I only wanted to train

However, outside Zeal's body, blood had begun to stream down with the soft moan of agony. Zeal unconsciously gritted his teeth in pain. Regardless, Sou Long sat there, unmoved.

Inside Zeal's spiritual space, time had already decided the outcome of the attack, and it was a tie. That's because immediately Zeal ended his rotation, the shooting swords exhausted their energy too. At the same time, the sword Zeal used in piercing his body vanished out of exhaustion. However, I'm a moment of thought, Kiro appeared before Zeal like the breath of the wind—he was too casual and unpredictable, precisely like the so-called wind. And with Kiro's appearance came a brutal punch that sent Zeal tumbling in an unwilling journey. Even though Zeal reacted late by only substituting his lightning body: flexibility with rigidity, he still felt the pang of pain. It was a piercing pain. So he groaned as he fell to the ground.