LXXVI. Can You Forget and Forgive?

Sisser looked into his crossbow and bag of arrows. She only had ten since the last attack and only had a slightly smaller sword. Her hands traveled at a speed of 165 to 295 km/h at best. If I am faster at attacking, I have a better chance of killing the archers before they try anything.

"You know you can supplement the speed of your arrows with wind gusts. In theory, they should travel at over 345 km/h if you do that."

"What are you saying, idiot?"


Ssaull throws his boomerang impregnated with his gas before approaching the dragon.

"Stay away from me"

"Listen quickly. We must attack fast and accurately. Your crossbow can shoot arrows for over 60 meters, your arrows travel at great speeds, but if you put some wind into the attack, I'm sure you'll hit better."

"And why don't you?"

"Hey, it's a tip, take it or leave it cutie."