"Sisser, you're good at the timing of ranged attacks, tell us. How long have you been able to count from initiation to impact?"
"It's ten seconds!" she said. "Still they may not stay like that for long if they are like the archers, they will eventually change their position to have better results in their shots" replied the winged dragon.
"I don't think they will move much, if Marcus is telling the truth, they would only change their position, but they won't get close if they don't see it necessary, they have better aim than the archers."
"But how? That guy of yours told you how snipers have a better range?" asks the blue one.
"This" she realizes she didn't ask. "Damn it, I didn't ask."
"That's nice, thanks for nothing," the winged dragon said.
"At least I'm trying to help, I brought the boomerang to get a better understanding of the enemy's weapon."
"Yeah, and it didn't do much good because we don't fully understand how the damn things work either!"