Chapter 21

I woke up the next morning to feathery kisses being trailed from my jaw to my neck. I opened my eyes to see Xavier looking at me.

“Good morning." I greeted and rubbed the sleep off my eyes.

“Good Morning." He replied as he pecked my lips. I got off the bed wrapping the blanket around my body.

“How was last night?" He suggestively asked with a smirk on his face. It was amazing but I wouldn’t say that considering it would only boost his ego.

“It was alright. I will give it a seven out of ten." He sat upright with his eyes as wide as saucepans and yelled.

“A seven out of ten!?” I bit my lip in order to stop myself from laughing at his reaction.

“Well, you need to have more energy." I informed and the side of my lips twitched up. He narrowed his eyes and walked towards me.