Chapter 51- Pregnant???

Three Months Later:-

Teja POV:-

It's been three months since that incident.

In these three months, mom and dad tried to meet me many times, but I made an excused every time.

I went to that house early and made their dinner, and left for the hospital.

I did overtime these three months.

I did all the chores so that Tanish would not hurt me anymore.

Tanish never tried to intimate with me after Srishti came between us, and that's a relief for me.

My anxiety attacks got worse these three months.

Even my diet reduced.

Maa was admitted to the hospital last month because of her bad health.

Her cancer level reached stage four.

Her chances of survival are only 5% now.

I tried to meet her, but she refused the nurses to let me meet her.

I know she doesn't want me to see her in this condition.

My heart breaks into million pieces seeing her like this.

Right now, I am sitting in my cabin, and one of the nurses entered.

" Mam, you should eat this. " Nurse Maya said and gave me a cup of espresso.

The fragrance of the coffee churned my stomach, and I ran towards the washroom and pucked whatever I ate last time.

After two minutes, after calming myself, I went to the cabin and saw nurse Maya looked at me with a sweet smile.

" Nurse Maya, why are you smiling like that? " I asked and gestured her to give the espresso to someone else.

She went outside and gave the cup to a random doctor and entered with a smile.

" I am smiling because I am happy to see that you are pregnant. " Nuse Maya said, and this pregnant word shocked me to the core.

I took out my phone and looked at my calendar.

I realized that I was three months late for my periods.

Is that mean I am pregnant???

I went towards my bag and took out three pregnancies which I brought three months ago.

I checked the dates, and they are not expired.

I entered the bathroom and waited for the results.

After 10 minutes, I saw all the kits were positive.


I put the kits on a wooden box and wrapped a ribbon on the box.

I went towards the gynecology department. I take an appointment for myself.

After 10 minutes, I entered Dr. Deepika's cabin.

I saw her with a smile, and she smiled back and asked, " Dr. Teja, how can I help you? "

" Dr. Deepika, I did a pregnancy test with the three pregnancy kits, and they are positive. " I explained, and her smile went wider.

" Really??? Congratulations!!!! I am so happy for you. But I have to examine you to make sure you and your baby are well. Also, let's do an ultrasound. You can call Mr. Kashyap if you want. " Dr. Deepika said, and my smile disappeared.

" No, I want to give him the surprise by my ultrasound pictures. " I replied with a fake smile.

" Dr. Teja, are you sure? " She asked after noticing my changes.

" Yes, you don't need to be worried about me. Tanish and I fought yesterday because of a small matter. " I said so that she didn't get suspicious about our relationship.

She smiled and replied, " Yes, I can understand. So, let's start examing you. "

Dr. Deepike started examing me and asked me some questions. After that, she said to follow her.

I followed her, and she gestured me to laid on the stretcher.

I did as she said, and she applied a cold gel on my stomach.

After that, she started rolling the roller on my stomach.

I saw a bean shape baby on the monitor.

After that, she turned on the heartbeat monitor, and I listened to my baby's heartbeat.

That is the best moment after my marriage.

Tanish gave me one happy thing, which is a baby.

I can't believe I am going to become a mother after many years.

" Dr. Teja! " Dr. Deepika said, and I turned to look at her, who looked at me with an emotional eye.

She is happy for me. She is not faking it, as I saw the sincerity in her eyes.

She gave me the tissue to wipe the gel, and I did it.

I threw the tissue on the dustbin and adjusted my dress.

I put on my coat again and looked at her, who looked at me with serious eyes.

" Dr. Teja, first of all, congratulations! You are three months pregnant exactly. You told me that you are using anti-depressant pills. Please don't use it anymore as it is not good for your child and your health. " Dr. Deepika said, and I nodded.

She prescribed me some medicines, and I left her cabin after thanking her.

She is right. I have to think about my child's health first.

I saw the time which is showing 8 pm.

I realized it was too late today, and Tanish didn't even call me.

I called him, and he picked up in the first ring.

I heard many voices behind him.

" Hello, Tanish. Where are you? " I asked.

" Teja, I am going on a business trip, and I will come back after ten days. And remember, you need to get ready after ten days for our office party. I will come to pick you up directly after landing. " He said.

" Alright, but Tanish, I need to tell you something important. " I said, but then I heard a boarding announcement.

" Teja, we will talk after I come back, okay? " Tanish said.

" But Tanish- " Before I could finish my sentence, Tanish hung up my call.

I sighed as he had the right to know about my pregnancy first.

But he didn't hear then now. It's not my fault anymore.

I went towards my mother's room to see that the nurse come out from my mother's room and went somewhere.

I entered to her to see that my mother was looking at me with wide eyes.

She has lost all of her weight.

She is looking so pale and in pain.

Tears formed in my eyes, but I controlled myself and went towards her.

" Maa!! " I said sweetly and hugged her.

She hugged me back and then broke our hug.

" Teja, what are you doing here? Didn't I tell you that you can't enter my room? Then, why do you come here? " Mom yelled at me, and I smiled at her.

I missed her voice, her touch.

I missed her fully.

" Maa, I am three months pregnant. " I confessed, and she looked at me with shock.

Her shock turned into a wide smile, and she hugged me.

" Oh, god. I am so happy that I am going to become a grandma. My daughters are giving me two grandchildren. " Mom said, and I looked at her with shock.

" What do you mean, maa? Is Bubbly pregnant too? " I asked with a smile.

" Yes, Bubbly is six months pregnant. You didn't talk to her after her marriage. Why? " Mom confessed and asked.

" Maa, whenever Bubbly messaged me, I was in the OT and meeting, so I never got a chance to talk to her. I wanted to talk to her directly. that's why I never replied to her messages. " I replied, which is partially true.

I nodded in understanding and smiled.

" Have you told Tanish about it? " Mom asked, and I shook my head as a no.

" He went on an urgent business trip, I tried to tell him this news, but he hung up my phone. " I said sadly.

" Don't be sad. At least, you get the chance to tell this news in front of him. " Mom said, and I nodded with a smile.

If he refused to take responsibility for this child. Then I would run far away from this place.

I am sorry, maa. But I have to save this child from his father if he refuses to take responsibility.

I said with determination and left the room after says bye to maa.

I went to the penthouse and saw Tanish's door was open. I heard Srishti's voice.

What she said shocked me to the core.