LXVII. A Difficult Journey

The journey began and the three Greater Dragons were clear about what they should do, who knew what they should pay and who should be the one to pay; even so, Magarai, following the same determination as Elenai at that time, would give her life for it, she felt guilty for lying to her daughter, if she died at that moment, she hoped she had at least had the opportunity to say goodbye to Alexandra one last time. That proud dragon would pay the cost for the answers and truth that that sanctuary could give her for her mission, she would not let Ssaull or Sisser lose their lives, they still had a lot to live for and although she also had it, only one could not return with loved ones.

"How long can you pretend to be just a pitcher of water before hunger forces you to secretly take our Alexandra food rations?" Ssaull said.

The two female dragons tense up at what the blue dragon had said and both move their heads to look at their skeletal companion's carriage.
