Chapter 87- New Life!

Raj POV:-

When I saw my daughter leaving, I couldn't help but cry at that time.

I hugged Rajshree and cried my whole heart out.

I don't want to lose her because of Tanish wrongdoing.

I know she didn't file a complaint against Tanis because of me and my workers.

She may become dead, but her heart is still like before.

She can't hurt anyone innocent.

I know she went alone.

She didn't take anyone with her as I saw her alone going inside.

She must have told her second family to leave her.

Akaash went to London for his family.

Even Mr. Albert booked his flight with his family to London.

Mr. Albert, I hate this name with the guts.

After all, he was the one who broke my daughter's heart into million pieces by his fake death.

He is the reason behind my daughter's breakdown.

He broke her in the worst way possible.

I am not saying that my son didn't do anything wrong.

But they both broke her to such an extent that I am worried if she will ever be able to become normal.

I hate this.

I hate myself.

If I haven't become selfish for my son's happiness, this would never happen.

Why do I never think about Teja's happiness at that time?

Why didn't I listen to Rajshree at that time when she told me something was wrong with our children?

It was all my fault, and I would never forgive myself for this mistake.

I was in these thoughts that I didn't realize when I reached the home until Rajshee called me.

" Raj, look, we reached home. " Rajshree said in her hoarse voice.

After crying, our voices were quite hoarse.

I gave her a water bottle, and she took it from me and drank water.

After that, we went inside to see Commissioner Arjun with Srishti's father and brother.

My blood boiled to see them.

After all, Srishti destroyed my children's life.

I looked at Srishti's father, who looked at me with rage.

" What the hell is this, Raj? Why did your son arrest my daughter in jail? " Srishti's father, Samarth asked.

" You want to know, why? Then let me tell you, your daughter is a whore who destroyed my children's life. " I yelled.

When Mr. Arjun called me before Teja woke up for Srishti's arrest and what she did with my children, I wanted to kill her with my bare hands.

But I controlled my rage as I didn't want to use my power on her.

He looked at me with rage and yelled, " Don't you dare to say any bad word about my daughter. She is a gem. "

I went near him and asked, " You don't know what your gem daughter did? "

I went towards Mr. Arjun and looked at him carefully.

" Do you bring evidence with you? " I asked, and he nodded.

He showed a video on his phone, and I showed that video to them.

They looked at that video with shock as Srishti confessed every crime from her filthy mouth.

When the video end Siddharth fell on the floor.

Tears fell from their eyes.

" Tanish and Srishti did that with Teja all this time, and I didn't even know about it. " Siddharth mumbled to himself.

Samarth was frozen. He didn't move a bit all this time.

Siddharth looked at his father and hugged him.

That was enough for Samarth as he started crying.

His situation was quite like mine.

I went towards him and hugged him tightly.

" Raj, our children, I never thought our children do something like this to a pure soul. " Samarth said while crying.

Tears fell from my eyes too.

" I know. Our children stoop so low in their revenge that they didn't even know what they were doing.

You know they broke her to this extent that Teja committed suicide.

You know, since Teja was awake, she became a living dead. " I said, and I saw Siddharth lowered his eyes.

" Where is Teja? Is she still at the hospital? I want to apologize to her for my daughter's behavior. " Samrath asked.

" The fact is, Teja left this country already. " I confessed, and I heard gasps.

" She left? But, why? Who will take care of here at her in this situation? Where did she go? " Siddharth asked worriedly.

" To Be Honest, I don't know. Tej didn't tell me as she wanted to stay away from everyone.

She was tired of everything that happened to her since she came back to India.

She lost her dignity, confidence, trust, her second child, and her mother.

She became kind of traumatic to this place.

Her nightmares reached to its peak.

I hope she will see a good psychiatrist for her better future. " I explained, and they looked at me sadly.

"Then what about the complaint against Tanish? " Mr. Arjun asked.

" Teja didn't want to file a complaint against Tanish as she doesn't want to affect the company and the workers. " I replied, and he sighed.

" But I am planning something for Tanish. " I said and told them my plan.

After I was done explaining, they looked at me with shock.

" Are you really going to do that for Teja, who wasn't your blood? " Samarth asked.

I looked at him in disbelief.

" She is my daughter. She may not be my biological daughter, but she is my daughter from my heart. " I said with proudness.

" Alright. But I am glad you are not like those family who hides the crimes of their child. " Samarth said, and I nodded.

After that, they left.

I can see in Siddharth's eyes he wants to find Teja at any cost.

Good luck, son. I thought internally.

The next day, my plan execute.

I viral the divorce papers of Teja and Tanish, and I was retiring from my chairman post.

I know these reports are enough to make the media crazy.

I went to the office with Rajshree and broke my ties with Tanish.

After I was done, I came back home with a broken Rajshree.

After all, she is a mother, and Who mother likes to break her ties with her son.

But she did make Tanish realize what he did.

I am proud of her.

But when we came home, we heard the most shocking news.

Srishti's father exposed his wrongdoing of his daughter.

He even broke his ties with his daughter.

He snatched the position of CEO from his daughter.

I know it must be difficult for him.

I hope Teja reached her place safely and took care of herself.

Teja POV:-

When I reached London, I felt so relaxed.

I looked at my new ID and Keys to the new place and hospital.

I got excited.

Mr. Albert called in his office and brought his car with the help of his secretary.

Mr. Albert introduced me to his secretary as his daughter. I looked at him with coldness and rage.

After all, I had changed with my identity.

I said hello to his secretary coldly and warned him not to tell anyone about this secret.

He looked at me with shock.

But I ignored him and sat in the car after adjusting my suitcases in the car.

Secretary told me not to do it, but I refused him coldly as I don't want to be dependent on someone now.

After we sat inside the car, I told them the address of my house.

He looked at me with shock, and later I found out that it's a private area, where no one enters with any permission.

I smiled and told him to go.

We reached, and I was mesmerized by the beauty of the house.

It's a two-story house with cream color walls.

I opened the door and entered inside.

Indeed, all the furniture was inside the house.

The second floor has three bedrooms. On the first floor, there have five guest rooms. On the ground floor, there is a hall with a white chandelier hanging in the middle.

All in all the house is beautiful.

" The corner room is mine. The central room is yours, Mr. and Mrs. Albert, and the third room is yours, Arjun. " I ordered, and they nodded.

I went inside and unpacked my clothes.

When I was done, it's dinner time already.

I went downstairs to make dinner, but I saw dinner was ready already.

I saw all non-veg dishes are made, and I saw Mrs. Albert look at me with a smile.

" I hope you will enjoy the dishes I made. " Mrs. Angelina said with hope, and I looked at her coldly.

I went inside the kitchen and made some instant noodles for myself.

I saw everyone look at me with sadness and rage.

I realized that I became too rude right now, so I decided to explain.

" I can't eat these dishes as I am vegetarian. " I said, and the rage in their eyes filled with guilt.

" I am sorry, Teja. I don't mean to- " She was about to explain when I stopped her.

" You don't need to explain everything to me. I understand. " I said and sat beside them.

Everyone started eating dinner.

After we were finished, I went inside my room.

I went inside the room and changed my clothes into nightwear.

I was about to lie down on the bed when I heard the knock.

I said, come in.

Arjun entered with an awkward smile, and I smiled at him.

I don't know, but his innocent face made me smile automatically.

" Di, do you need something? " Arjun asked, and I shook my head as a no.

" No, Arjun. But, can you sit with me till I sleep? " I asked with worriedness.

He nodded like a child.

" Sure, di. " He said and sat on the bed while I laid down on the bed.

I didn't realize when sleep kissed my eyes.