closer. There stood near the stove Hazel. She was so engrossed in working that she didn't notice my presence. I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist . She yelped but instantly calmed down when she realised that its me .

“What are you cooking?” I asked her even though I knew what she was cooking. I placed my chin on her shoulder and breathed her fruity yet fresh smell.

“Bacon.” She took two plates and served the bacon and eggs and placed them on the counter. My stomach growled and I instantly dug in.

“What are you doing today?” She questioned breaking the silence.

“I have some work to do.” She nodded her head and went to wash her plate. I finished quickly and washed mine too.

Jus as she was about to go. I took hold of her wrist and trapped her between me and the counter.

“What are you doing?” She asked nervously. Her eyes widening and brows furrowed. I smirked knowing how my presence affected her. I leaned in and placed my lips on hers.

Her lips tasted of strawberry. She started responding to me and I slipped my tongue inside her mouth and she wrapped her arms my neck. She gently tugged at my hair causing me to groan. I lifted her legs, placing her on the counter and she wrapped them around my waist. Tingles spread through my body. The kiss was full of passion. She pulled away to catch her breath and I connected our foreheads. The only sound in the kitchen was of our panting. But our little moment was disturbed by the presence of Sam.

“Woah , what do we have here?” He smirked at the scene infront of him. Hazel quickly unwrapped her legs from my waist and I glared at him.

“Way to ruin a moment asshole.” I cursed him only for him to grin like a Cheshire Cat.

“Its not my fault you guys are making out in the kitchen. Get a room but don't forget to use protection.” He advised while walking out of the kitchen. I turned to Hazel who was trying to control her laughter but couldn't. At last we were both laughing our heads off in the kitchen.