Chapter 97- A New Turn!

Albert POV:-

" Okay, I will think about it. " Teja said, and I looked at her with shock as I thought she would say no, and making her understand would be difficult.

But she agreed too quickly.

A smile made its way on my lips.

I kissed her on the forehead unconsciously.

And she became stiff and looked at me with shock, but soon she got relaxed and returned my smile.

I smiled, seeing the emotion on her face.

I never liked her emotionless face or that cold face.

I still remember her cute face when she was a child.

I enjoyed the best time with her Till that accident which sent me away from my family.

" Thank you, Teja, for thinking about this point. I hope you will give this marriage a chance. " I said and held her hands in mine.

She became still again, but she relaxed after some time.

I felt bad that I couldn't touch my daughter because she feared male touch.

But she is trying to overcome her fears, which made me feel proud for her.

After all, all the things she faced in her life. She couldn't easily trust anyone.

If someone was in her place, I am sure that person would die because of all the things she faced.

That person would forget to live, and maybe if that person survived like Teja, that person lived her life in an asylum.

But she didn't forget to live. She lived her life helping other people all these years.

Even she gave us a chance to live with her.

" It's too late now. I think you should go and sleep. I know mom must be waiting for you eagerly with a happy response. " Teja said with a smile, and I smiled back.

" Yes, take your medicines on time. Good night! " I said and kissed her on the forehead.

I was about to leave when she replied, " Good night... Mr. Albert! "

I turned and looked at her with shock as she never wished me back in these three years.

I nodded with a smile and left her room.

I thought about her as she showed her emotions.

Is that mean she is changing now?

If yes, then it was good. I am waiting for that day when she will call me papa like before.

I am so happy today.

Teja POV:-

I thought about all the things they said.

At that time, I realized that what they said was true.

I should give this marriage a chance.

But I want to talk to Akaash before I reach any decision as Akaash is my best friend.

He is the best thing that ever happened to me.

Yes, he is the best person in my life.

A friend like Akaash is too difficult to find nowadays.

He made me feel special. He took care of me when no one was there for me.

He was like a protector to me who would save me from everyone.

He never felt disgusted towards me and questioned my character.

I know we fought when he proposed to me, but his eyes told me that he didn't mean what he said at that time.

We all are human beings. Many times we made many mistakes.

I would never marry him because of the things he had done for me.

I would give him a chance for our sake.

I don't want to regret it in the future.

I want to live like a normal person.

I want to feel like falling in love.

I want to feel a happy marriage life.

I want to give birth to my children like a normal girl.

I knew I had lost my children two times. But still, I want to try like a normal couple.

It was always my wish that I wanted to adopt one child and give birth to another one.

But I could able to do these things because I was scared but not anymore.

I want to move on in my life and do all the things I desire.

Maa, I promise I will live the way you want from me.

I thought and lay on my bed.

Soon sleep engulfed me.


I woke up early today as I have a meeting at noon.

I want to survey the hospital today. So I can check if everyone was doing their work or not.

I wore a red suit with a white shirt and red heels.

I wore my favorite rose perfume and took my red sports car.

I reached the hospital and saw an ambulance standing in front of the hospital.

I ran towards the ambulance, and some nurses took out a couple in two stretchers.

Suddenly, that injured male breathing became uneven.

I ran towards him and started to examine him.

Before I injected him the medicine, the ECG machine line went straight.

I started CPR, but even after two minutes of trying, there was no improvement.

I stood up straight and looked at that patient who died before we started any diagnose process.

I looked at the time in my watch and said, " Time of death, 6:30. "

" Can someone tell me what happened to those patients? " I yelled to the nurses.

They flinched at my coldness.

" Mam, they were injured in a car accident, but when the officers could save time, it was already late.

That woman already died before we could reach here.

Still, we were able to take this man here alive till now. But this couple's child didn't hurt much. They took the child to the OT for the surgery. " They explained, and I sighed.

" When that child would gain the consciousness, call me. " I said, and they nodded.

I went towards my cabin and washed my hands.

I was thinking about that couple and their child.

I don't even know what's the child age.

How will that child handle their parent's death?

I want to meet that chile right now.

I made up my mind and went our the cabin.

But I saw my PA on the way, and she said, " Good morning, mam. Today, we have the meeting with our new investor, Mr. " Before she could complete what she wanted to say, a nurse ran towards me and said, " Dr. Lily, that child gained consciousness. "

" In which room? " I asked hurriedly.

" 1305, Dr. Lily. " That nurse said, and I ran towards the room.

I reached towards the room and saw three years old boy who looked like me.

I walked towards him and saw him looking at me without any emotion.

I saw a doctor who was examing his chart.

That boy's head wrapped in the bandage.

He looked weak but well.

I reached in front of him and sat near the chair.

" Doctor, how is that child? " I asked the doctor.

That doctor looked at me with a shock first.

But he got calmed and replied, " Dr. Lily, this child lost his memories as he hit on his head. I asked the nurse to find out about the couple's identity, and we found out that that couple didn't have any family except them. So, I called the child services, and they are going to take him with them. "

He explained, and I felt bad for the child.

" I will adopt him. " I said, and I wrapped my arms around that child.

He smiled looked at me.

I smiled back and said, " Dear, no one will hurt you. I am here, your mother. "

He giggled and said, " Mawwma!! "

I felt like someone gave me the best happiness.

I felt happiness in my heart.

Unknowingly, a tear fell from my eyes, and he wiped the tears from my cheeks.

" What is his name? " I asked the doctor.

" Vihan! " The doctor replied, and I liked the name.

" Alright, Vihan! Mom will be going to pamper you. " I said, put my finger on his nose, and he giggled.

His laugh made my day.

" Pain!!! " He said in a pained voice and put his little hands on his head.

" Don't worry, Vihan. It will go away soon and for now, let's sleep, dear. You will feel better after sleeping. " I explained.

I took him in my arms and patted his head softly. So, I won't hurt him.

Soon, he slept because of the effect of drugs.

Then I carefully put him on the bed and turned towards the doctor, and said, " Take care of him, and when the child services came. Tell them to meet me. "

He nodded, and I left his room.

I checked the time to realize it was time to meet the new investor.

I went to the meeting room and saw my PA was waiting outside for me anxiously.

" Mom, the new investor waiting for ten minutes. Please, let's start the meeting. " She said and opened the door.

I walked inside and was shocked to see the person I never thought to see again in this life.

That person was non-other than my ex-husband, Mr. Tanish Kashyap.