Chapter 80- Plan!

Teja POV:-

I said with a smile, " Hello! I need your help! "

The other person didn't say anything for a minute.

" Teja dear, I heard you committed suicide. Why, dear? " He asked.

" Mr. Mayor, the thing is... " I said and explained to him my whole situation. It took me good 10 minutes to explaining him my whole story.

I didn't cry a bit, but I saw tears in Arjun's eyes.

Even I heard a heavy voice from the other side when I was done explaining.

" Oh, God. I didn't know that you suffered this much, dear. I wish I could see the pain in your eyes before. You told me he beat you and raped you on the day of my surgery. Is that mean you were feeling a lot of pain when I asked you to sit on the chair, right? " He asked, and I sighed.

" Yes, Mr. Mayor. " I replied, and I heard a heavy sigh from the other side.

" I am sorry, Teja. I made you, my daughter, that day, but this father failed to understand your pain that day. " He said.

" It's not your fault, sir. I hide everything from everyone. Now, I need your help with something. " I replied.

" How can I help you, dear? " He asked.

" Sir, can you arrange a private jet for me tomorrow? So that no one could find out how did I left here. Secondly, I need a new identity. You know very well, after your surgery I became quite famous in the world. Please, help me with this. I want a place where I can make my mini-hospital, and I need a private house where no one can find me where I am living. I hope you can help me with this.

If you think about money, you don't need to worry about that. I have enough money. I can give you three billion. " I said, and Arjun looked at me with shock.

" Three Billion, how did you make this much money? " He asked curiously.

An arrogant smirk came on my mouth.

" I have saved one rich man in Australia. He helped me open my account at the Swiss bank when I was in my first year. I was studying medicine.

Every year I have published books. Those books are notes for medical students. I have used the pen name Lisa, and it helped a lot of students in their studies. I had published it on Amazon. So I receive $10000 every month as many students bought those books of mine. After your surgery, I did a lot of difficult surgery, and my salary expanded. I have also attended many seminars and become their guest. I received a salary on those seminars too. Also, I have attended some training sessions online and received a salary too.

For my mother, I have already made her health insurance of 1 crore. My mother was receiving treatment from AIIMS. So, I didn't have to spend much money on her. It's not like I don't want to, but the payments are lower compared to other places, and you know that. " I replied.

" Wow!!! Dr. Teja, I didn't know you were this intelligent. I didn't know.

You could make this much money with your hard work, and even all this money is white. I am feeling so proud.

Don't worry. I will help you with everything, and I will tell you when I need money. You have to spend money on your hospital and flat. " Mr. Mayor replied, and I hummed.

" Teja, can I ask you one thing? " Mr.Mayor asked with hesitation.

" Yes, sir. " I replied with curiosity.

" Can I give you my surname and choose your name? " He asked with hesitation, and I smiled.

" Sure, sir. " I replied, and I heard a squeal from the other side.

" My name is Samuel Smith. Then, I have decided, your name will be Lily Smith. What do you think? Do you like your name? " Mr. Mayor asked with enthusiasm.

" Yes, sir. I like it. After all, I need lily to start a new life. I am reborn today. " I replied.

He chuckled as he understood what I meant.

" Alright, Teja. Tomorrow you will get your new identity and other things. You don't need to worry about that. I will call you when the jet land in Delhi. So, pack your bags. Also, I am sending my assistant. He will give you your ID and other things. Take care of yourself. Bye, dear. " He said, and I hung up the call.

I looked at Arjun, who looked at me with shock.

" Di! Were you talking to our Mayor? " Arjun asked with shock.

" Yes, I am, dear. " I replied with a smile.

" Di, you are awesome. So, tell me, what's your plan? " Arjun asked, and I chuckled at his enthusiasm.

" Wait, dear. I will tell you with everyone except Bubbly. I can't let her know about my plan at any cost. So, call everyone inside. " I said, and he nodded and left the room.

Soon everyone came inside.

I looked at everyone who looked at me with happy eyes, but my face turned cold.

After all, I don't want to talk to them. But I don't have any choice.

Bubbly came near me, and she was about to hug me when I stopped her.

" Babita Singh!! Have you forgotten that you are pregnant?

I know I pulled a stupid stunt when I wasn't on my mind. But why didn't you take care of yourself these two days? I am so disappointed in you. " I said Bubbly coldly.

Shock is showing in her eyes with tears.

Soo, she started crying.

" Keep quiet, Babita Singh! " I yelled and turned towards Jassi.

" Jaminder, is this how you take care of Babita? " I asked.

" Di, it's not like that. We all were worried about you, and... " I didn't let him complete and stopped him showing my hand.

" I don't want to listen to any of your excuses. Jasminder, book your flights. You guys are leaving today. " I ordered, and everyone looked at me with shock.

" But, di? " Babita asked, but I looked at her madly.

" Babita, I lost my children already. If you lost your child because of me, I would never forgive myself. If you want me alive, then go back to Canada today at any cost. " I replied coldly.

She looked at me with hope so I would change my decision.

But when she saw the coldness in my eyes.

She agreed and left with Jassi.

But not before hugging and saying dad and mom to take care of myself.

They agreed and consoled her.

After she left, and everyone looked at me with madness.

Dad came near me and said, " Teja Beta, why did you behave with Babita like this? I know you cared about her, but you should not behave with her like this. "

" Dad, I need to do this for her sake. I know she must decide that she will take care of me till I recover. But she needs to take care of herself first. After losing maa. she is already stressed, and my life truth and sacrifice hit her mind. I don't want her to be under stress because of me. That's the reason I behaved rudely with her. " I replied sweetly to dad.

I know my voice innocence died today.

But I can't do anything about it.

" Teja, what are you planning? " Akaash asked, and I chuckled coldly.

" You are really my best friend, Akaash. Yes, I made a plan already. Dad, mom, and Akaash, I want you to listen to me and respect my decision. " I said, and they looked at me worriedly.

Before I could start explaining to them my plan, I was interrupted by some loud noises as the door wasn't shut properly.

I heard the voices, and I saw everyone got mad immediately.

I sighed as I knew I have face this person before telling them my plan.

God, help me.

I thought inside my mind.

" Dad, let that person in. " I said.

So, guys. What do you think is this person?

Don't forget to tell me.

I am waiting for your response.

Love you!!