Chapter 15

Xavier POV

I stared at the beautiful girl sleeping in front of me. I pushed a strand of hair away from her face and she snuggled closer to me. I smiled at her gesture feeling my heart flutter at the action. Thank God she is fine otherwise I don't know what I would have done without her. When I saw Sam bring her that day when we were rescuing Ashley. I was scared and shocked at the same time. Her shots were flawless. She didn't miss even a single shot.

How could a person be so sweet and deadly simultaneously?

After that incident, I became more protective of her as I got to know that I could lose her. The girl I love. I love her but I don't know if I should say it to her. She will not love a Monster like me. I kill people for fun, for money. I am a monster while she is an angel.

But I am far too selfish. I can’t leave her cause leaving her has never been an option.

"Ring ! Ring! Ring!" I was pulled away from my thoughts by the ringing of my phone. I took the phone from the table beside the bed and saw that Max was calling me.

“Hello.” I answered the call.

“Come to your office." Max said from the other side.

I cut the call and slowly crept out of the room trying not to wake her up. Since Max called me it must be something serious.

I walked towards my office. Opening the door, I saw Max sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. He looked up as I entered the room.

“What is it? What do you want to say?" I strolled towards the couch and sat on it.

“You remember Darren getting a hold of that folder. Do you know who helped him?" I shook my head at his question and he sighed.

“Lucas (the guy who held Ashley hostage) deceived us. He helped Darren get that file. He even kidnapped Ashley on Darren's order. That bastard payed him fifty thousand dollars to kidnap Ashley and more fifty for that file. Darren wants to take you down so that his gang is on the top." By the time he finished talking, I was shaking with anger.

“Where is that fucking bastard?" I roared and stood up.

“He's dead.” Exclaimed Max.

“What do you mean by dead ?" I questioned. My eyebrows furrowing at his question.

“I was in the cell with him but when he said all this to me, I got mad and punched him to death." Max spat. Venom laced in his words.

"Call Caleb and tell him to keep an eye on Darren, If he finds anything suspicious then tell him to contact me or you.” Max took out his phone and dialed Caleb's number as I stormed out of the room.

I am so fucking going to kill that bastard. He wants to take down my gang. Well, we will see who takes down whose gang.

Chapter 27

"Wake up sleepyhead.” I groaned as someone jumped on my back.

“No! Let me sleep." I snuggled into the covers and pulled the pillow over my head.

"Don't tell me I didn't warn you.” I heard receding footsteps and I sighed in peace.

"SPLASH!!" I jolted awake from my bed as the cold water hit my body.

“What the hell Skylar!?” She giggled seeing my wrecked situation.

"What? It’s not my fault you didn't wake up that's why I did it. Now, get up Xavier is not home probably gone for work or something. So I decided to have a girls day out.” I glared at her as she babbled out her plans. I unlocked my phone to see it’s 11:45 am.

Damn, I slept quite a lot.

"Go, get ready ." Skylar closed the door and I got off the bed. I headed towards the bathroom and showered. I was dressed in a blue crop top that showed off my navel and black shorts.

Heading downstairs, I saw Skylar scrolling on her phone.

“Ready to go!" She jumped and clutched her chest.

“You scared me. You look good.” I smiled at her compliment.

"Thanks !" I took the car keys from the table and headed outside to the car. Ashley didn't come with us saying she had some work. I saw guards walking behind us. I stopped in my track and looking behind arching a brow.

"Why are you coming with us?" I asked as they maintained a poker face.

“Boss told us to go with you." One of the guys said.

“But I talked to Xavier. He said you guys don't need to come." I turned and got in the car before the guy could say anything else.

“Where to?" Skylar smirked and told me the address. After hearing it, I was jumping with joy.

An hour later, we stood in front of a tattoo shop. A fucking tattoo shop. I always wanted to get a tattoo but I was broke so couldn’t afford it. We entered the shop and a guy with his whole body covered in tattoos came up to us.

“Skylar Knight ?" The guy asked with his eyebrows furrowed.

“Yup." She nodded and the guy lead us to a room.

The room had a midnight blue wallpaper with a single bed, chair and a table stand. I went first and laid down on the bed.

“What do you wanna have?" Liam asked filling the needle with ink. I told him what i wanted. It didn't hurt much just a little at the beginning but I got used to it. I got my tattoo on the left side of my boob. It was of five birds flying. I loved it and decided to have another one on my wrist.

It was a heart with wings on its side and a few designs around it to make it look elegant. Skylar excitedly was watching the whole process. It looked like she was getting pierced as she winched every time it hurt me.

“It will heal within a week. Just do not touch it often and keep it clean." I smiled looking at it and nodded my head.

“Thanks! I love it." I got up and Skylar rushed to see the final work.

“It looks fucking amazing." She squealed and I covered my ears.

“Sky, calm down. My ears are going to burst.” I showed her my wrist and she squealed again.

“You got two!" I nodded and she went to lay on the bed as it was her turn. Let me tell you, I became deaf from Skylar's shouting. Two guys had to literally hold her down so that she doesn't move. But her tattoo was amazing. It was on her wrist with the word 'love' within a design. It looked great but it cost me a hearing. We payed them and left to go home after grabbing a drink from Starbucks.

"Oh my god, I can't believe I got a tattoo!” She squealed and I covered my ears with one hand as I was driving.

"Gosh, will you shut up ? I already can't hear because of your screams at the shop.” She huffed in annoyance.

"Don't blame me it was painful." I rolled my eyes and pulled on the driveway.

We entered the house and was faced by an angry Xavier with his phone in his hand.


"Where were you?" He asked with his arms crossed over his chest. I looked at Skylar while she looked at me. We looked like two kids who were caught stealing chocolates as we opened and closed our mouth like a fish trying to come up with an excuse.

“We were just hanging out." Skylar stated with much confidence.

"Hanging out. HANGING OUT!? You could have taken the guards with you!” He roared and l flinched. His veins popping out from his neck and he looked as hot as ever. I watched as he closed his eyes and took deep breaths to calm himself.

“Sorry, we didn't want the guards to come with us. Next time, we will take them with us." I explained. My throat turning dry with each passing moment. He nodded and Skylar and I visibly relaxed.

Xavier was scary when he was mad.

"Where did you go?" We smirked and showed him our wrists. His eyes widened seeing our tattoos.

“You both got tattoos.” His voice sounding shocked and excited simultaneously. I smiled and nodded my head.

“By the way, I got two." I lifted my top and showed him the tattoo beside my left boob. His eyes darkened and he licked his lips. I watched him confusedly but realised that he liked the view. I blushed and pulled the top down. He looked away instantly.

“I will go and change." I cleared my throat and saw him smirk. I was about to go when he wrapped his arms around my waist pulled me to his chest.

“Not so soon." I could feel his boner against the back of my thigh and blushed. I turned around and faced him. My gaze went to his lips and I involuntarily licked my lips. He crashed his lips onto mine. Instantly, my hands went round his neck and tugged on his hair He groaned and bit my lip seeking entrance. I gladly accepted it and he slipped his tongue inside my mouth. Electricity shot through me as our tongues danced together. Soon enough, we pulled away gasping for air.

“I can't get enough of you.” His voice husky from all the kissing. I gave him a last peck and went to our room. His words making me smile like a maniac.

After showering, we all ate pizza and were now watching a movie. Most of them were asleep. Max and Skylar were cuddling. Michael went to his room as he was sleepy and Ashley was sleeping with her head on Sam's shoulder and Sam's head was on top of her. They looked so cute together. Xavier turned the TV off and carried me up as I was too tired to walk. He entered the room and closed the door with his feet. He pulled the covers over us and turned the lights off.

“Goodnight." I hummed in response and fell into a deep slumber with Xavier's arms wrapped around me.