
Zëäl's heart continuously broke when he saw his mother flustered and sobbing furiously. Zëäl, in particular, did not care about his father, whom he did not know, but the fact heaven linked this man's fate to his mother made him angry at times.

'He was feeble. Because he died carelessly, my mother lost half her life. Zëäl believed he lived arrogantly, believing they could control heaven, which drove them to their deaths.'

However, whether Zëäl could have reasoned that way before meeting Sou Long is debatable. Even before meeting Sou Long, he didn't dwell on his father's death since it caused his mother pain.

Zëäl, on the other hand, avoided mentioning his dislike or disapproval for fear of upsetting Elizabeth.

At this point, the mother and son duo heard Ching Marvel's trembling voice.