Trilliux looks over Marackroz's cards to assess if they are legit or if he has something he or Zamiel hasn't noticed yet. Marackroz laughs, wondering if they would stare at simple cards or if Trilliux would play. Once the land dragon feels he can already see everything he needs to know, he states that that pack of cards is legit and they can continue the games with them.
"Trilliux, I will not doubt your words. I will only say that this may be our, nay, my last chance now that you bet my life. I know you are not a treacherous dragon who backstabs others."
"Who knows, maybe I am more than you think" he commented with a smile.
"Don't worry, even though I have suffered because of other dragon races that brought me to this miserable life, there is no dragon I hate more than Muriany. She is my only enemy after Rellix. And, to answer your question, yes. These cards are legit, I'd even say we'd be better off using them for our goal. I'll only ask you to do this if we win."