Chapter 53- Biggest Betrayal!!!

Ten Days Later:-

Teja POV:-

Finally, this day has come.

Today, Tanish is coming back to India, and we have to go to his Office Annual Party.

At this party, his business partners, associates, and his employees will come with their families.

Of course, mom and dad are also present at the party, and I am excited to meet them.

After all, I have to give them a piece of happy news.

Right now, I am stroking my belly while looking at my belly, Which came out a little.

My baby bump started to show after this month.

I want a baby boy. So I will make him like me, not like Tanish.

I want him to become a responsible man, unlike his father, who is a manwhore.

Today, Tanish's decision will decide our future.

If he chooses Srishti over us, I will run away from here. And I will never come back to this place ever.

Today, I took a day off, and our director was so happy. After all, he didn't like the fact I did overtime for the last three months.

They tried to threaten me many times, but his threats failed.

Right now, I came to the mall and looking for a perfect ball gown.

Suddenly, I saw a rose color ball gown that would cover my whole body. I can't let anyone see Tanish's creativity in my body.

When Tanish whipped me, those injuries were deep, and they made a permanent scar on my body.

Secondly, I never applied for any medicine on those injuries, so that is also the reason why they have left the scar.

I looked at that gown and decided to wear it.

I tried it, and it fits me well.

I don't need to wear long heels for this gown as I am pregnant.

I like the dress, and after changing my clothes, I bought this gown immediately.

I went to the women's show wear and bought a rose color belly.

After that, I come back to the penthouse and change my dress.

I did makeup on my face, and I was looking good.

I took out my small purse and put my phone, handkerchief, and that wooden box in the purse.

Now, I am waiting for Tanish.

After an hour, Tanish entered the penthouse with his suitcase.

He is looking tired like he didn't get sleep.

He looked at me with shock when he saw me.

I blushed, looking at his lustful eyes.

He came towards me and hugged me immediately.

" I missed you, Teja. " Tanish said in my ears while sniffing my neck.

I didn't say anything as his tortures were coming in front of my eyes.

Tears formed in my eyes, but I controlled myself and said, " Tanish, you should get ready or else we will be late for the party. "

Tanish broke the hug and looked at me with intense eyes.

He sighed in frustration and said, " Wait for me. I will take some time. "

I nodded, and he entered his room.

I started to read my books while waiting for him.

After an hour, he came back looking fresh.

He has worn a white tuxedo and a black bow.

He has worn white shoes and looking handsome.

He has sprayed his favorite citrus perfume, which is relaxing my mind and made me feel happy.

He has fixed his hair back with gel.

He is looking happy today, and he is not faking it.

" Shall we? " He asked while raised his hand towards me.

I put my hands on him and said with a smile, " We shall. "

He laughed, and we came down and saw a limousine is waiting for us.

He helped me sat in the car, and then he sat beside me.

" Why didn't you wear heels today? Any specific reason? " Tanish asked.

" Yes, my legs are aching because of doing all the shopping myself, and you know I hate shopping. " I lied fluently, and Tanish nodded in understanding.

" Tanish, I want to tell you something. " I said, but he stopped me and put his index finger on my lips.

" No, Teja. We will talk after this party. I need to talk to you too. " Tanish said, and I nodded.

After all, that will be better.

Soon, we reached our destination.

As expected, the media is clicking the pictures.

I sighed in frustration.

" Let's go. " I mumbled to myself.

Tanish came out from the car first and showed his hand.

I put my hand on his and came out of the car.

We entered while ignoring the media's question.

They were not asking any questions about my character today, and I felt relieved.

When we entered, we saw mom and dad first.

I ran towards them and hugged them tightly as I missed them.

Everyone is looking at us with a smile and starts enjoying themselves again.

" You stupid child, why didn't you meet us these three months? " Mom asked me with fake anger.

I smiled and said, " Mom, I was busy. You know very well after doing successful surgery of Mr. Mayor, my workload increased drastically. Sorry I didn't meet you these months. But look, I am standing in front of you now, please forgive me. " I explained with puppy eyes.

She sighed in defeat and hugged me again.

I smiled in victory, and mom broke the hug.

I looked at dad, who was looking at me with love in his eyes.

" Teja, daughter. How are you? Look how much weight you have lost? Tanish, aren't you taking care of her? " Dad asked.

" Dad, she is good. She lost her weight as she missed me in these ten days. " Tanish said, and everyone laughed.

I huffed and turned my face away from him.

" Teja, please don't get mad. Let's meet my business associates. " Tanish said calmly, and I nodded.

Tanish started to introduce me to his associates, but I felt a strange feeling. Someone close to my heart was around me.

But who?

I ignored my feeling and focused on Tanish and his associate.

After he was excused,

Tanish took me towards a couple who back are showing in front of us.

I was feeling a storm inside me.

" Mr. and Mrs. Albert Williams. " Tanish exclaimed, and the couple turned towards us.

What I saw shocked me to the core.

The ground snatched underneath me.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Williams are looking at me with shock.

My breath hitched as I looked at his face.

That is the biggest betrayal of my life.

Mr. Albert Williams was non-other than my late father, Mr. Laxmi Narayan.