Chapter 12: Tropical Siege Part Finale

(Class 1 siege)

There are three people who are guarding the base.

One of them is on top of the tower looking out for enemies and the other one is guarding the entrance to the base while the last one is patrolling around the base.

A girl with semi long light purple hair whose bang is covering the right eye comes out from nowhere and calmly walks towards the entrance.

The boy who's guarding the entrance got startled by her and points his assault rifle at her.

Before he was able to pull the trigger, the girl with light purple hair quickly synthesize an ice needle and throws it into the gun's muzzle before he was able to pull the trigger.

Pew* Clank*

As a result, he's gun ended up being jammed.

Click* Click*

The boy throws his gun away and draw his plasma saber.

Pshooo* Voom*

Before he was able to execute a slashes, the girl with light purple hair quickly synthesize water and splashes him with it.


As soon as the water hits the boy, she freezes the water by synthesizing liquid nitrogen.


The boy is now immobile because his whole body is covered in ice.

Soon after, his barrier shatters and the ice dissolves.

A repairbot who's hovering the area, picks the boy up and flies off.

The girl who was patrolling the base and the boy who's on the tower saw their comrade being carried away by a repairbot.

Both of them became vigilant.

The boy who's on the tower points his sniper rifle at the entrance waiting for someone to pop out while the patrolling girl run towards a wooden cottage near the entrance, hides behind it and draws her weapon which is a twin Beam Pistol.

Both of them wait for the intruder or intruders since they don't know how many they to show up are.

Suddenly, the girl with light purple hair jumps over the wooden wall that's at the right side of the entrance and quickly synthesize dozens of ice shards that resembles broken glass and throws it towards the boy on the tower using brainwave manipulation.

Pew* Pew*

The boy took cover by ducking and the ice shards end up missing their target.

The girl with light purple hair anticipated this would happen since she only did that to distract him.

Suddenly, the girl with the twin Beam Pistols jumps out from her hiding spot and shoots the girl with light purple hair.

Cheew* Cheew*

The girl with light purple hair reflexively dodges her shots by executing a cartwheel.

The girl with the twin Beam Pistol didn't stop there and continue shooting her.

Chew* Chew* Chew* Chew* Chew*

No matter how many times she shoots her, the girl with light purple hair skillfully dodges her shots by jumping around like an acrobat.

Chew* Chew* Chew* Chew*

The boy on the tower regains his composure after hearing his comrade’s gun shots and joins in the fight.


The boy on the tower was able to hit her but the girl with purple hair quickly recovers, synthesize a wall of ice and takes cover.


The boy on the tower and the girl with the twin Beam Pistol tries to break the wall of ice by bombarding it with gunshots.

Bang* Cheew* Cheew* Bang* Cheew* Cheew*

The boy on the tower got tired of using his gun and switches to atomic synthesis.

Boosh* Boom* Boosh* Boom* (Fire bolt)

While the girl point her gun at the ice wall in a cross fashion and charges the barrels with electricity using atomic synthesis.


After that, she fires both of her guns simultaneously.


A large bluish laser was discharge from the gun and hits the wall of ice making a huge dent.

They didn't stop there and continue their attacks.

While the boy on the tower is concentrating on breaking the wall of ice, a girl with long green hair jumps on the tower using brainwave manipulation.

She suddenly apologizes.

"I'm sorry for this..."

Before the boy was able turn towards her, the girl with green hair use brainwaves to create shock waves that pushes him off the tower.

Creek* Bam*

The force of the shockwave was so strong that he wasn't only pushed off the tower but he was also pushed out of the base.

The girl twin Beam Pistol notices her comrade screaming, stops her attack and turn towards the tower.

As she did, she saw the girl with green long hair carrying their class flag.

She aim her Twin Beam Pistol at her.

Before she was able to pull the trigger, the girl with light purple hair splashes her with water and freeze her using atomic synthesis.

Splash* Ching*

Her body is frozen solid and her barrier shatters.


Soon after, the ice dissolves and a repairbot carries the girl away.

The girl with green hair climbs down the tower and girl with light purple hair approaches her.

"Good job Aeris!"

She said with a smile on her face.

"You deserve all the credit Ace. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have been able to sneak into the tower."

Aeris responded in a modest manner.

"You know... You don't have to be modest all the time."

"Well... That's just who I am."

"If you keep that up, you'll never have a boyfriend."

"I wasn't planning on having one so it's okay."

"Not even Linel?"

As Aeris heard that, her thoughts started to flutter on that matter.

Ace taps on Aeris shoulder to wake her up.

"Come on! We better move!"

Ace walks away.

"Ah! Yes!"

And Aeris follows her in pursuit.

(Class 3 siege)

There are three people guarding the base.

One of them is patrolling around and the two of them is on top of the tower looking out for enemies.

Suddenly, a girl with red twin tail hair who's holding an orange plasma saber jumps right in the middle of the base.

Before the two on the tower was able to point their guns at her, she synthesize multiple fire bolts and launches them.


The fire bolts hit the the top of the tower where the two is and soon after, the top is covered with smoke.

The boy who's on patrol heard the explosion and rushes towards the scene.

As he arrive, he saw the girl with red twin tails.

He attempts to point his Assault rifle at her but before he was able to do so, the girl with red twin tails rushes towards him and execute an upward slash which send the boy up in the air.

Voom* Tsk*

As he was in midair, the girl with red twin tails synthesize dozens of fire bolts above him and let it all pour down on him.

Boosh* Boosh* Boosh* Boosh* Boosh* Boom*

The boy crashes down towards the ground because of the impact of the explosion.


He's the impact of his crash was so hard that it created a crater.

Soon after, his barrier shatters and a repair bot who was hovering around the are picks him up and carries him away.

After the coast is clear, a boy with spiky blond hair enters the base looking tired.

The girl with red twin tails saw the boy with spiky blond hair and commands him.

"Get the flag!"

The boy responds lazily.

"Yeah yeah!"

After that, he approach the tower and climbs up.

As he was on top of the tower, he saw the flag at the center and two unconscious people lying on the ground.

He pick the flag up and make his way down.

As he arrive at the surface, he saw the girl with red twin tails walking towards the entrance.

The boy with spiky mumbles in complain.

"At least wait for me man!"

The boy walk towards the entrance.

As he was walking, one of the guards on the tower woke up and point his sniper rifle at the boy with spiky hair.

He pulls the trigger.


Since his vision was hazy, he wasn't able to aim properly and he end up shooting the boy with spiky blond hair's butt.

The boy with spiky blond hair fall towards the ground because of the impact.

He quickly stood back up, look at the shooter and complains.

"Aw! What the hell man! You shot my ass!"

Although he didn't feel any pain because of the barrier, he just had to complain.

The shooter ignore him and pulls the trigger again.


Since the boy with spiky blond hair was able to predict that, he was able to dodge the shot.

After that, he run towards a nearby building and hides behind it while his back is leaning on the wall.

While he was hiding behind the building, he unlocks the safety of his MBP 16 and prepares to shoot.

He quickly makes 180 degree turn which puts him out in the open, quickly point his gun at the shooter and pulls the trigger.


The shooter's barrier was slightly damage.

Before the shooter was able to retaliate, he quickly hides behind the building.

The shooter pulls the trigger hoping that he will be able to hit him before he completely return to his hiding spot.


He missed.

After that, the boy with spiky blond hair execute a 180 degrees turn which puts him out in the open again and shoots.


The shooters barrier was slightly damage.

After that, the boy with spiky blond hair quickly hides behind the building.

The shooter pulls the trigger hoping that he will be able get him but he missed again.


This exchange continued until the girl with red twin tails interfere by synthesizing countless fire bolts above the tower and makes it rain down.

Boooooooooooooooooooosh* Boom*

The tower is engulfed in flames.

A two hovering repairbots grabs the unconscious two on the tower whose body is covered in smoke and carries them away.

"Don't just stand there you moron! We don't have all day!"

The girl with red twin tails called out towards the boy with spiky blond hair.

The boy with spiky hair grumbles to himself.

"At least show some concern man! I got my ass shot after all!"

The girl with red twin tails shouts.


"Yeah yeah!"

The boy with spiky blond hair said and walks towards the entrance.

(Class 5 siege)

There are three people guarding the base.

One of them is patrolling around while the two of them is guarding the entrance.

"Wait! Maple!"

Suddenly, a boy with black wavy hair stumbles out of a bush and lands right on front of the two guards.



The two guards quickly point their guns at him.

The boy with black wavy hair slowly stands up and greets them.

"Um... Ha ha ha... Hi!"

They slightly squeeze the trigger which made the boy with black wavy hair raise up his hand like he was being hold up.

"Ah! Wait! Can we just talk this out like civilize men?"

They pull the trigger.

Ratatatata* Ratatata*


The boy with wavy hair screams in shock and runs back right into the bush where he stumble out from.

The two guards point their guns at the bush and pulls the trigger.

Ratatatata* Ratatata* Ratatata* Ratatata* Ratatata* Ratatata*

The guard who's on patrol duty heard the gunshots and rush towards the scene.

As she arrived, she saw her two comrades bombarding a bush with gun shots.

Ratatata* Ratatata* Ratatata* Ratatata* Ratatata* Ratatata* Ratatata*

Since she doesn't know why they're shooting the bush for, she ask the about it.


"There's a rat from class 2."

One of the guards answered her.

Since she couldn't hear him because of the gunshots, she ask again.


One of the guards repeats himself.

"I said there's a rat from class 2!"




Before he was able to finish his sentence, he was interrupted by his comrade.

Because of that, the shooting has stop.

After that, one of the guard approaches the bush and checks it with his gun.

Rustle* Rustle*

As he did, he found out that the boy with black wavy hair isn't there.

"Where is he!?"

One of the guard shouted.

"He must have fled into the forest."

The other guard responded to him.

The girl who was on patrol duty doesn't what's going on so she ask.

"Can anyone please tell me what the hell is going on?"

They both ignored her.

"Let's search the area!"

"Roger that!"


The girl shouted in complain.

The two guards left the girl and walk towards the forest.

As they are about to enter the forest, one of the guard turn towards the girl.

"Oh! And Risa, go back to the base and guard the flag."

"What!? You want me to guard the base alone!?"

The guard ignores her and enters the forest.

The other guard gives his regards.

"Good luck with that!"

After that, he enters the forest.

"Hey! Don't leave me here!"

No matter how much she complain, it was to no avail since the two guards won't listen to her.

"Sigh* Boys!"

The girl reluctantly goes back to the base and climbs up the tower.

As she was on top of the tower, she picks up the sniper rifle that's lying on the ground, unlocks the safety and look out for enemies using the scope.

She mumbles to herself.

"Sheesh! I swear when those two come back, they'll have an earful"

As she was surveying the area, she noticed a bluish green glowing object approaching her.

"What the heck is that?"

She asked herself.

She adjust the scope to zoom in a little bit closer.

As she did, she recognize the mysterious flying object.

"That's a-"

Before she complete her sentence, she attempts to shoot the object down.

Bang* Pew*

The object dodges the shot in midair like it was alive.

She tries to shoot the object down a second time.

Bang* Boom*

She successfully shoot the object and it exploded into a million pieces.

She take a look to see if the object is gone for good.

As she did, she saw broken parts of a Plasma Dagger scattered on the ground.

As she saw that, she sighs in relief.


But her relief is only temporarily since three Plasma Daggers appeared from out of nowhere and their heading towards her.

She quickly aim her sniper rifle at the Plasma Dagger nearest to her and pulls the trigger.

Bang* Boom*

She successfully hit the Plasma Dagger and it exploded into million pieces.

She attempt to hit the other flying Plasma Daggers.

Bang* Bang* Bang*

No matter how much she try to shoot them, her shots keep on missing because the Plasma Daggers are moving around like they were dancing.

She got frustrated from missing and throws the sniper rifle away.

"Ah! Damn it!"

After that, she quickly picks up the ABR- 16 that's lying on the ground, unlocks the safety and shoots the flying Plasma Daggers.

"Eat this!"

Chuchuchuchuw* Chuchuchuchuw* Chuchuchuchuw*

While she was busy trying to shoot the Plasma Daggers down, a boy with black wavy hair sneaks behind her.

As he was near her, he push her off the tower.


The girl falls off the tower and hits the ground face front.


Thanks to the barrier, her bones weren't broken nor did she feel any pain though she was shock on what happened.

Before she was able to get up, the flying Plasma Daggers stabs her at the back.

Voom* Voom* Tsk*

The attack wasn't enough to shatter her barrier and they were repelled backwards.

The two Plasma Daggers flies up in midair and attempts to stab her again.

Voom* Voom* Tsk*

The girl rolls over and the flying Plasma Daggers and end up stabbing the ground.

The girl took advantage of the situation and point her hand at one of the Plasma Daggers.

As she did, electricity starts forming at the palm of her hand.

Soon after, a lightning bolt shoots out from her hand and hits the Plasma Dagger and it exploded to million pieces.

Bzzzzt* Boom*

Since the two daggers are close to each other, the explosion engulfed the other Plasma Dagger and it exploded as well.


After that, she turn her towards the top of the tower where the boy with wavy black hair is standing at holding their class flag with his right hand.

The boy with black wavy hair noticed her and apologize.

"Ha ha ha... Sorry about that!"

The girl got angry with that and synthesize a fire bolt.

Boosh* Boom*

The fire bolt hit the top of the tower and exploded.

The boy with black wavy hair was able to dodge that attack by recklessly jumping off the tower.

Since his athletic ability wasn't that amazing, he crashed to the ground instead landing on his two feet.


The girl saw that and rushes towards him.

As she was near him, she steps on his back and points her right hand at him.

"This is for pushing me off the tower!"

She said to him angrily.

The boy with black wavy hair screams for help.


"What! There's another one??"

The girl asked.

Suddenly, a blue particle beam hits the girl's head

Pshoo* Boom*

Her barrier shatters and her face is covered in smoke while her hair is messed up.

A repairbot who was hovering the area picks the girl up and carries her away.

The boys slowly stood up.

After that, he shouts.


He run towards the entrance.

Before he was able to reach the entrance, the two guards who were searching the forest came back and point their guns at the boy with wavy black hair.

The boy with black wavy instinctively drop the flag on the ground and raises his hand like he was being hold up.

"Uh... Hi again?"

The two guards didn't hesitate to pull the trigger.

Ratatatata* Ratatatata* Ratatatata* Ratatatata*

The boy runs away screaming.


Suddenly, two blue particle beams hits the guards.

Pshooo* Pshooo* Boom*

Their barrier shatters.

Two repairbot that's hovering around the area picks them up and carries them away.

The boy collapse on the ground and sighs in relief.


Suddenly, he heard laughter.


The boy with black wavy hair shouts in protest.

"Hey! Quit laughing! I acted as a distraction for you! You know!"

He was ignored.


The boy with black wavy gave up on protesting, walk towards the flag, picked it up and head towards the entrance of the base.

(Class 6 siege)

There are three guard at the top of the tower.

Two of them are armed with assault rifles and one of them is armed with a sniper rifle.

The three of them are surveying the area for enemies.

Suddenly, a boy wearing a bonnet runs towards the tower from the entrance.

The three of them tries to shoot him down.

Ratatata* Ratatata* Bang* Ratatata* Ratatata* Bang*

Since he was so fast, all their shots misses smashes into the tower.

"Oaf* Dude!"

The impact was so hard that it shook the tower.


All of a sudden, the tower started tilting.


Because of that, the guards up on the tower lost balance.

Soon after, the tower falls down like a bowling pin while the boy wearing a bonnet is still stuck on it.

Creek* Bam*

The three guards who fall of the tower slowly stood up, pick up their weapons and approach the bonnet wearing boy.

Suddenly, a tall beautiful boy with semi long hair who was hiding at nearby building all this time, comes out and quickly approach the three from behind.

He then gropes two of their butts and whispers to them playfully.

"Hey there little kittens! Do you wanna play?"

The three guard they felt a cold chill coming down from their spines.

The three of them violently turn towards the beautiful boy.

As they did, the beautiful boy is nowhere to be seen.

All of a sudden, they heard someone talking playfully from their behind.

"I'm right here!"

They violently turn towards his direction.

As they did, he wasn't there.

Then again, they heard him talking from behind.


And again, they violently turn towards his direction but he was nowhere to be seen.

This continue for a while till they got fed up and decided to turn towards different directions.

As they did, one them saw the beautiful boy on front of him.

The beautiful boy is holding a Plasma Saber with a green blade at his left hand.

"Alright little kittens! Play time is over!"

The beautiful boy crouches while positioning his Plasma Saber at his back horizontally.

After that, he covers the Blade of his Plasma Saber with air using atomic synthesis and swings it while executing a spin.


A whirlwind was formed around the boy and three guards were sent flying out of the base.

After that, he approaches the bonnet wearing boy who's still stuck on top of the tower and is now asleep.

"Choaaack* Shuuuuuu* Choaaaack* Shuuuuuu*"

He tries to wake him up by gently blowing at his right ear.

(Forest on the way to class 2 base)

Coincidentally, the four pairs who went on a siege mission met each other in the forest.

The four pair decided to walk back together to their base.

While they are walking, Maple noticed that Zack, Lokki, Roc and Aeris are carrying the class flag.

She somehow got envious and grabs hold of Roc's flag.


Out of competitiveness, Roc refuses Maple.

"Get your own flag man! This is mine!"

She tries to pull the flag away from Roc.


"Let go damn it!"


Roc and Maple end up playing tag of war.

Aeris who wants to stop them, approaches Maple and hands over her flag.

"Here you go Maple. You can have mine."

Maple quickly grabs Aeris flag and screams in joy.


Everyone except for Wren sighs in relief.

After that, they continued their journey towards their base.