Escape death

Zeal couldn't continue thinking as always because another test confronted him at this moment. It was like the creatures were saying: 'continue and die or give up and live.' But in fact, Karl Zeal couldn't think about all that. Just who wouldn't want to go home? Who would go through this tremendous trouble to get here and only give up? Would he live here forever? The answer was obvious. At the same time, there was no guarantee that the previous creatures would become friendly to him either. So he only had one choice: to pull the bull by the horn. Take it on! The moment he entered here, he knew there was no giving up. Well, forget it. No more thinking, he cautioned his straying mind.

At this moment, Karl Zeal marched forward with determination. He planned to use speed and frontal attack on the creature. And whether he could succeed or not—that would be another story. But as he moved forward, the male and female lion followed up. However, Zeal increased his speed. He planned to arc to his right flank with precision and swiftness, but his goal and a perfected plan came to nothing because of the craftiness of the male creature. Just as Karl Zeal ran at top speed, the beasts did the Same. They increased their speed as well. But as Zeal suddenly arced to his right, the lion followed swiftly, but the female counterpart disappeared suddenly without a trace. Zeal couldn't have imagined that scene, but it was real. The lion kept chasing menacingly with a tremendous increase in his domain power (gravity). However, at this very moment, another domain intertwined itself with the gravitational force. Zeal had felt that power when the female beast roared. Although it was inconspicuous at that time, now he felt the palpable intensity. It was as though some foreign thing restricted him, and the air became as thick as a tangible object; it was almost as hard as steel. And with precision and speed, the lioness appeared right above Karl Zeal and slammed his claws at him, directly knocking him to a large tree.

"Damn!" Zeal cursed. He could feel his life fading away. Blood flowed from his forehead, nose, mouth, and ears. Zeal's consciousness forced itself to close down, but he struggled with it. If he allowed himself to fall here, things would get messy. As much as anything, the last thing he wanted was for him to be the meat of those animals. He wouldn't allow it. He wouldn't permit them to have such free benefits.

The claws of the lioness tore his robe from his left sleeve to his back, and the marks were visible and deep. At this moment, Zeal stood out of a sheer will. In fact, his body acted on its own. It was as though he was unconscious; his energy veins and pathway instantly changed color to purple. The purple hue was thick and deep. In martial art, the energy veins and pathways would take the color of the elemental users. For example, lightning users had purple color; fire users had red energy pathway and vein—etcetera. But for animal users, the color of their energy pathway represented the superiority of their animal class. In fact, animals all had class: the modern class and the primordial. The contemporary grade had the kings class and the knight class, while the primordial level had the ruler class and the pre-ruler class. So they all possess their unique energy pathway color. However, the ancient considered white color a high grade (king class of modern creature) and bright grayish color represented knight class. However, jet-black represented the emperor class of primordial creatures, but dark brown represented the pre-king class.

So the density of the purple color that appeared so thick represented its rank in the same element class. So as Karl Zeal stood, the sky shook and rumbled with lightning. The Sparks seemed so strong that they could literally disintegrate all life. At the same time, sparks of lightning permeated Zeal's body. He dashed off, intending to leave the zone. Even now, the domain of the lion and lioness could do nothing about the pressure the lightning brought. It was as though in front of this lightning onslaught, everything was ineffective and not worth mentioning. So because of these quick changes, the two beasts became anxious.

Karl Zeal lunged himself forward as he left lightning strands on his trail. He clothed himself with lightning after all. With that fast movement, Zeal left the two beasts in a daze for a moment. However, they were thousand years old creatures, after all; they still reacted after a momentary pause. They tenaciously chased him; their lives depended on it. Regardless, Zeal turned to his left flank and heavily punched the lion. It wailed and roared in pain as he fell like a lump. But because all of Zeal's attention was on the lion, he didn't notice when a heavy tail whipped him. But the force pushed the child forward; he groaned in pain. The momentum of the posterior smashed him to the ground. Zeal, after all, weighed less compared to the beasts. In fact, he was still a child. In any case, the fight lasted almost two days, and with a stroke of sheer luck, Zeal got to the end of the triangle. The end of the triangle formation had a single enormous tree that looked like a world tree. But behind this tree was a white door. As Zeal passed the tree, he subconsciously pushed the door, and a powerful light swallowed him up. The next moment, a sharp white light threw Zeal from above into Sou Long estate.

Just as Sou Long saw this scene, he curved his lips in a pointed, short smile. However, his eyes still held distinct recognition of grief. Karl Zeal came out from the forest at precisely twenty-eight days; his body dropped violently on the floor—almost dead. At the same time, his long black hair appeared messy, and his cyan hanfu suit had a severe claw mark. In fact, Zeal was miserable: his skin was dirty and completely bombed. Also, something twisted his two legs terribly. Sou long, who sat with his legs crossed as he drank some tea—endured his suffering heart. After all, he was aggrieved. Even though Zeal did not understand the whole thing now, Sou Long knew the origin of everything, so it was alright to feel pained at his condition. But if Zeal couldn't actually endure this much, then there wouldn't be any reason to possess that seal.

In a flash, Sou Long disappeared; his speed could threaten even immortals and gods. Sou Long had to prepare a medicinal bath for Zeal. That way, he would recuperate perfectly. The bathroom he readied looked ancient. Inside, there seemed to be an obsolete drum with layers of depth. The drum looked like a modern swimming pool, but it was only an ancient drum. The first layer had a depth of 2 feet; the second had a depth of 3.5 feet, and the third had a depth of 4.5 feet. However, the last layer had a depth of 6 feet. Honestly, where Sou Long found such a thing was unknown and could possibly surprise Zeal if he woke up. However, the most incredible part was that a force seemed to be separating each layer. That's because even though Sou Long filled the whole drum with water, only the first layer appeared heated and medicinal. That's because of the steams, the color, and the leaves on the water. At this moment, the fume generated by the first layer of bath drum erupted violently, and in a matter of seconds, the vapor had covered the entire bathroom. At this moment, Sou Long entered the foggy bathroom with the tiny broken Zeal on his arm. He had succeeded in divesting him of his robe—he was stark. Just as he entered the foggy bathroom, it swallowed him up.

After three long hours, Zeal woke up with a sharp grunt. Lost in his newfound environment, Zeal observed with his Soul-eyes. In fact, Zeal couldn't exactly remember how he got out of that cursed Ashura forest, but he was thankful that he was still alive. However, at this moment, Zeal saw his master meditating with his eyes closed beside him. He again observed himself and concluded that his strength had grown especially his Soul-eye's consciousness. Since he couldn't directly understand the area of the transparent world orbiting him, Zeal could only infer that it had evolved as well. He made this judgment based on the quantity and quality of his Soul-eyes. The number of his Soul-eyes had tripled, and the quality had grown to his disbelieve: the red, black, and gold quality became more highlighted this time, and they showed ancient and unparalleled energy. At the same time, they appeared more like gods' eyes collected since the beginning of the world. Zeal couldn't understand what they were, but he knew that added strength was another advantage to him. He sighed. That Ashura forest was clearly dangerous and he could have died this time. He sighed again.