28. The Morave coup d'etat Part 1

Standing at the top of the stairs watching her family be targeted. Targeted by members of a family she was told she could trust. Watching in Angelica had not clue what to do as panic raced through her body as the ring of blades being drawn called from behind her. Turning around she saw two males standing there with blades aimed at her. Backing up, she couldn't move far before she found herself stopped by the railings as she watched the two men advance towards her. As panic continued to race through her mind she tried to figure out what it was that she could do to defend herself.

One of the men lunged right at her before almost as swiftly he had began making his movements he found himself laying on the ground blood staining the floor beneath him soon after. Watching in horror Angelica looked to see who had struck the man down, but before her eyes could land on the culprit the other was cut down just as swiftly his head rolling on the ground just next to his body.