Fighting the Elite

A burst of light appeared on the left rear, quickly followed by four pillars of white water surrounding a youngster.

The youngster had a black ring around his waist, which had four legs of two metals joined together like a joint (more like a spider); he attached these four legs to the ring. The youngster appeared to have positioned himself in the ring's skeleton structure.

Chou Lin was the guy in question, and his attitude was frantic, with a peal of harsh laughter; he was having a good time, though.

'You can do more, kids,' he reasoned.

Three black swords entered the ring, each with four other blades attached to it like a skeleton joint.

A youngster surged forward in a flash of white light.

This youngster was around eight years old and appeared a head shorter than Zëäl. She had shoulder-length black hair and wore a white Chinese tunic, white trousers, and white shoes.