Twenty-fourth day of Sat’xahr, Tnej’xien 4044 AOT
Past four o’clock in the afternoon
Fourth Watch Tower, Asylum’s clubroom
Without any notice, Headmaster Oryx Dimasalang is visiting and checking on his beloved students, as he refers to them. The whole room is now neatly arranged. The shabby looking tables which appeared as though they would break if you put a little pressure on top of them are fixed and painted over again. Most of the unneeded ones are stocked in the second floor. The chairs around where the members of Asylum sit homely are repaired and now look like they are newly bought. A homely couch is placed by the window. At the further back, they have arranged an area which resembles a kitchen, only that there are no stoves. It also seems that they have cleaned up the only toilet in that watch tower enough to be usable and orderly.