40. Secrets of The Outside

Julian walked away from his brother having soothed the worries that were evident about him. Rubbing the back of his head, he wished there was more that could have been said to help the uncertainties that he faced. But in all honesty. There was a good bit that he was even uncertain about. Like the true nature of humans.

Taking a deep breath, Julian walked to one of the few places within the manor that he truly felt at peace. Which was the training room.

It was the only place he could release his frustrations without doing any real damage to someone. It was also a calming place to think.

At least that's what he thought.

He began to stretch out his limbs and muscles as he walked towards the room. It'd been almost two months since he'd done any form of training. He liked the solitude in the training room. Even if there was another in there, they wouldn't bother each other and just keep going on with their own routines.