Chapter 49- Cheating On Her!!!

Teja POV:-


Numb is the only feeling to describe me.

Yes, Tanish raised his hands on me.

Yes, Tanish never respected me and my thoughts.

But I never thought that he would cheat on me after three months of our marriage.

I know he never trusted me. I know he is obsessed with me.

But I never knew that after he became my husband, he would ever dare to cheat.

Yes, he forced himself on me. He never cares about me.

But I saw love in his eyes.

I saw the sincerity in his eyes.

I never want anything from my husband except five things, love, care, respect, understanding, and loyalty.

Did I ask too much from God that he didn't even give me a good husband?

Did I expect too much from my future after suffering so much?

Betrayal is the only thing that I hate the most, then why?




Tanish and Srishti saw me, but instead of trying to explain themselves, they smiled at me, and Tanish trusted himself with her while looking at me with a victory smile.

On the other smile, Srishti moaned while looking at me with a mocking smile.

They are enjoying themselves in front of me without caring about my feeling.

These emotions are too much for me.

Bile rose on my throat, and I ran towards the bathroom.

I vomited all the contents in the toilet while thinking about everything.

My whole body is screaming in pain, but this pain is nothing in front of the pain of betrayal I am facing right now.

Their mocking smiles are making my heartbreak into million pieces.

This suffering is too much!!!

I am not able to breathe properly.

Tears are flowing from my eyes continuously.

After vomiting, I calmed myself. I stood up in front of the mirror and looked at my reflection.

Is this what you get after so many struggles?

Teja, your life is a joke.

You never get those things you want from your life.

You want to become a doctor without losing your respect.

But what happened?

You become a doctor after losing your dignity in front of society.

You became a characterless girl before you wore your white coat.

You want to give your mother a perfect life after becoming a doctor.

But your mother is fighting a battle between life and death.

You want a good husband, but you got that husband who didn't think of you anything except his s*x toy.

You want a simple marriage, but you got a contract marriage.




My mind is screaming at me, and tears are coming out of my life.

I calmed myself and let my rage control me.

I want to the room where they are making out.

I pushed Tanish from Srishti and caught Srishti's hair in my fist, and made her stand in front of me.

She was yelling at me to release her, but I didn't.

I slapped her on her cheeks with all my power.

She fell to the floor.

" You b***h, how dare you to have s*x with someone else's husband? Don't you have any shame left in you? You shameless b***h!!! Today, I will show you your real place. " I yelled while picking her again from her hairs.

I threw her again on the floor.

Tanish came towards us with rage, but before he caught my hair in his fist. I slapped him with all my power.

He fell on the bed. He was looking quite shocked.

After all, I have never used this much power on anyone.

" Wow, Tanish. What a gift you gifted me on our third month's wedding anniversary. I know I am the first female in this world who got this type of gift from her husband. " I exclaimed in my cold voice.

Tears are not falling from my eyes anymore.

I will not cry anymore in front of this bastard.

He turned his head towards me, and his eyes held rage.

Today, I am not scared, seeing his rage eyes.

My rage is empowering my fears.

I want to confront him at any cost.

" Why, Tanish? Why you cheated me? " I asked calmly.

After listening to my question, he laughed.

He was looking at me while laughing.

My grip loosened from Srishti's hair, and she pushed me away, and I fell on the floor.

I looked at them with confusion.

" Oh, Teja. You are so naive. Have you forgotten that what is the reason behind our marriage? " Tanish asked while taking Srishti in his arms and made her sit on his lap.

" I want to take revenge on you for insulting me in front of the whole school. I want to break you completely, just like my ego, which shattered that day you slapped in front of the whole school. " Tanish confessed, and I am looking at him without any emotion on my eyes and face.

But his words are stabbing my heart with thousands of knives.

" And dear, when we got married, there isn't any clause that I need to stay loyal to you. There isn't any clause that I can't f**k anyone other than you in my house. " Tanish explained.

" You are a wife for me who can fulfill all my desires without any argument. " Tanish confessed his feeling, and this sentence is enough to break my soul and heart.

" So, sit on the couch and watch us making out with each other. You can't go anywhere, and that is my order.

You remember that clause that you will do all those things I say. " Tanish said and made me sit on the couch.

Then Tanish took Srishti in his arms and started making out with her.

I am looking at them without any emotions as I am feeling numb.

I am broke today.

After their session, Tanish said, " Srishti can come to my home anytime she wants. Teja, you have to take care of her needs. Now, we are hungry, cook something for us. I have brought chicken pieces, make the chicken piece for us.

One more thing, you will not be going to sleep in this room anymore. Your dress will be in this wardrobe. So, you don't need to shift your clothes to the other room. "

I looked at Tanish, who is not my husband anymore.

For me, he is nothing but Mr. Kashyap now.

" Yes, Mr. Kashyap. " I said and left the room.

I made dinner for them and gave them on the bed.

I went towards my wardrobe and took out all my medicines. I took one nightsuit and those medicines with me.

I know from now onwards, this room and house is nothing but a haunted place for me.

I went towards the other room and slept without eating and taking any pills.

After one hour:-

Author POV:-

Teja was sleeping on the bed when she started to murmur, " No... Please... Leave me... Don't... Don't do this to me... Stay away from me... NO... NO!!!! "

She sat on the bed while taking deep breaths. Cold sweats covered her whole body.

Her nightmare started to haunt her again.

She can't help but cry.

Cry for her herself and her life.

After calming herself, she went towards the kitchen and made instant noodles for herself.

She knows she has to take her anxiety attacks medicines or else she will not sleep a bit.

She was about to take the bowl with her to her room when she saw Srishti came out from Tanish's room.

She can't help but smile bitterly.

Srishti looked at her and smiled, " Teja, you awake at this hour. Why? Can't you digest the fact that Tanish is in someone else's arms? " Srishti mocked Teja.

Teja smiled and said, " Srishti, you were so stupid to think Teja is that type of girl who will cry over her husband's betrayal.

Yes, I felt sad, but not anymore. Do you know why? Because finally, Tanish stopped forcing himself on me. I am happy that he find a s*x partner for himself.

If I am being honest, I am happy that I have to do the chores, but I don't need to fulfill Tanish's desire anymore.

Tanish may cheat me, but in the end, I am still his wife in front of society. But you are his mistress. So enjoy yourself in someone else's husband's arms. "

Teja's words irked Srishti.

" Teja, mark my words, soon Tanish will leave you for me. He will divorce you and will make me his wife. Haven't you heard what he said? You are just a slave and s*x slave for him who got Mrs. Kashyap's title. " Srishti exclaimed and left Teja in the hall.

Teja, who looked at Tanish's door, tears came out from her eyes.

She knows that her dignity, self-esteem, and pride will crush by them every day since today.

She entered her room and started eating while crying.

She tried to control her tears, but she could not able to stop them from falling.

After eating, she took her medicines, and soon sleep engulfed her.

Dear authors, I know you are hurt seeing Teja like this.

Do you think it is easy for me to write all these sufferings?


Her pain is my pain. Tears came out of my eyes when I was writing her sufferings.

You know, when I started writing Dream-An Ambition, I was thinking about all these incidents, I felt pain.

But isn't this true?

These things happened in our world.

Many girls face all these things.

Sometimes I wish that I killed Tanish with my own hands, but if I did. Didn't the story end here?

How will Teja get justice?

Today, when I am writing about betrayal, I felt immense pain in my heart.

Isn't Tanish and Teja the same in power?

Yes, they are.

They have enough money and power.

But just because Tanish found Teja's weakness, he trapped her in his trap.

Teja is much more capable than Tanish.

But still, who is suffering the most.


Why do people use other people's weaknesses for their satisfaction?

Tanish wants Teja all by himself, but what about Teja?

Why do people don't think about other's people feelings?

Tanish is possessive about Teja. That's why he hates whenever she talks to another male except him.

Why do people destroy other people's happiness just to get other people for themselves?

Tanish loves Teja and Srishti loves Tanish. For their love, they destroy many people's lives.

Why do people never understand the real meaning of love?

For their so-called love, they crushed other people's lives. Why?

Why don't they think that the other party has their own choice too?

I think that's enough for today.

My dear readers, I love you and care about you.

So, please wait patiently. There are so many things that are going to happen in the future.

Till then, think why Tanish cheated Teja?

What did Srishti do?

What happened between them that Tanish's mind changed fully.

Don't forget to vote and comment on me.

Love you.