Fourth day of Sat’xahr, 4044 AOT
In the garden outside the administration building, Blair is losing her calm waiting for Azalea’s return for more than thirty minutes. All she has been doing is pass the time by circling around the fountain area. Meanwhile, the Saintgregor siblings have been there for a while and they have been sweeping the leaves, gathering them in a trash bag. Blair wearing a bored expression sits down on the grass and then catches sight of a sabercat walking by. Looking at the little furry white creature, she is unable to resist the urge to touch it which has lead her to she chase after it. She is eager to pet that soft looking ball of fur. As she runs after the sabercat, it hid behind someone’s legs. She notices the familiar set of boots ahead.
“What in the world are you doing?” Azalea says looking down at Blair who is crouching.
“Ah--!! The kitty~!” Blair shouts leaping towards Azalea.