10. Attack!

Julius stood there adrenaline rushing through his veins and a throbbing pain in his chest that he was pushing down . For he stood before one of the most dangerous humans he had ever come to know. Mathias Jackson. A human who had single handedly taken out a vampire elder in combat. And that made him solely the biggest threat to vampire kind.

"What I am doing here is no concern of yours Mathias" Julius growled under his breath waiting for him to make his move. Knowing one mistake could be his last, and in a quick instant at that.

"It is somewhat my business. How? You may be thinking to yourself young vampy. Well it is my business because I plan on burning this family down and if you have a hand in this family, well I will have to burn you down with them"

As soon as those words hit his ears he froze some in place. They were in danger. And he stood before the one main threat there was. And he was dumb enough to try something.

"How many of you lunatics are there, to attack vampires at night?" He asked slowly weighing his options as he kept his ears open to make sure he had some form of chance against the hunter and his flunkies. "And how many do you wish to lose tonight?"

"I have brought more than enough to handle you and a few high ranking Vamps. Now what do you say about having a dance to see who still has more skill. Me or you." Mathias spoke tauntingly as he slowly drew his blade. "And don't worry. I will make sure none of my men bother us in our little fight."

Griping his knife tighter he placed his hand over his knife as he muttered a small incantation under his breath as his blade slowly grew to about three foot in length as he took a step back taking a haphazard stance.

"I am pretty sure I am going to win this one Mathias. So you better send those junkies home before they join you in the grave!" Julius yelled out as he made a horizontal strike at Mathias.

Angelica was running back to her family manor listening to Julius call out from behind her. Running until she came face to face with a wall of fire. Her eyes widening she took a few steps as she watched the only home she had known burn in the blazes.

Standing there in stunned silence she couldn't move, couldn't think. She just stood and watched as the fire rapidly grew larger as it began to eat at the night surrounding it. Tears slowly welled up in her eyes as she felt a set of hands grab her and bring her back to reality.

"We have to get out of here Angelica!" The voice of Drevan rang out dragging her back to reality as she quickly looked to him. Drevan was covered in burns and cuts and his breathing was heavy as he looked at her with worry in his eyes.

"Drevan..What's happening" She asked slowly as she was rushed to a clearing nearby where her mother stood amongst a group. All of them looking exhausted and worried as they kept their eyes peeled on their surroundings for their attackers.

"We are being attacked by hunters. And they are really fucking good at their job" Drevan spoke angrily as he closed the distance between them and the group. "We have to get out of here and quick before the sun rises."

Glancing to the sky she found it odd how the moon could still be so high in the sky if day was on the brink.

"Because they want to erase our kind from the face of the planet..all because of what others of our kind have done to humans." Drevan spoke slowly in response before looking back to the burning manner. The grief in his eyes made her heart swell with sadness. And she was powerless to do anything.

Getting closer to the group Angelica split from Drevan and ran to her mother wrapping her arms around her in a hug.

Jadamine looked down at her daughter with worry in her eyes before quickly hugging her back and holding her close as she looked around keeping her ears peeled for any of their assailants. That was when she heard the clashing of steel upon steel ring out from the distance .

"Angelica. Where is Julius?" Jadamine asked in a hurried tone as she feared the sound of the steel already answered her question. Oh how she thought that man was a fool.

"He..he held off the hunters while I got away to get help..I don't know how many he is fighting, but he is doing so alone" Angelica spoke softly as she looked up at her mother with tears in her eyes. "Is he going to die?"

"Not if we can help it" she responded as she turned her gaze to the group surrounding her and her daughter. "The sun will be rising soon. It will be best if all of you find someplace to hide for the time being. Somewhere where you will all be safe. Until we can move into our new home. Drevan go help Julius and make sure he gets out of this alive"

Nodding Drevan ran off towards the sounds of metal clashing as those around her began to mutter incantations under their breath as each one vanished into the night eventually leaving her and Angelica there alone.

Hearing rustling from behind she quickly turned around to see an older looking man with a scythe of pure silver over his shoulders as he stared her down with cold eyes of smoldering rage.

Keeping Angelica behind her she stared at the man as her nails slowly grew into claws as she stared the man down. "Why have you done this?!" she yelled at the man out of anger and out of desperation as she prepared to fight him.

"Because..your kind deserve a swift and quick demise..before being sent down to the slow and torturous eternal suffering you will be facing down in hell" The man spoke softly as he spun his scythe around and took a readied stance prepared to leap at her.

At this point she didn't care about her own life. She had lived long enough to mother a beautiful child..one who would be taking the hand of a man who belonged to the only clan she would even come close to seeing as friends. While he fought to help her family, she was going to fight to buy him time to escape as well. Or she would die trying.