Chapter 9- Akaash's Doubt

Teja POV:-

When Tanish took me to my office, his cold face converted into anger.

He made me sit on my table gently and take off my shoes, and I hissed.

He opens my bandage, and I realized I am bleeding.

Suddenly, the door opened, and my senior, Dr. Harsh Vardhan, entered.

He looks at Tanish, then my leg, and he gasped.

He took the first aid kit from my side table and came in front of me.

" Mr. Kashyap, I want you to give me side. So, I can check her wound and treat her. " Dr. Harsh said, and Tanish nodded and stood beside me.

Dr. Harsh Vardhan started to sanitize my bloody legs, and I hissed when ethanol contact with my skin.

I realized my legs are paining like hell.

But why didn't I realize this before?

" Because your heart bleeds because of yesterday's event, and now Akaash's incident made you numb. " My subconscious replied.

He treated my wounds gently and gave me a painkiller shot.

" Teja, how did you hurt yourself this badly and still dared to come to the hospital? Have you gone mad? " Dr. Harsh yelled, and I flinched.

He sighed in frustration.

" Look, dear. I understand why do you want to come to the hospital. But have you forgotten that it's the doctor's responsibility to take care of themself first, then a patient? " He asked gently.

" I am sorry, sir. I knew I did wrong. But what punishment do you have for me? " I said and asked for my punishment.

" How did you wounded this badly? " He asked, and I sighed.

" I was running in the house and didn't realize that I stepped on the pieces of glass. " I lied.

I didn't even remember when I got this deep wound.

Maybe when I fought with Tanish.

" God, you are not a child anymore, Teja. Now, you are not going to come for a week as you were injured badly. Also, you need to bed rest. So your legs don't come to contact with water and dust by mistake, and they recover quickly. " Dr. Harsh explained, and I nodded sadly.

" Don't worry, Dr. Harsh Vardhan. I will make sure she doesn't let her legs touch the ground. " Tanish replied, and Dr. Harsh nodded.

" Change her bandages two times a day. " My senior explained, and he nodded.

" Okay, I am leaving now. Teja, take care of yourself. " Sir said, and I nodded, and he left, leaving me alone with the devil.

Before he can say anything, the door opened again and revealed Akaash.

Tanish and my eyes darkened.

" Didn't I warn you before not come in front of me, Dr. Akaash? " I asked calmly, but inside I am burning in rage.

" Teja, what happened to your legs? " Akaash asked when he looks on my legs.

" It's none of your business, Dr. Akaash. Just never try to meet me. " I said and turned my face away from him.

" Teja, just listen to me first, please. I don't mean to say those words to you. I felt betrayed when this jerk put his hands on you. Please, I didn't mean it. I am sorry for what I said. " Akaash explained, and I turned to look at him with my hollow eyes, which are showing any emotions.

" I forgive you, but I am breaking my friendship with you. We are now just colleagues. So, you can leave us, Dr. Akaash. " I said and turned my face to the window.

" Teja, please don't do this. I... " Akaash is about to explain himself but cut off by Tanish.

" Didn't you listen? What did my fiance say to you? Get lost. " Tanish ordered and pushed him out of my office.

I turned to Tanish, who is looking at me without any emotions.

He started to take predatory steps towards me and stop in between my legs.

I am scared inside but didn't let him show my fear.

He caught my head from behind and pushed my face in front of me.

" So, did you know that Akaash is going to propose you? " He asked.

I tried to shake my head as no, but because of his grip, I can't.

" No, I didn't know anything about it. " I replied.

" Why did you try to meet him behind me? Why didn't you tell him about our marriage? " He asked coldly, and this time I shivered.

I know he is obsessed with me.

After seeing his reaction yesterday, I realized he is obsessed.

He wants to dominate me but makes me submit to him.

He was lucky that he found out about my mother's sickness. Else, I will never submit myself to him.

" I didn't meet him behind your back. I was coming to the canteen for a coffee as my head was paining terribly, and I met Akaash at the moment. " I replied, which is partially true.

" I didn't tell him about our marriage because I didn't get any chance as we had mom's treatment appointment. Then, we went to sign the contract and the last, we went to that terrible date.

At night, we fought. So, where did I get the chance to call him? " I explained and asked.

He looked at me with keen interest.

" True, well, let's go home. " Tanish said and picked me up in bridal style.

" Wait!!! My sandals!!! " I said, and he huffed.

" Let the sandals here. You will pick them next time. " Tanish said, irritated by my behavior.

" No, aunt--- I mean mom gave me these sandals. I can't leave them. " I said in my final tone, and he sighed in frustration.

He made me sit again and pick the sandals and showed me to pick them.

I took the sandals in my hands, and he picked me in bridal style.

Everyone is looking at us with utter shock, but they can't say anything.

We reached in front of his car, and I opened the door so he can easily make me sit on the passenger seat, and I sit and set the seat belt.

He sat on the driver's seat and started driving.

I am looking at him from time to time.

But I don't have the guts to say anything to him.

When I saw the Kashyap mansion, I got shocked.

" Why are you taking us here? I want to go home. " I asked and said.

" You are living in our home for a week. " Tanish said.

" No, I can't. It's not good for me to live in my soon-to-be in-law's house. I am not your wife yet in front of society. " I explained.

" Teja, you aren't able to take care of yourself in your home. How can your father take you to the washroom? Your mother is weak. Bubbly is already gone back to her home. " Tanish explained, and I sighed in sadness.

This time, he is right.

What does my life become?

I want to stay far from this person, and my fate is making me stay around him 24*7.

Tanish helped me all the way, and I don't know when I slept.

Akaash POV:-

I don't know. Why did I let my anger take control of me that I said those words to Teja?

She is the most innocent girl I have ever seen in my life.

She is not a sl*t or any w***e. She is an angel.

But, when I saw Tanish put his hands on Teja.

I felt I lost everything.

I thought after living with her for these six years. She will say yes to me when I proposed to her.

Even my family is happy when I introduced her to them.

But when she said she agreed to marry Tanish. I need something to make her regret it. But, I never thought, in my foolishness, I will say those words to her.

I did a great thing by slapping me.

She made me come back to my senses.

But I lost my friendship with her.

No, I can't let this happen. I need to do something.

I know there is a reason behind this marriage because Teja is a self-esteem person.

She never let Tanish near her marriage is far away from the thoughts.

I need to find out the reason behind this marriage.

I will find out at any cost.

Teja, don't worry, you are not alone.

Hello guys,

Here is the update today. I hope you are liking my story so far.

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