The boy analyzed the situation as quickly as possible before the dragon made a move, as some soldiers had explained, a Greater Dragon is known for its great power and ability to fight against various types of enemies, if it had to attack everything should be fine calculated and avoid mistakes that gave the enemy advantages. Seeing Alexandra with her armor but with three red rings never seen before he assumed that the dragon was enslaving her with some kind of magical and powerful artifact of the dragons.
"[Free Alexandra you cursed dragon!]" He demanded avoiding trembling in front of the dragon "[Alexandra will save you]"
This had been something interesting and revealing for Ssaull, it was not expected that someone nervous and scared would threaten him like that, he and the girl exchanged glances with the dragon showing his smile to annoy the girl a bit.
"[Don't even think about it]" Alexandra said.
"[You didn't tell me you already had a naughty boyfriend]" the dragon commented with a mocking tone.
"[Boyfriend?]" She looks confused at the dragon.
"[We are not dating!]" The boy's reaction was even more amusing for the dragon to notice that he was embarrassed.
"[Someone explains!]" Demands the girl.
"[Ah yes, well a boyfriend or girlfriend tells the person who is your romantic partner, who is supposed to love and special care for you. At least that's how I understood it when they explained these concepts to me, humans]"
"[Isn't that a reproductive pair?]" She replied already understanding a little.
"[Yes or at least more or less, it is like that but with more steps and it does not necessarily have to reach the reproduction with the couple]"
"[And what is the purpose of a boyfriend then?]" She looks at the dragon believing that even he should not understand that human concept.
"[Well it's supposed to be nice to have someone to count on and trust without needing to reproduce. Seriously, you humans are more difficult to understand than a three-tailed rinoux]"
Marcus sees an opportunity in this ridiculous conversation and shoots the dragon by the neck since there were no bones to protect it and it would be a perfect lethal wound to finish him off, the dragon with a quick movement of its tail deflects the bullet towards the wall without needing to see her while she continued talking with Alexandra about the usefulness of the boyfriend concept. The boy fires several shots diverting the trajectory a little to other exposed parts of the dragon, he hoped that the enemy could not divert them all, but the dragon as if this was nothing, manages to block the bullets and even caught one that went directly to his eyes with a hand.
"[Friend unless your bullets are enough to explode a kinowix armor, you will never hurt me with that pistol]" the dragon now looked at the human showing quiet confidence, this was terrifying, the Greater Dragon if they were dangerous enemies, but Alexandra was in danger and he could not fail her, she had already suffered enough and she would not allow that girl to suffer more.
"[Here!]" Marcus throws the gun at the dragon who catches him I don't understand the human's move, the young man takes advantage of that second to jump and grab him "[Alexandra runs, runs and looks for the boss, he will keep you safe]" he said trying to hold back the dragon.
"[Aww how cute, the boy sacrifices himself to save his girlfriend]" the dragon laughs a little at the pathetic of the boy's actions.
Alexandra punches the dragon on the jaw so that he would not make fun of her friend or rather ex-friend for what she was about to do she was going to lose it and she knew it.
"Marcus I'm sorry for what I'm going to do," she said in English as an act of respect for him and a way of saying goodbye to her own culture.
She hits the boy hard causing him to faint, she gently lays him on the ground, he was a good boy and from what she saw of him was a great fighting spirit, even knowing if he was not going to win he was going to give everything for protecting her, it made her happy to know that someone would be willing to help her. Alexandra apologizes in whispers for what she was doing, but she made a decision and would stick with that, the blue dragon suggested that she say goodbye with a kiss on the cheek so that it doesn't hurt the boy so much to what she asks what it was a kiss, Ssaull advised him to talk to Rophttys about love, kisses and sentimental human things since she had a better understanding of those topics than he did. Before leaving, the girl sees the boy's handkerchief around his neck, she steals it wanting a memory of him, since she met him and the little they lived she would treasure it a lot in her memory, he was her first human friend and the good boy who gave her. He helped her to better understand everything in her world and she was patient with her, if she could, I wish they could go everywhere together.
"Come on, damn it, I knew I had to stay with them," said the greenish skeletal dragon walking from side to side with binoculars watching the entrance to the camp and not being able to see signs of Ssaull or Alexandra.
She had arrived at Ssaull's mobile tent and made sure to stay within the circle so that she remained invisible in the eyes of everyone, but she wanted to go where those two warriors were to help them and make sure they were okay.
"Ssaull if you die I swear that not even Desthy will save you from my fury and I will chase you from death to kill you"
The female sees how the camp begins to deploy special speakers to emit sounds, she could only think that now they would activate the lethal sonic device for the dragons, she thought to run into the site to save them, but she remembers that Ssaull concentrated better if she didn't have any extra worries on her head, the dragon thought better and always came up with better plans when Rophttys was out of danger, she just prayed they would get out before things got much worse
"Damn, we removed the battery. How can they activate those things?" the dragon wondered as he ran.
"We're not even close to the entrance," Alexandra says worriedly
The dragon looks around and sees a watchtower high enough to fly away and let the clouds and dark sky hide them, but it would be very risky if he did not withstand the sonic effect and fainted both would fall and die.
"I have a plan Alexandra, but you will have to trust me," he says running next to the human.
They go up to the tower and fortunately, there was no one watching, Alexandra begins to look for things in the tower thinking that her friend wanted to find something useful from there.
"What are you doing girl? You must be with me" says the dragon pulling out its wings.
"I think I missed Ssaull. What are you planning?" she asks when she sees the dragon stretching.
"We're going to fly over them and make sure they don't see us if we're going through those clouds," he points out in the sky.
"Oh good plan, certainly a very good one, wait there is something I want to tell you about. Humans can't fly, you damn supercharged lizard!" she looks shocked at the dragon who grabs her with his tail and wraps it around her waist.
"Don't get any weird ideas girl, I'll fly for both of you, just make sure you protect me with the relic of the oceanic in case they attack us"
The dragon with no more time to lose jumps with Alexandra having to stifle a cry of fear with her hands, they were in the sky, flying like winged dragons with her closing her eyes too tightly out of fear, she thought that the dragon would not have the strength to fly with the weight of her, however, as she opened her eyes she noticed that she was in the sky flying next to Ssaull, the view from the skies was unique and wonderful for her, even so, she was terrified and with her legs, it was about clinging to the dragon-like a cat to wood.
"Cute right? "Says the dragon.
"Son of a lizard, I almost fainted from fright because of you!" she exclaimed annoyed trying not to stay awake. "Let me know the next time you do this!"
As the two warriors flew to escape safely from the camp, some soldiers and men argued with Chief Roy about how to get information from the dragon about the Greater Dragon and what their chiefs planned against the humans, no matter how much. They wanted to kill the dragon, this luckily was useful and interesting and that was the only thing that kept him alive, but once they had everything they needed they would indulge in making him suffer a lot for the crimes of his companions. The meeting is interrupted by the notice of a soldier who reported that the dragon somehow escaped and that according to Marcus he was helped by Alexandra to flee, that was terrible news for them, a human helping her executioner to escape and if that happened, they would be exposed to a possible attack, the news only stops when they find out that the great heart of energy had been stolen as well and that it was in the possession of the girl and the dragon, the good side was that they already had sources of energy. hydropower and with the materials that came from some ships in the past they managed to install solar panels among other means to have more than one energy alternative.
"Activate the sonic pulse and to its maximum power" Roy ordered a man with a radio.
"But if we do, it will make us feel dizzy," explains Russman concerned.
"I know, but some can hold it and if the dragon is flying with the girl the momentum will make him faint in the sky and they will plummet. It is better than the enemy to escape"
"But the girl" the doctor seemed concerned.
"She made her decision helping the dragon to escape. We do not forgive the betrayal" he makes a signal and the one with the radio gives the order.
The people turn up the sonic hit device that affected the dragons to maximum power and turn off the safety to make sure that the blow was faster, they activate it and those speakers release a loud sound that flooded the entire great camp in a single second caused that Rophttys who was close enough vomited a little due to the dizziness and nausea that this had caused, quickly Alexandra feels her head turn a little, she did not know what that strange sensation had been in her body, but that had made her feel bad. Drops of blood fall from above her and looking up a little, she sees how Ssaull dribbles blood from her ears and mouth, shortly after they begin to descend abruptly down with her trying to pat the dragon to react but it was useless, Ssaull had been struck down by that strange sonic blow and worse still they were in the sky even by which means that if he did not wake up they both would die from falling from high heights.
"Wake up Ssaull, please I need you to fly!" she taps more to wake up the dragon who was not responding "Damn I knew this was a bad idea!" she shakes his head with her hand as she touches the ground closer to the "Son of your lizard mother wake up the damn time!"
She begs desperately trying to ask for a miracle, the voices of the relic tell her that she is the one to fly, naturally, Alexandra highlights the impossibility of it, but the rings first ask her permission to take a little control of the situation to be saved. The girl seeing the ground larger than before as they descended accepts with her eyes filled with tears from fear, her arms move alone and move the arms of the dragon to keep them open and the wings can be spread, using the Colaza she is managed to roll since the tail of the dragon had uncoiled. When they were close enough to the ground she managed to regain control and managed to fly being seen by all of her and her friend rising to the sky again. The rings recommend the girl to keep her arms extended and to make sure to follow the current of air to go better through the skies, she gave him the basic tips to stay in the air and reach the outskirts of the camp. Even though she almost died of a heart attack on more than one occasion and less than every five minutes, that duo managed to escape through the skies of that camp being seen by many people wondering if the dragon had kidnapped the poor girl.
"Fuck I'll go after them!" Rophttys takes a sword to enter the place until she sees both warriors. "Guys are finally here!"
Alexandra lands crashing into the ground, at least she only got some bruises and a taste of the earth, but safe from danger since she did not know how to land.
"What's the matter?" wondered the female dragon.
"We must go Quick!" Alexandra said carrying the dragon between her shoulders.
Thanks to the rings on her arms she could lift a heavy dragon-like Ssaull like a simple shiny sheep.
"What's wrong with Ssaull? Were you the one who was flying?"
Alexandra with no time to speak enters taking the greenish dragon by the hand and they enter the rolling store and begin to flee the place as quickly as possible before people get close enough to prevent them from escaping. Chief Roy had to call an emergency meeting when he learned that the fugitives managed to escape.
In a camp near a peasant town, Magarai is seen keeping watch around her as he let the campfire give her scales some heat. She had left Morkhex days ago with a beast lizard with the false promise of going to seek support from the southern Greater Dragon to trap and annihilate her daughter, but she hoped that Ssaull had already managed to locate her daughter and that somehow form would have convinced the girl to go with her away from everyone and be a family.
"Soon Alexandra, soon we will be together again"