Chapter 11: Tropical Siege Part 3

While Linel and the others are in the middle of their sabotaging mission, the rest of class two are taking shifts on guard duty.

Roc and Lokki, who's in the middle of their shift are on top of the tower surveying the area while having a friendly chat with one another.

"Hey Roc! Do you have any plans for sembreak?"

Lokki asked out of curiosity.

Roc honestly answers him.

"Not really man! Just go home and spend time with my family."

Lokki, who seemed to be shocked by Roc's answer, reacts exaggeratedly.


"Yeah man! Seriously!"

Roc said in confirmation.

"I-I thought you were a badass! Pfft*"

Lokki said while trying to stop his laughter.

Roc explains himself.

"Look man! I am a badass but if I don't go home during sembreak, my dad will arrest me and that will seriously suck!"

Lokki, who seemed to calm down, asked Roc a question.

"Your dad will arrest you?"

Roc answers his question.

"He's a cop man! A freaking S.B.I cop!"

"A cop?? Pfft*"

Lokki reacted while trying his best to stop himself from laughing.

Roc tries to explain himself again.

"I know how it looks man. Me! A badass and my dad's a cop. It's just cruel man!"

Lokki couldn't control himself anymore and burst into laughter.


Roc who's angry at Lokki, demands an explanation.

"What the hell does that mean?!"

Lokki calms himself down and answers his question.

"It means why a "badass" like you doesn't cause trouble and obeys school rules."

Roc explains himself once again.

"Of course I obey school rules and keep out of trouble! If we don't, that crazy bitch will torture us and hell, no ones to be tortured by her!"

(Note: When Roc mentioned "crazy bitch", he was referring to Queen Avalanche the student council president.)

"Whatever you say"badass". Pfft*"

Lokki said sarcastically while trying to stop his laugh.

Roc refutes him.

"Shut up man! As if you're not scared of that crazy bitch as well!"

"Well that's true, at least I wasn't pretending to be a "badass"."

Lokki said mockingly.

"What the hell man!? Do you wanna fight!"

Roc shouted in anger like a delinquent and grabs Lokki's collar.

Lokki realizes that he went overboard and apologizes.

"Hey! I'm sorry! Please calm down!"

Roc answers him angrily.

"How the hell do you expect me to calm down when you pissed me off man?

Lokki tries to convince Roc to calm down.

"Hey look! We're on top of a twelve-foot tower okay! If we both fall off, we could, I don't know? Die maybe?"

"As if we can die man! We have barriers remember?"

Roc points out.


Lokki said in realization.

"Now get the hell out of my tower!"

Roc shouted and tries to push Lokki off the tower.

"When was this your tower?"

Lokki refuted Roc and tries to push him back.

"Now man!"

Roc said and put more force into his push.

"Hey! I was the one who build this thing! Technically it's mine!"

Lokki shouted and tries his best to push Roc.

"Who cares man! I claimed it first!"

Roc shouted.

Lokki shouted back at Roc.

"Then I claim it now!"

"I was first man! It's man!" (Roc)

"I was the one who build it so it's mine!" (Lokki)

While the two are having their childish squabble while trying to push each other off the tower, one of the mines that is surrounding the base explodes.


The two stops what they were doing, went to a crouching position and reacts to the explosion.

"What the hell was that man?" (Roc)

"Is that what I think it is?" (Lokki)

Lokki takes out a binoculars with a thermal vision function that Linel and Zack found earlier and surveys the area outside the walls.

"Oh my god!"

Lokki said in shock

Roc who is curious on what Lokki saw asks about it.

"What do you see man?"

Lokki answers him while looking around.

"There are four groups of five people from different directions all around us."

"What else man?"

Roc asked.

Lokki switches the vision into night vision.

After that, he zooms in to the group from the front gate direction and answers Roc's question.

"Uh... They have weapons?"

Roc heard that, he picks up the ABR-16 (A type of an assault rifle) that Linel and Zack found earlier that is leaning on the wooden wall and point it towards the group that is on the direction of the front gate.

After that, he positions himself, put his right eye on the scope, unlocks the safety and put his finger on the trigger.

"Hey! What do you thing you're doing?"

Lokki asked.

"What do you think that looks like what I'm doing? I'm attacking them first before they attack us man!"

Roc answered Lokki like he's stating the obvious and slightly pulls the trigger.

Before Roc was able pull the trigger completely, Kana climbs up to the top of the tower and push both of them away.

"Hey man! What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Roc who seemed to be displeased by Kana's action asked.

Kana answers them with her usual serious expression.

"If you shoot, they will shoot back."

Roc refutes her.

"So what if they shoot back! They will attack anyways man!"

Kana ignores Roc's refute, took out her cell phone and fidgets with it.

Lokki, who seems to understand what Kana is trying to say, speaks up.

"Look Roc, Kana has a point. If you go gung-ho right now and they fire back at us, we have nowhere to run!"

"So what man? You scared now?"

Roc talks back at Lokki.

Lokki refutes him.

"I'm not scared! I'm just being realistic okay!"

"Realistic my ass! You're just scared man!"

Roc pointed out.

Lokki refutes him again.

"I told you, I'm not scared."

Suddenly, Kana puts away her cell phone and takes out a stun gun.

The two noticed her strange actions and asks about it.

"Hey! What are you doing?" (Lokki)

"What the hell is that for man?" (Roc)

Kana didn't answered their question and zaps Roc with the stun gun.


Before Roc was able to scream, Kana covers his mouth.


After few seconds, Roc collapses and Kana picks up the beam rifle that he dropped.

Lokki, who's terrified and surprised at the same time, bombards her with questions.

"How did you do that? Why did you do that? Are you a spy? Who do you w-"

Before Lokki was able to ask another question, Kana interrupts him.

"One more question and you're next."

Kana takes out her cell phone.

"Yes mam..."

Lokki said like an obedient child.

After that, Kana makes a phone call.

"We need back up. We are under attack."

(Linel's side)

"What do you mean we're under attack?"

"Four groups from different classes are currently surrounding the base."

"F-four groups?? Seriously??"


"What should we do then?"

"You figure it out."


"Time is running out."


Toot* Toot*

She hanged up...

"So? What's the matter?"

I look towards the person who said that, and it was Ace.

I didn't noticed that she was here already.

Actually, everyone is here already.

They must have arrived when I was talking to Kana.

I answer Ace.

"Well... Apparently our base is surrounded by enemies from four different classes."

"I see... So what should we do then?"

Ace responded calmly.

I answer her.

"That's the question I want to ask."

"You're the leader! You do the thinking."

Ace back talked me.

I look towards Wren if she has any ideas.

All of a sudden, her face turns red and answers me bashfully.

"D-don't ask me weirdo!"

After that, she did her trade mark...


And looks away afterwards.

Is she still angry on what I did to her earlier?

How about Maple?

I look at Maple and she answers me like a mafia boss.

"Let's own those bitches!"

After that, she cocks her Beam rifle with an evil grin on her face.


As expected, I won't get any answers from her.

Suddenly, my cell phone rings.

Ring* Ring*

I answer the call.

It's Kana.

"Hurry. The sentry guns won't hold them off any longer."

Boom* Kaboosh* Ratatata*

Toot* Toot*

She hanged up...

Judging by the sound of explosions and gun fire, they already started their attack...

Wait a minute!

Sentry guns holding them off?

As I recall, there's a gap between the walls and the land mines which is the firing range of the sentry guns.

I have an idea!

I discuss the plan to drive off the enemies.