Introduction as to who 'Pops' is on earth:
Alfred was walking down the street past his local shopping center on his way home from the convenience store. He looked like he was around his mid 60s by the way he moved, you would think him to be 55 but everyone who knew of him knew he was about 84. It was a November just like 2 years prior when he lost his wife to cancer. He had no kids as when they tried they found out her cancer had, in the early unknown stages, made her body unable to bear children. They thought of adopting, but by the time they could they were already 47. So they decided to help at the local orphanages, And donate to the state for the budget. Pretty soon all the kids who went through there new of the couple as ma and pops. Said with respect from everyone working or living in the area. Ma went on a snowy day in her sleep with her loving husband and family next to her. Pops was never exactly the same, but he continued the work and donations. He loved the kids and it was clear to them he did, but after ma passed, pops was clearly sad and lonely. The kids all had a pact, and that was to make pops smile.
Well it was November again 3 years later, and a dusting of snow had already made its way across town. The roads were slightly icy and the family's gearing up for a big thanksgivings day. As the 84 year old man nicknamed Pops was about to cross the road, he saw a mother-daughter pair already crossing and looking at lights not thinking to check the road before crossing. Pops immediately got in to gear for a rough one and ran past his spot in the crosswalk waiting area and made a mad dash for the duo. Buy the time the truck go to them pops had already tossed the girl into a waiting mans arms and the mother into the sidewalk, both out of the path the semi had tried to avoid. With the black ice under the tired the brakes had failed to stop. Colliding with pops at a speed deadly for the elderly bone. Pops heard sobbing next to him waking him from is daze. Looking up in to the eyes of the girl he saved he said "I do not regret saving the young, love your mother. Appreciate this 2nd life you can now live" looking at the mom he told her "I would do this for anyone do not be sad for me, I have thoroughly enjoyed my time on this planet, its about time I find my wife. I bet she's really missing me right now. Don't dwell on what would have been, because it hasn't happened." With that his mind was getting fuzzy. A womanly voice in his head finally got his attention.
" You are worthy, you who has No regrets. you are my of mine knowledge. I have chosen your soul to transmigrate here to my world. from an Era of peace into an Era where people can take the lives with a duel. The world your wife lives in and is just being born in, she is my gift to you for living a life with integrity and with kindness at heart, though she will have only a feint recollection of you she will never access the memories that have been wiped. Her soul love you to its very core and after being cleared of this worlds grime will recognize your soul to be her missing piece, You will help others in this world, They will help you. I will give you a few abilities, and some skills, but it is up to you to level them up. You will be unlimited in your growth. you will be this world's next god. You will eventually take over the management of this world in the way you see fit. You will Name it. I will see you here, when you wake. Fare thee well."