In one part of the skeleton kingdom, Giarmva returns to Skullium to find more warriors willing to die for the new beginning where skeleton dragons would be free from oppression. He walked the streets carefully because his reputation gave him a bad image of others when he looked the opposite. He did not understand why he should be an evil dragon when all his decisions were for the good of his race. He didn't think it was fair for the leader of his community to label him as evil when he was the one who worked day and night to forcefully make a change.
"I like the good smell of meat roasting."
Giarmva walked to a small food stall that was lucky enough to give good quality meat to eat at low prices. You can't ask for much. No one had much money beyond a few lucky few, especially when even those lucky ones hid their fortune, though not for the wrong reasons. In that place, everyone was willing to steal if they found out someone had a lot of money, as long as it wasn't their leader.