Chapter 90- Broke Down!

Akaash POV:-

It's been a week since I came back to London.

I didn't get the chance to meet Teja again as I caught a cold.

Mom being an over-protective mother, didn't let me do anything except rest.

Now, I have recovered. So, I decided to meet Teja today.

After all, I have to ask her about her new hospital.

I want to support her with whatever she wants to do.

I got ready and ate my breakfast with my family.

Even they told me to take care of Teja.

I nodded at them and came to my room to take my phone and wallet.

I saw my phone ringing, and Arjun's name was showing on the screen.

I exchanged my number with him just in case they needed me.

I picked his phone immediately and said, " Hello, Arjun. "

" Hello, brother. I know I shouldn't call you as you are sick, but Teja di needs you right now. Please, come here. " Arjun said worriedly.

" Arjun, Relax, buddy! Tell me, what happened? " I asked.

He called me five days before to ask me about my health.

I told him I was sick, and he hung up the call.

" Di caught a fever. She is suffering from a cold and fever. From the last week, her nightmares got worst. She wasn't able to take a sleep well. Even she was not responding to medicines.

We hired a psychiatrist for her, but she was not open to her psychiatrist.

We don't know how to help her.

She will die at this rate. " Arjun explained and cried at the end.

I was shocked to hear about her condition.

" I am coming! Don't worry. Nothing will happen to her. " I said and hung up the call.

I ran towards the garage and took out my car.

I ran my car towards Teja's home.

I saw Arjun at the side of their home, and I stopped my car.

We entered her home, where I saw Dr. Ashley.

She is a famous psychiatrist in London.

" Dr. Ashley, nice to meet you. Myself- " I saw going to introduce myself, but she cut me off.

" Dr. Akaash Rathore, a famous Gycanologist. I heard a lot about you. Please, tell me. That woman is Dr. Teja Narayan, right? " She said enthusiastically and asked.

I shook my hands with her and replied, " Thank you for your compliment, and yes, she is Dr. Teja Narayan, but please, don't let anyone know about this. "

She looked at me with confusion but nodded.

" I am not able to understand why Dr. Teja became like this? " She asked, and I sighed.

" Look, Dr. Ashley, a lot of things happened in her life. You will hear all those things from her with time.

You have to support her and help her become stable. " I said, and she nodded.

" Where is her room? " I asked Dr. Ashley, and she showed me her room.

I went inside the room and saw Teja lying down on the bed and shivering badly.

Arjun sat on the bed and put the cold towel on her forehead.

Arjun turned when he realized my presence in the room.

He looked at me with a sad smile and turned his face towards Teja.

" Di, look, Akaash bhaiya is here. " Arjun said, and I smiled.

Teja turned her face towards me and looked at me coldly.

" Akaash, hello. " Teja said weakly and coughed a little.

I went near her and replied, " Hello, Teja. You look terrible. Why? "

She shook her head and replied, " Nothing. You know Akaash, I would catch a cold every time we travel. Don't worry about me. "

" Arjun, can you leave us alone for some time? I want to talk to your sister about something. " I asked Arjun, and he nodded and left us alone.

Teja tried to sit on the bed when I helped her.

I saw Teja's body get rigid when I touched her.

So, I patted her head and helped her.

Teja got calmed when I patted her head and sat on the bed with my help.

" What do you want to talk about? " Teja asked coldly.

I studied her features closely.

Her eyes have eye bags. Her eyes are slightly red.

Her face turned pale because of weakness.

All in all, she looked so weak, but the coldness in her eyes didn't leave.

" Teja- " I want to start our conversation, but she cut me off and said, " Call me, Lily. "

I looked at her with shock, but I calmed myself.

I realize she doesn't want to call herself Teja anymore.

" Alright, Lily. " I said her new name, and she smiled coldly.

" Lily, look, you know I am always here for you, right? " I asked, and she nodded.

" I want you to open yourself with your psychiatrist. It will help you in your depression, anxiety attacks, and nightmare, okay? " I confessed, and she looked at me with rage.

" No, never. Akaash, I can handle myself. I don't need a psychiatrist. " She refused me bluntly.

" Teja, why don't you understand? Everyone is worried about your health. " I tried to make her understand. But she behaved like a little girl.

" No, Akaash. I am okay. Just because some nightmares haunt me, I won't forget to live my life. " She said, and my blood boil.

I punched on the mattress and yelled, " WHAT THE HELL, TEJA?





I sighed and looked at her.

Her face turned pale as she realized I knew everything.

I sighed in frustration.

I held her hands in mine.

" Teja, sorry, Lily.

I know you are strong.

But you need to open your heart now.

Your mother had a heart attack because she felt she was the reason for your misery.

Lily, you need to make her realize that she wasn't the reason for your misery by living a peaceful life.

Everyone is worried about you.

Arjun, you know he is an innocent child.

But, he saw his di's worst state.

Do you think he will be able to live happily after seeing you like this? " I explained and asked.

She lowered her eyes and sighed.

I made her look at me, and I saw tears in her eyes.

That was enough for me to lose my calm.

I hugged her tightly.

After a minute, I heard her hiccups, and she broke.

She started to cry.

" Akaash!!!

He hurt me a lot.

It hurts!!!

It hurts so much!

I can't handle all these.

I am dying inside.

I lost my children because of him.

What was my fault that he did all those things to me?

What was the fault of my innocent children?

Was it my fault that I got pregnant?

Why did Srishti plan to kill my children?

What was my innocent mother's fault?

What was my fault?

Why did my father betray us?

Why did no one ever support us?

Why did Tanish use my family against me?

Why did Tanish cheat me?

You know Tanish raped me every day, and those three months were hell for me.

Every day I felt like a whore whenever I used me for his pleasure.

He made me his slave.

Akaash, he tortured me the worst way possible.

He broke me every day.

But when I did the surgery of Mr. Mayor, he saw that I kissed Nicholas and hugged you all.

But he never noticed my happiness.

You know that whip haunts me still now.

It hurt me too much that day.

He became a beast that day and whipped me till he wasn't satisfied, and I screamed, begged, cried, but he didn't listen to me.

I was numb by pain, but still, he raped me brutally.

Akaash, I don't want to go back and face that hell again.

You know,

When you left for your training session, those three months were the worst for me.

I didn't have anyone to talk to.

Even I can't say anything to anyone.

They enjoyed themselves in front of me without caring about my heart.

I may not love Tanish, but he was my husband.

And any wife never accepts a mistress with her husband.

And those guys made me their slave, and Tanish treated his mistress like his queen.

I faced that humiliation that broke me.

On the other side, maa's situation was getting worse.

I didn't know whom to handle as my nightmares got worse.

Every day I had to take a pill. So, at least I can sleep for four hours.

For a few days, I wasn't able to get any sleep because of their love session.

I felt disgusted, but I can't say this to anyone. " Teja said while tears were flowing from her eyes continuously.

Sometimes she smiled bitterly. Sometimes she laughed bitterly.

She is opening her heart out. I am feeling like my ears will start bleeding after hearing her thoughts.

" Tanish, what did you do to this innocent girl? How could you never think about her heart and mind before hurting her this much " I thought.

But my chain of thought broke when she said, " You know, Akaash.

My father's betrayal hurt me to the core.

I always thought of him as my role model.

I took all the responsibilities on my shoulder as I thought if my father was alive, he would take all the responsibilities and never let me worry about these things.

But on that day, I saw him in front of my eyes alive.

All those thoughts of mine broke. I felt like a doll whom everyone controlled in their own way.


Why did everyone use me as they wanted?

What bad did I do to someone that I have to face all these things?

Tell me na, Akaash! Tell me! " She explained and asked, and she broke into cries.

I hugged her tightly. Soon, she drifted into sleep.

After all, she was tired from her cold and crying session.

I laid her on the bed and kissed her forehead with a promise that I would never leave her alone again.

I promise, Teja. This Akaash will always be here for you. Even if I have to wait for you all my life, I will wait for you to accept me.

But I will never pressurize you.

Hello guys,

This chapter literally broke me into tears while I was typing.

But don't you think it's true.

Bad people hurt innocent, but what was their fault that they have to suffer like this?

I don't even know why people hurt innocent people and broke them to this extent that they were never able to mend themselves again.

Don't you think?

Tell me your thought about it.

Don't forget to comment with me about your thoughts.

Love you!

Guys, there is an important announcement for you.

This story is about to finish in the next month.

To be honest, I felt bad that my first creation came to an end, but I can't do anything about it.

I am happy, I got love and support from you, my dear readers.

I love you!

So, don't forget to vote, comment, and share your lovely story.

Love you!!