Chapter 64- Teja's Family!!!

Teja POV:-


Numbness is the only thing that can describe me.

I am sitting with my mother in the ambulance.

I was looking at her and said, " Mom, I know you heard my talk with Tanish.

I know you were so upset that you were the reason behind my suffering.

But you never got guilty because If I refused Tanish at that time, I lost you early.

I can do anything for you. I love you, maa.

For Di and I, you sacrificed yourself. You took care of di, Bubbly, and me, and you have never thought about yourself.

Maa, this little sacrifice is nothing compared to your sacrifice for us.

Maa, all those things I achieved, It all happened because of you.

You raised me to become a better person. You teach me to help others.

You teach me to smile always and never give up on my struggles.

You teach me to be a self-esteem person. So no one will question my character.

But mom, this world is so cruel for us.

They may teach us to become a better person.

But they took our innocence away from us in this fight for survival.

Why, maa?

Why is this world so cruel?

Why didn't people think about the other person's emotions before doing something bad for them?

I never get the answer to this question. " I said to my mom.

" Maa, now don't think about me. I knew I had tied you with me enough already. It's time for you to be free.

Mom, you and my baby left me on the same day. So, please take care of him too till you both are together. " I requested.

I don't know why I am talking nonsense with my mother.

But, I just need to say all this to my mother.

Suddenly the door opened, and I realized we had reached already.

Two male maids helped me taking my mother inside, and I saw they had removed all the sofas from the centers and covered the floor with a white sheet.

They had laid a white blanket for maa in the center.

We laid maa on the mattress, and I left towards my room.

I saw maids arranged a white suit and saari for me to wear.

I decided to wear a white suit.

I went to the bathroom and took a shower.

Then I wore that white suit that covered my body.

I went downstairs and saw everyone wore white clothes.

Mom and dad were crying while sitting at the side of maa.

Even Bubbly and Jassi sat on the other side and crying for losing maa.

Aakaash, Tanish, Mr. Albert, Mrs. Albert, and Arjun were standing at the corner, and they were crying for my mother.

I saw my relatives was shocked to see dad and didn't know if they should try to talk to him.

They all were talking about him and his second family.

I went near my mother's body and sat beside her.

Maids were giving water to our guests.

Suddenly, I heard a loud voice. " TEJA!!! "

I turned and saw Pushpa Tai Ji(Aunt) and Pratap Tau Ji(Uncle).

Tears were falling from their eyes.

Pushpa Tai Ji ran towards me and hugged me.

" Teja, how did this happened? " Pushpa Tai Ji asked.

" Tai Ji, vo- " Before I could say anything, I saw she looked at someone with shock.

I turned and saw it was my so-called father with his family.

" Ye(This)- " She wants to say something, but she wasn't able to complete her sentence because of her shock.

She stood up and walked towards him.

Before anyone could understand, what was she about to do.

She raised her hand and slapped him tightly.

Yes, she slapped him with her whole power that a loup tight slap echoed in the mansion.

Her fingerprints were showing on my father's left cheek.

She caught him through his collar and said, " You were alive all those years.

Why did you do that, Laxmi?

Do you know how much Kaya suffered after you left?

Do you know how much your daughters suffered?

Why did you abandon them this cruelly?

Have you never thought about your family a little bit? Huh!!!

I thought you were my pride, but you.

You made me feel disgusted and ashamed of my thoughts.

You made a second family without giving a thought about your wife, Kaya, and your children.

How can you do this?

Do you have any shame left in you? You are standing in front of us without any shame. " Pushpa Tai Ji yelled.

Tears were falling from her eyes.

Even my so-called father was also crying.

He tried to hold her hands, but she took two steps back.

She gave him a disgusting look.

And he fell on his knees.

" Bhabhi(sister-in-law), please listen to me first.

In that car accident, my body swiped with another person on postmortem.

I was in a coma for two years.

When I came out of the coma, I looked for them. But Nirbhik was already married to Kaya, and they had Bubbly. So I decided to leave them forever. So I won't disturb their life. But I didn't know my decision would impact so many lives.

Bhabhi, please don't give a disgusting look. I am already ashamed of my decision. Please bhabhi. Please forgive me. " He explained, and I looked at them with an emotionless face Because I don't care about anyone anymore.

They all used me for their benefit and left me alone to suffer.

I don't need anyone as I am alone now.

Pushpa Tai Ji didn't say anything to him and came near me.

" I will forgive you when my daughter would forgive you. Your fake death may hurt me, but my daughter faced that impact. She was the one who suffered the most.

Only she has the right to decide, what should we do with you?

So, you need to ask forgiveness from her, not from me.

I am nothing in comparison to your daughter. " Pushpa Tai Ji said and put her hand on my shoulder and gave me a warm squeeze.

But it didn't give me the warmth of my dead heart.

Before I could say anything, my eyes turned towards the door.

I saw those people I never want to see in my whole life ever again.

Their faces made my blood boil.

Those people were none other than Mr. Nirbhik, Mrs. Sakshi, my Nanu(Maternal Grandpa), and my three mamas(Maternal Uncles).

Okay, so those guys who made Teja's life hell entered.

What do you think will happen now?

How will Teja react after seeing them?

The story held so many twists now.

I will try to update as many chapters as possible.

So Stay Tuned with me.

Love you guys!

Thank you for your patience.

I hope you are linking the story so far.