Chapter 18- Childhood Friend

Teja POV:-

" Suraj, how are you?

How can you never meet me after you left?

How is aunt?

Where are you living now?

Wh- " I was asking the question, but he cut me off.

" Teja, breath!!! Okay! And for God's sake, please ask one question at a time. " Suraj said.

I took a deep breath and broke our hug.

Suraj and I met only once in the past.

But, he was the first male I talked well after what happened to me when I was 10.

I still remember when we met the first time.


Teja POV:-

I am so happy that I am going to see my newborn baby sister.

Today my mother's cousin sister held a party for her baby's birth.

I am so happy to see her.

I am 12 right now, and my chipkali is seven years old.

She argued with me a lot.

I don't know why.

Mom, dad, chipkali, and I came to the hall and greeted everyone we knew.

Then, we went to meet the baby and aunt.

I kissed the baby's forehead and took her in my arms.

She is so soft and innocent, which made me want to protect her from this cruel world.

" Teja, give me my baby. " I heard aunt said, and I nodded and gave the baby carefully to aunt.

I excused myself to them as a mom was talking to an aunt and sat on the corner of the hall's couch.

I am a very antisocial person because of my fear.

When I first went to the school after the incident of my past.

I didn't talk to anyone except for some important work.

I just gave my whole time to my studies.

" Hello!!! " I heard a male voice which made me jump from my seat.

" Oh... Hello!!! " I said while shuttering to the male who stood in front of me.

He is a handsome and well-built body.

He is looking around 16-18 age.

" Why did you scared by my voice? " He asked with concern.

" I was in deep thought when you said something, so I got startled, Nothing else. " I replied quietly.

" Oh... My name is Suraj. What about you? " He introduced himself and asked me.

" I am Teja. It's nice to meet you. " I replied.

" The pleasure is all mine, beautiful. " Suraj said and took my hand and kissed my backside of the hand.

" Oh, aren't you seeing? I am fatty. Why are you flirting with me? " I asked with a blush.

I was curious as he is the first one who ever flirts with me and compliments me.

" You are so innocent and beautiful in my eyes. I don't care about your body size. I care about your inner beauty. " Suraj said.

I smiled genuinely for the first time.

" Thank you, but how do you know I have a good heart? " I asked as I am getting curious about him.

" Your eyes, your face, your way to dress, your walk style, everything about you screaming innocent, a caring, and good-hearted girl. " Suraj replied, and I blushed.

" I will marry you when we become adults. " Suraj said suddenly.

I gasped, hearing him.

" You don't know anything about me. And I won't marry you if you force yourself on me. " I confessed.

" Let's see in the future. " Suraj said and took me to meet his mother.

I met an aunt, and we talked a bit.

After that, I said his mother and his goodbye and come to my mom.

They were a good person when I talked to them.

He was the first male I had comfortably talk ever.

End of Flashback

Teja POV:-

" Teja!!! Down to Earth! " I heard Suraj's voice that breaks my train of thoughts.

" Sorry, let's sit and talk. " I said, and Suraj nodded.

" You go, I will order something for myself. " Suraj said, and I sit on the center table of this cafeteria as other seats are reserved.

Soon, Suraj came and sat on the seat in front of me.

" So, Teja. How are you? " Suraj asked.

" I am good, you know, working as a surgeon. What about you? " I replied with a sincere smile and asked.

" I am a CEO of Suryavanshi's Enterprises. " Suraj replied.

" Oh, I don't know that. Well, you never told me your real name. " I replied naturally, as I don't care about his status.

" Yes, true. My name is Suraya Pratap Surayavanshi, Royale Prince of Jaipur. " He introduced.

I looked at him with wide eyes.

" Oh, your highness. You never told me you are from a royal family. Why? " I asked.

" Because at that time, we were hiding because of a problem. Also, Don't you dare to call me, your highness, again. " Suraj replied and ordered me.

I nodded happily.

" So, how is aunt? " I asked.

" She is very well. We are living in Germany. I come to India because of an urgent meeting. " He replied, and the waiter came and gave us our order.

We talked casually for a bit and finished our desserts and coffee.

I looked at the bookey he put on the table.

I curiously asked, " Are you going to propose to someone? " and he smiled

" Oh, yes. There is a girl who is very precious to me. I am gonna propose to her today. " Suraj replied, and I smiled for him and his girl.

" I am sure she will say yes. You deserve the best. " I replied happily.

He stood up from his seat suddenly and I too as I have to go back home.

He came in front of me and kneeled in his one leg.

I become shocked, and he took the bookey in his hand.

" Teja, I promised you and myself in the past that I will come and marry you.

I saw you first time in that pink gown. You were looking so cute, innocent, and beautiful.

I fell in love with you at first sight.

My mother liked you too.

I know you are an ambitious, independent, and hard-working woman. I want to give you the care, respect, and love you deserve.

So, Dr. Teja, will you marry me? " Suraj asked, and I was looking at him with wide eyes and shock.

God, what the hell????

I'm fed up with all this drama.

Can't I have a day with any drama?

I looked at everyone. Those people are making videos and pictures of us, but they are not encouraging me to say yes.

After all, everyone knows who I am.

I looked at Suraj, who is desperate to know my answer.

I sighed and closed my eyes.

It is getting difficult.

" Suraj, I am sorry. But we can't. " I replied with a pained voice.

I opened my eyes and looked at him. He is looking at me with hurt, pain, and many more emotions.

He stood up and asked, " Why? "

" Because I am engaged. " I replied.

" Then where is your engagement ring? " He asked with a chuckle, and then I realized to forgot my ring.

I took out my ring from my bag and wore it quickly and showed him.

" I am engaged, trust me. " I said, and Suraj sighed.

" Who is that lucky bastard? " Suraj asked.

" Tanish Kashyap. " I replied, and he looked at me with shock.

" Out of all world, how come you choose that bastard? He is my rival. " He asked and confessed their rivalry.

" I chose him because I love him. " I replied with a lie.

" Alright, but in the future, if you both divorced, don't forget to come to me. I will wait for you forever. " Suraj replied and kissed my forehead and cheeks immediately.

I didn't get the time to resist as I was so shocked.

He chuckled and gave me the bookey. He left me alone.

I came out of shock when I heard my phone's ringtone.

I looked at the phone and saw Tanish's name showing.

I am doomed for sure today.

I picked his call, and Tanish yelled from the other side, " Teja, what the hell am I seeing? "

" I don't know what you are seeing. " I replied while trambling.

" Teja Naraya, don't dare to act innocent. Come to Kashyap's Enterprises immediately, or you will face the consequence. " Tanish yelled and cut the call.

I sighed sadly and came out of the cafeteria.

I hired a cab and went to Kashyap's Enterprises.

I thanked the driver and paid the bill.

I looked at the luxurious building in front of me.

I calmed myself, and with confidence and courage, I entered.

I come in front of the front desk, where a female lady is smiling looking at me.

I know she knew about me.

" Mam, sir is waiting for you. Please take the private elevator and reached the top floor. " She said respectfully, and I thanked her with a smile.

I came to the elevator and pressed for the top floor.

I am getting anxious as the elevator is going upward.

I know at the moment, Tanish is the devil for me.

He can do anything when he is mad.

But I can't stay away from him when he is mad.

The elevator bell rang, and the door opened.

I was greeted by a male " Hello, mam. I am Mr. Aniket Rajawat, PA of Mr. Kashyap. Please, mam, come fast as Mr. Kashyap is so angry right now and the staff is in danger because of his temper. " Mr. Aniket explained to me the whole situation.

I walk towards the devil's office, where I heard his growl.

" You are fired. What type of report is this? You have made so many mistakes. You are fired too. " I heard Tanish's yell.

I become more scared.

God, help me!!!


Hello everyone,

Tanish is so mad.

Teja is scared to face him.

What is going to happen now?

How will Teja calm him?

How is he going to react when he saw Teja in front of him?

Stay tuned!

Love you!!!