CIX. Future Leader is Born

Alexandra wakes up after having fought the worst enemy of her life, Erisha tries to explain the situation to her. Except for why the dragon returned to being an ordinary winged dragon, the human already knew everything she needed to know, she had lost and Rellix had the four relics already in his possession. The girl clarifies the details like the fact that Rellix had somehow turned off the magical power of the four relics, good news for the dragon community, but the bad news was that the dark knight was still determined to conquer Morkhez with or without relics. Despite this, the human takes her sword and rejoins, the girl announces that with that downtime, the battle will be decided like any other, with natural dragon skill and prowess and Magarai, Ssaull among some other good dragon knights like Sisser, Trilliux, and Driguielix could help subdue the dragon hybrid to its death.