23. Days Later

Julius lay asleep on the floor of his office breathing calmly in the silence. His room was filled with blood stained glasses, and crumbled up cigars that laid scattered around him. A knock at his door made him jump out of his skin as he sat up rubbing his forehead as he looked to his door. "Who is it?" he asked in a dry tone as he slowly got up out of the floor and stretched in place.

"Its Drevan!" The familiar voice called out from the other side of the door. "May I come in?" Looking around at the mess that was his office, that wasn't seeming like it was such a good idea. Making one last stretch Julius made his way out of his office and closing the door behind him as he quickly glanced to Drevan.

"Something the matter Drevan?" Julius asked once he was out of his room. Julius could see why he was one of the vampires chosen to be around Angelica all the time, based off of the talks he has had with the young vampire.