Chapter 29- Wedding Ceremony!!!

Before Kanvare Ritual, and Teja Got ready.

No one POV:-

Teja saw herself in front of a mirror wearing a red lehenga, jewelry, and make-up on her face. She smiles seeing her mother, who is also happy for her daughter getting married.

Teja feels sorrow in her heart and can't help but feel like crying her whole heart out.

She has to be strong for her mother and sister.

"Beta, are you sure you want to marry Tanish because this is the last time. I ask you?" her mother's Kaya asked.

"yes, maa! You know na I love him. That's why I'm going to marry him." Teja replied.

"I know, dear. But I still feel like you had lied to me tum pakka ho na tum mujhse juth nhi bol rahi"( are you seriously not lied to me?) kaya asked.

"Ma aap Janto ho name Kabhi aapse juth nhi bolti fir aap Aisa kyu bol rahe ho? Kya aap mujh par bharosa nhi karte?" ( Ma, you knew very well I never lied to you. Don't you believe me?) Teja asked.

"I know, beta, you never lied to me but still, I asked you because I know very well it's a big decision for everyone. Anyways, I know he'll take care of you very well Because he loves you so much. I can't believe it. Finally, my daughter is in love and going to get married." Kaya said.

"I'm sorry, mom!!! For the first time, I lied to you. But I can't do anything. Why? God, why? why are you doing this to me?" Teja thought.

Soon Babita came to the bride's room.

"Wow, Oh My God! Di, is that you? I can't believe you are looking breathtaking. When jiju(brother-in-law) sees you, I'm sure he will going to faint." Babita teased her sister.

"Chal Pagal ladki! Aisa Kuch nhi Hoga bulky tumhare jiju tumhari didi ko dekh kar apni aakhe faad lenge."(No stupid girl, It will not happen. But, your brother-in-law's eyes will be pop out by their sockets just by seeing your sister) Kaya teased her daughter.

"Maa, aap bhi. "(Maa, you also.) Teja said. Her cheeks are slightly red.

"Okay! Now we will not tease you. But, mom has to go because our brother-in-law is here." Babita said.

" Ohh! they are here. I have to go to perform the ritual. Babita, You have to wait here with your sister," Kaya said.

"Okay, mom! I'll take care of here now go."

Babita replied.

Then Kaya goes downstairs.

" Bubbly, come to take me when Kanvare ritual held. " Teja said, and Bubbly left her.

Kaya POV:-

I am on cloud nine today.

After all, my Teja is getting married.

I will complete all my responsibilities.

I wore a maroon(a brownish crimson) Saari with heavy accessories.

From tomorrow onwards, I will not wear these things.

I will divorce Nirbhik and become free.

I will take of myself and become better for my daughter.

Then, I will leave everyone without anyone knowing.

I want to travel the world as I never got the chance in my life.

" Kaya, is that Aarti thali ready? " I heard a familiar voice.

I turned and gasped.

That person is my sister-in-law Pushpa.

Pushpa Ranawat.

She is a very straightforward and understanding person.

I know her since my marriage with my Ravi.

I hugged her and said with a smile, " Didi, Thank God you are here. Why didn't you attend any other functions? "

" Kaya, I was sick. But I am fit now. I am so happy that my daughter got a perfect life partner. " Pushpa di replied, and I nodded.

" Yes. Di, I want Brother-in-law, and you do the first Kanyadaan of Teja. Nirbhik and I will do the second Kanyadaan. " I said, and her smile widened.

" Really??? " She asked, and I nodded.

" Thank you, Kaya. Laxmi told me too that I will do the first Kanyadaan of my children. But Ritu died at such a young age. " Pushpa di said sadly, but I smiled.

" It was our fate, di. Let's go. Baraat has come. " I said.

We went towards the entrance. I saw Raj and Rajshree are dancing together with some of their friends and relatives.

I smiled at their antics as they are behaving like young couples.

Tanish sat on the horse, and a cute smile is on his lips.

He conquers his queen today in front of everyone.

He comes down from the horse and comes towards me.

" You have to touch this toran with your sword. " I ordered, and Tanish did as I said.

Toran ritual is a Rajasthani ritual.

This ritual has a meaning behind it.

Once upon a time, one demon attacked the grooms and killed them by changing his body on some animal and took the bride away after killing the groom.

One day, one king is getting married to his bride, so when he came to the entrance, he saw a strange parrot sitting on a wire.

He took out his sword and killed the parrot with his sword.

That's the reason we do this toran ritual.

I worshipped him with the thal.

I wore him a tika between his eyebrows and put the grains of rice between his eyebrows on the tika.

Then I fall some flowers petals on him.

I pinched his nose immediately, and he sneered.

" Maa, what was that for? " Tanish asked.

" Tanish, dear. It's a ritual so that you can take me as your mother who will have a right to teach you. " I said, and he smiled.

" You have that right already. " Tanish said, and I smiled and gestured him to enters inside.

The milni ritual started, and everyone hugged and introduced themselves to each other.

I hugged Rajshree and said, " I am going inside. I have to look at Teja. "

She nodded in understanding, and I left.

I come towards Teja's room when I saw Bubbly.

" Bubbly, why aren't you with Teja? " I asked.

" Di wants some alone time, so I left her alone. " She replied, and I nodded.

" You will come to pick her up when they told you, okay? " I asked, and she nodded, so I left her.

I opened Teja's room door and saw her sitting in front of the mirror.

" Teja!!! " I said, and she turned to look at me and smiled.

" Yes, maa. " Teja replied with a sweet smile and shining eyes.

" Let's go, dear. It's time for your entrance. " I said.

Teja nodded and stood up from the chair.

We went downstairs and then stopped at the door.

Jassi, Anshul, Samir, and Shaan came with the sheet of flowers and made me stand in between them.

The sheet of flowers is above my head.

We start walking towards the stage that has been arranged in the garden.

The song "Din Shagna Da " starts playing.

Soon, Bubbly and Anamika di came near me and started walking with me.

I saw Tanish, who is looking devilishly handsome in his cream sherwani and red Patiala salwaar. Red Patka on his left shoulder, and he wrapped it around his left arm.

He is smirking and winking at me, and I blushed.

I went to the stairs, and then Tanish gave me his hand.

I put my hands in his and come to the stage.

We look at each other eyes and trying to find what is going through each other minds.

We heard someone cleared their throat. I turned and saw Mom, Dad, my so-called dad, grandma, Bubbly, Anamika Di, and maa looking at us with teasing eyes.

I blushed and lowered my head.

Maa handed me the garland, and Mom passed another garland to Tanish.

I put the garland around his neck, and everyone clapped. Some people hooted.

Then Tanish put the garland around me, and again everyone clapped for us.

The photo section started, and every family clicked the pictures with us.

After that, our photo section started.

Then mom, dad, and maa came and took us for dinner.

We didn't eat anything since morning, so we are hungry.

Tanish and I sat together at a table, and everyone sat at their table with their partners, and we eat dinner.

Tanish was silent all the time, and I was scared of the fact.

He is smiling, and his eyes are shining.

But I felt an inferno around us.

I felt that this silence is before the storm.

" It's already 7:50 pm. Let's go. It's time to go to the mandap. " Dad said, and everyone nodded.

They took Tanish with them first and told me to wait here.

After some time, they took me to the mandap.

I saw Tanish is looking at me with a serious and arrogant smile.

I sat beside him, and the priest starts chanting mantras.

I looked at the fire and closed my eyes, and pray for my life with Tanish.

I felt an intense stare, and I know very well that this stare belongs to Tanish.

I opened my eyes and looked at Tanish.

" It's time for Gathbandhan. So, the bride's sister come. " The priest said.

Bubbly stood and did our Gathbandhan.

I didn't object as Anamika di did Bubbly's Gathbandhan in my absence.

" It's time for Kanyadaan. So, the first couple comes forward. " The priest said after chanting some mantras.

Pushpa aunt and Pratap uncle came forwards and did my first Kanyadaan.

After that, my so-called dad and maa came and did my Kanyadaan.

The priest started chanting mantras and said, " It's time for phere. Please, stand up from your seats. "

My so-called dad and maa left now as they can't see me taking phere.

" Bride repeat after me, I promise you That if you ever go on pilgrimage, take me with you too. If you do any fasting or any other religious work, then like today, give me a place in your left part. If you accept it, then I agree to come to your Vamang. " The priest said, and I repeat it while looking at Tanish in his eyes.

I can't lie in front of God. I will do me every responsibility as his wife.

I was behind Tanish when we took our first phere.

" Bride, repeat after me, you promise me That as you respect your parents, respect my parents in the same way, and remain a devotee of God while performing religious rituals according to the limits of the family, then I accept to come to your Vamang. " The priest said, and I repeat after him.

We took the second phere the same way as the first.

" Bride, repeat after me, you give me a promise that you will continue to follow me in all the three stages of life (young age, adult age, old age), only then I am ready to come to your Vamang. " The priest said the third vow, and I repeat after him.

We took the third phere, and everyone threw the flower petals on us like every vow.

" Bride repeat after me, you promise me That till now you were completely free from the worries of the family. Now, you are going to tie the knot. The responsibility of fulfilling all the needs of the family in the future lies on your shoulders. If you pledge to bear this burden, then only I can come to your Vamang. " The priest said the fourth vow, and I repeated after it.

We took our fourth phere.

" Bride repeat after me, I promise you that If you take my advice while spending in your household work, transaction or any other, then I accept to come to your Vamang. " The priest said, and I repeat after him my fifth vow.

In this phere, Tanish was behind me.

" Bride, repeat after me, you have to promise me That if I am sitting among my friends or other women, then you will not insult me ​​there for any reason in front of everyone. If you keep yourself away from gambling or any other kind of addiction, then I agree to come to your Vamang. " The priest said, and I repeat after him.

We took our sixth phere in the same way as previous.

" Bride, repeat after me, I promise you That you will consider foreign women like mothers and will not make anyone else a partner in the mutual love of husband and wife. If you give this promise to me, then only I accept to come under your Vamang. " The priest said, and he repeated the last vow.

After that, we took our last phere.

Everyone clapped as our phere has complete now.

We sat on our seats, and the priest gave Tanish vermilion and mangalsutra in a thaal.

Tanish took the vermilion on the silver coin and filled my partition.

I closed my eyes, and a tear come out from my eyes.

Then Tanish took the mangalsutra in his hand and tied it around my neck.

I felt complete, and shivers travel on my body.

Everyone clapped, and I opened my eyes.

Tanish looks into my eyes with an obsessive smirk.

" Congratulations, wifey. " Tanish said with a smile.

" Congratulations, Tanish. " I said with teary eyes.

My hell starts now.

Hello everyone,Tanish and Teja got married now, what do you think, what will happen today?Why is Tanish behaving like that?Is Teja's intuition correct?Find out in the next chapter.If you still didn't follow me, then don't forget to vote, comment, and follow me.Love you!!!