Chapter 16- Engagement Ceremony

Tanish POV:-

" Do I look alright to you? Why did you come into my life again?

What did you want revenge on me when I just protected my dignity?

Why are you trying to break my self-esteem?

Tanish, you are a big a**hole. I wish I have never met you in this life. So, these things have never happened to me.

You are a curse in my life.

I hate you, Mr. Tanish Kashyap, with my whole heart. Just leave me alone. " She yelled at me and pushed me away.

I look at her with shock for a while.

She stood up with her red-shot eyes looking at me.

Suddenly, I realized what she said just now.

How dare she talk to me like that? How can she say that she hates me? When she is going to become my fiance in just a few hours.

I am fuming in anger, and her face turned pale realized my anger look.

I pushed her by her forearm towards me.

" Have you forget your place, Teja?

You are MINE!!! Do you understand?

So, don't you dare to say that I will leave you?

You are my wife, wh*re and my s*x slave.

You are MINE to love, MINE to crush.

Get this information in your head!!! " I yelled at her while digging my nails in her forearm.

She flinched and looked at me with disgust, which I can't able to see.

I want to see her love me.

For that, I have to make fear me.

I smashed my lips on her lips.

I pinched her forearms, and she gasped.

I pushed my tongue on her mouth and f**k her.

I felt calm by calming her.

Soon, I left her.

Our heads are attached.

I am smelling her hair shampoo which is rose.

It gave satisfaction, but I made my face cold for her.

" Made yourself presentable. You have to come out in a few minutes. " I ordered and left from the room.

I came to my room and washed my face as I have calmed down.

Teja POV:-

I fell to the ground.

I am looking at the closed door in front of me.

I saw my nightmare and Devil today.

I want to run away from here. Those guys will destroy me.

But, what about mom, uncle, and aunt?

What about their happiness and my mother's treatment.

No, I can't let anything worse for them.

But my cruel husband will crush my passion, dignity, and happiness under his feet.

It's like one side well and the other side ditch.

I can't lose both of them.

In what situation I am.

I can't even cry now.

I stood from the ground and entered the bathroom.

I washed my face and did makeup to hide my puffy eyes and teary face.

I look at myself and felt disgusted.

In front of me is what I want to promise myself not to become.

A wh*re!!!

A pitied person!!!


I start laughing!!!!

I laughed and laughed at myself.

Soon, I composed myself and came out to look at my sister.

" Di, why took you so time in the bathroom? Are you okay? " Bubbly asked, and I gave her my sweet fake smile.

" Yes, my Bubby. I was just sad that I was not able to spend my time with you and mom. " I replied, and she laughed.

" Oh, Di. Don't worry. We will have time after one year of marriage as this year we both have to adjust to our new life. " Bubbly said, and I hugged her.

" True!!! We have to adapt to our new life. " I said it in a double meaning.

" Di, let's go. Everyone is waiting outside. Also, Jiju(Tanish) is looking very excited to see you. " Bubbly said and winked at me.

I know what is her mean.

But I ignored it and came out with her.

When I entered the hall, I heard a lot of gasps.

I look in front and saw the hall has filled with many known and unknown people.

Some people look at me with amusement. Females are looking at me with jealousy.

I am sure the reason is because of my beauty, or I snatched the most handsome bachelor of India according to them.

I come towards the heart looked couch which is on the stage.

When I took my step on the first stair, Tanish came towards me and offered his hand.

I blushed and took my hands on his.

Everyone is looking at us, and he is trying to act lovey-dovey.

I came on the stage, and we sat on the couch.

Mom, My so-called Father, uncle, aunt, and the priest came on the stage.

The rituals started, and Aunt wore me a Red Chunar on my head.

She wore me tika and rice between my eyebrows.

Then she did the same thing with Tanish and worshipped us.

Then mom came and did the same thing.

The priest is chanting the mantras.

And after a while when both sides completed giving things to each other.

The priest told us about the ring exchange.

My breath hitched as I know the deep meaning of this ring exchange.

These rings are the symbol of love.

They connected the couple's heart.

That's the reason these rings have wear on the left-hand ring finger as Vena Amoris is connected with our ring finger.

" Teja!!! " I heard my mother's voice, and I looked at her.

" Where are you lost? You have to wear a ring to Tanish. Come on. " Mom said, and I sighed internally.

I took Tanish's ring in my hand and held his hand.

I looked at Tanish, who have an arrogant and possessive smirk on his face.

He is mocking me as I said to him a while ago that I hate him.

Now, I am committing that I will give my whole heart to him.

I am committing in front of the whole society that I will love him with my whole heart.

A chuckle comes out of my mouth, and I slide the ring in his ring finger gently.

Everyone is looking at us with an adoring look.

Tanish takes my left hand in his hand.

He slides the ring in my ring finger gently as everyone is seeing us.

Everyone starts clapping when we have completed the ring exchange ceremony.

We are looking at each other's eyes.

He is smiling while I am looking at him with a tired look.

" God, guys, at least listen to what are we saying. " Bubbly's voice made us come out from our worlds, and we left each other's hands.

We stood from the couch, and the photographer started to take our pictures.

I made a fake smile which converted into natural as I am seeing my mom's glowing face.

She is looking so happy that no one can say that she is suffering from cancer.

Suddenly, I felt pain in my left hand. I turned to see that Tanish held my hand in his grip on his back, so no one can see how much pain he is giving me.

I tried to make a happy face, but inside I am screaming in pain.

After pictures, everyone came and congratulated us.

I touched the Elder's feet and greeted them in Indian style.

Then Srishti's family came and greeted us.

" Namaste uncle and aunt. " I greeted them, and they smiled at me.

Srishti huffed and said, " Teja, I know you are from a middle-class family. But please, aren't you making Tanish embarrass. I mean, in this era, who used this way for greeting. "

" Srishti, I may be from a middle-class family. But, I respect our culture. These are our traditions. I felt proud that I am from India and connected to our roots. " I explained and smiled.

" That's the reason I love you, my dear. You are an inspiration from those Indians who think that our traditions are a shame. " Uncle said and put his hand on my head, blessing me.

I smiled.

I turned to look at Srishti's brother, who is looking a little sad.

" Hello, Sidharth. What's wrong? " I asked worriedly.

" Oh, nothing, Teja. Congratulations to you both. I am happy for you guys. " Sidharth replied and congratulated us.

We thanked him.

Suddenly Tanish put his hands on my waist, and I shivered.

Everyone saw that and adored us.

I blushed and wanted to hide from embarrassment.

" Hello, everyone.

It's time for the bride's and groom's first dance. " Uncle sorry, dad announced with excitement.

Tanish held my hands and took me to the center of the hall.

Lights went dim, and few lights flashed on us.

I put one hand on his shoulder and intertwined the other one with his.

He wrapped his other hand on my waist and pinched me tightly.

I looked at him with a pained expression and a fake smile.

He is looking at me with many emotions.

Song Tum Hi Ho from Ashiqui 2 Started playing from the background.

We started dancing together.

He was torching me on my waist, and I am trying to keep up my smiley face.

Tanish is enjoying my state.

On the other side, I am feeling devastated and disgusted by his touch.

He twirled me three times, and I lost my balance and was about to fall on the floor, but two hands caught me from my waist, and I sighed in relief.

I opened my eyes and was shocked to see Sidharth's face.

I stood on my feet and thanked him for saving me.

" I am sorry everyone, I lost my balance as I am not used to wearing such high heels. " I said and made a joke where everyone laughed.

I turned to look at Tanish, who is looking at me with anger.

I know I am doomed.

God, save me.

Here I was about to fall because of him, but when someone saved me, he is getting angry.

I can never understand him.

Hello everyone,

I have an important announcement for my dear readers.

First of all, I have decided to publish my story every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

Maybe I published a chapter on Sunday, but I am not sure.


This Sunday, I am coming to a Discord Channel in a voice channel.

On that server, you can ask me anything related to my books like questions, suggestions, anything you want to know.

For more information, you can contact me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Facebook- Tripti Narayan

Instagram- @Triptinarayan3103

Twitter- @TriptiNarayan1

I will come according to the Indian clock at noon.

I will eagerly be waiting for you.


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