Thanks for your help

After everything ended, Zeal breathed a sigh of relief. He really didn't know what to do if that old bully persisted in persecuting him. However, he was grateful he didn't continue in his torment. Zeal quickly strode out. No more would he listen to such tirade—it was surreal. After a while, a tea shop appeared before him—he was home. He felt the heavens had saved him; he could solve all problems in this small recess. After all, the most important thing was not this house but the person with him—his mother.

The interior of this shop was neat and well lighted—it was a simple but ancient-styled Chinese tea shop. The people serve tea and some light snacks. This place was mainly used for relaxation of a sort and for minor business discussions or even gathering. It was also divided into two sections: the outer part was for ordinary customers and the inner section for exceptional identity customers. Over the preparatory chamber stood a woman. This person's face was slightly pale due to hard work with little rest. However, she was cheerful and peaceful. In fact, she was graceful in her demeanor and charms. Her eyes outlined her face, and her face was smooth and gentle. Her long black hair rested even below her waist. Her neat white robe highlighted her remarkable appearance. She was Karl Elizabeth, the mother of Karl Zeal.

"Mom, I'm back." Zeal said with his cute voice. He sure was happy to see his mom.

"Mhm!" Elizabeth answered without raising her head. But Zeal stood there without moving. Maybe because he wanted his mother to praise him more.

Then, Elizabeth raised her head after arranging the teacups and saucers. However, as she saw, Zeal, she frowned helplessly. 'Bullies again,' her thoughts ran wildly.

"What's the matter, Child?" Elizabeth beckoned on her son to come over. Even though Elizabeth tried to be strong, she couldn't remain so calm in front of her son. Once she saw the marks on her son's body, she felt heavy and unspeakably painful. As Zeal got closer to his mother, he noticed her eyes had already turned red, and tears had gathered up.

"It's nothing, Mom. Don't be bothered by trivial things." Zeal said with concern. In fact, even though Zeal didn't want to create trouble for anyone, he also didn't want people to be unintentionally burdened because they were worried about him, especially his mother. So at some fracture of seconds, some blizzard thought rose in his mind: how nice it would be to be the strongest and stop my mother from worrying about me.

Elizabeth sighed as she noticed her son's concern.

"It's fine. Did you see your uncle?"

"I did. He'll come home soon. Alright, Mom. I'll have my bath and rest."

"Go on. You have to be extra careful, okay?" Even though Elizabeth didn't want to bring up the issue, she couldn't help it when she saw Zeal hurt.

Zeal followed another door closely linked to the counter slab and disappeared. After a while, Zeal came out of the bathroom with simple wear. He opened the plate of food in front of him; it was millet porridge and duck meat. Because Elizabeth knew that Zeal loved spicy food with assorted, she never failed to arrange it for her son. Everything in the world was created to make Zeal happy. More accurately, Elizabeth created everything in the world to make Zeal happy. She wanted Zeal never to feel left out and lonely. Hence, she planned to give him every form of love. After eating, Zeal brushed his teeth and packed the dishes. He laid himself on the bed and looked at the beautiful ceiling. At this moment, his right hand and head became heavy. In fact, they hurt him considerably. However, at the same time, gentle light permeated from the tightly wrapped bandages. Of course, Zeal didn't notice this occurrence. But what he understood the most was that he had been experiencing this kind of feeling since he knew pain.

"I better catch some sleep." Zeal sighed.

The morning quickly came; of course, it wasn't unannounced because the whole surrounding was brilliantly lit by the sun. The tea shop branched out a few hundred square meters of land behind it. This place could be regarded as the rear yard and kitchen. It was walled round.

"Son, help mom send fruit to your uncle again."

"Okay, mom. Give me a few seconds."

After a while, Zeal came out of the room to the rear yard. He was refreshed, and his face was brighter. As Zeal came out, he didn't see his mother. He already knew she was inside, preparing for the day. However, he saw an already prepared basket of fruit.

He picked it up and left.

In a short while, Karl Zeal walked the street again. He walked down the street like usual, not minding the moving shadows. Everyone moved to fulfill their day's assignment. There was no reason he should be ashamed of working. He moved forward with the basket of fruit. However, at this point, three troublesome children blocked his path again.

"Hey, weak guy, we want to play with you again. How?"

"Why won't you leave me alone? What do you want?" Zeal asked in a low voice, trying to avoid his nightmare.

Even if one did not want trouble, they kept running to them. The three bullies laughed pretentiously. They mocked and derided him. In fact, seeing Zeal, they were filled with disgust; they wanted to slowly clean him up. Why would a fool keep appearing in their eyes?

"Hehe! We just want to beat the crap out of you. Seeing you makes us sick."

They immediately pounced on Zeal and his basket of fruit. Still, Zeal hung the basket without putting it down. The tallest among the three kids dashed forward with a long stride and appeared in front of Zeal with a rusty punch. Coincidentally, Zeal flanked his head to his left, and the rusty breeze of the brawl passed him. Regardless, he immediately kicked the eldest, but it wasn't a strong kick. At this moment, the two other kids shook off their surprise and ran towards Zeal. They kicked and punched him and sufficiently took control of the fight, leaving Zeal helpless. So they later overwhelmed him as they beat the crap out of him.

Right again, in the shadow, two kids watched this fight unfold and end miserably. They were Li Meldi and Li Yato. Yato couldn't understand why his twin sister kept dragging him to this place. They had become tiny stalkers. In fact, he cared for his sister and would sacrifice anything for her happiness; that's why when she became obsessed with the stranger they met the other day, he was powerless and could only support her. At the same time, he felt unspeakably angered for the fool: what medicine did that bastard give to his sister to make her restless. Yato watched as her sister frowned and clenched her fist. Water element had started to gather towards her clenched fist. If she wasn't his beloved sister, he would erupt in furry.

"Sis, remember what dad and mom said. We are not supposed to be here in the first place. Can we not cause more problems?"

"Fine!" Meldi humphed.

At this moment, the three bullies had left Zeal with nothing but incomparable pain. Yet he did not relent as he began to pick the fruit and put them inside the basket. Just like the other day, no one dared pay attention to him. All they did was shake their head as they walked toward their destination. In life, respect is earned; strength ultimate. The strong were respected, but the last measure of strength accompanied only fear. That's the rule. No one would knowingly provoke the unknown, especially when there was nothing to gain. However, at this point, Zeal heard a cute tiny voice.

"Let me help you; I saw what happened." The voice naturally carried the gentle touch of the wind, making it unique and unusually.

The spokesperson came out; it was Li Meldi—she was cute. Her big charming eyes looked at Zeal with admiration. Perhaps, it was an admiration for fighting back. But what's the point of fighting a lost battle. He was clearly not the opponent of those three. Of course, Meldi seemed not to care about that. It must have come as a surprise that he fought back at the very least.

"However, you could have beaten them or run away," Yato said surly.

Zeal looked at the spokesman but did not say a thing. After all, what could he possibly use to argue back? It was not as if the other party told him to be weak. He could only endure the humiliation.

"My name is Yato, and this person here is my sister, Meldi," Yato said again with a disappointed tone. It was as though someone forced him. Zeal, who was level-headed and had a high IQ and EQ understood the situation a little.

"I'm Zeal. Thanks for your help." Zeal cupped his small bruised hand and bowed slightly.

After they finished helping Zeal, the Twins also disappeared. Meldi didn't speak much. Whatever she held in her mind was something she never wanted to say. Perhaps, she felt pity for Zeal. Or she didn't want to take the initiative too much. In fact, she had noticed that his younger brother, Yato, might be suspecting something, so it was better to help and leave.