Chapter 100- Tell them about Vihaan!

Teja POV:-

When I reached home, I saw Mom and Mr. Albert were scolding Arjun for his carelessness.

" What happened, mom? Why are you scolding my innocent brother? " I asked, and they turned their faces towards me.

Arjun gave me an awkward smile, but I looked at him curiously.

" Teja, this innocent brother of yours is now where near innocent. Did you know I got the call from his principal?

He called me and told me that Arjun locked one of his professors in the changing room, and he ran with that professor's pants. " Mom stated, and I laughed.

I laughed too badly that I had to put my hands on my abdomen to control the pain by laughing so hard.

" Well done, bro. I am proud of you. " I grinned at him, and he smiled while looking at me with amusement.

Mom looked at me with shock as she couldn't believe that I praised him for his mistakes.

" Teja!!! I can't believe this. Instead of scolding him for his mistakes, you are encouraging him. I am so disappointed in you. " Mom stated angrily and turned her face away from me.

I held her hands in mine.

" Mom, please listen to me. I know I shouldn't encourage him. But Partially, I didn't encourage him. You just didn't let me finish. " I said calmly, and she looked at me with confusion.

" What do you mean? " Mom asked.

" Mom, answer me honestly. Didn't you ever things like Arjun in your school or college time? " I asked.

Mom got embarrassed and replied, " Yes, I did. "

" Yes, that's what I want to say. You know I never did these types of enjoyment as I never had any friends until Akaash came into my life. " I said with a smile.

" But when Akaash came, a lot of things happened, and I suffered from a traumatic past.

Then we went to medical college for further studies, and I never got time to enjoy my life after that. " My voice turned heavy when I said this sentence as my past came in front of my eyes.

A sigh came out of my eyes.

Why can't I forget my past?

I turned my face towards Arjun, who looked at me with sad eyes, and I said, " Arjun, I want you to enjoy your life fullest. But, yes, please don't do these types of tricks with your professor. Understand? " I asked him with my playful expression, and he laughed.

" Sure, di. But you should see that face of that professor when he came out from the waiting room in his shirt and underwear only. Everyone laughed at him. " He grinned, and I laughed.

I turned and saw Mr. Albert, who looked at me with a contented smile.

I stopped laughing, and I made my face cold.

" I want to tell you guys something. " I stated, and they looked at me with a serious expression.

" I planned to adopt a baby. " I confessed, and I heard gasps.

" But, why Teja? " Mr. Albert asked.

" Yes, Teja. Why did you decide such a decision? You still have a life ahead. You can get pregnant in the future. Why did you decide to adopt a baby? Are you finding an excuse to get able to marry someone else? " Mom asked suspiciously.

" Who is that baby, di? " Arjun asked.

I sighed and rubbed my temple.

" Mom, Mr. Albert, and Arjun, this baby is not an excuse for me to drop the idea of marriage. That child is just almost three years old. He lost his parents today, and he lost his memories with his parents in a car accident.

I just felt a pull towards that child. I feel I need to protect this child from this cruel world. " I confessed my feelings, and they got silent.

After a minute, Arjun asked, " Di, can I see the picture of that adorable child who captured the heart of my sister? "

I smiled and replied, " Sure! "

I took out my phone and showed the picture of Vihaan when he smiled at me, which I took when we were eating.

He gasped when he saw the picture of Vihaan.

" Di, he looked just the childhood version of yours. " Arjun stated, and Mr. Albert snatched the phone from me and looked at the picture with mom.

I could see that Mr. Alber and mom were shocked too.

" Yes, he looked like me.

In fact, his birth date is exactly the same as the date when my child will be born, which is my birth date, 31st March. " I exclaimed.

A sad smile broke on my lips, and I said, " I think God decided to have mercy on me and gave me my child back in this form. "

They looked at me with sadness, and Mr. Albert said, " Teja, I will support you in every decision of yours. "

I smiled genuinely for the first time towards him.

" Thank you! " I said, and a tear escaped from my right eye.

Mom came near me and embraced me with her motherly hug.

" I am sorry, dear, for doubting you. I am happy that you are happy. I want your happiness. " Mom stated, and I hugged her back.

" Di, he is adorable. When am I going to meet my nephew? I am excited to see him. " Arjun asked enthusiastically, and I chuckled.

" You can meet him after two days as he is weak right now, and his name is Vihaan. " I replied with a smile.

He jumped and started dancing and started to yell that he was an uncle now.

I smiled to see him happy.

I stopped him after 2 minutes and said, " I will give you an answer after meeting with Akaash for a dinner date. "

His eyes got sparkled, and he hugged me.

I stiffened but relaxed soon, and I tried to make my mind realize that he would never hurt me.

" Sure, di. I am happy that you are talking to Akaash. I hope you will accept and me and give me a positive response. " Arjun said with happiness flashed on his face.

I smiled at him, but inside, I was worried about this dinner.

I hope everything went well at this dinner.

Hello guys, here is the 100th chapter you asked.

I am so happy that you guys supported my story and me.

You shower my story with so much love that brings tears to my eyes.

That is my first story that completed 100+ chapters.

Thank you for giving so much love to this story.

I am overwhelmed.

Love you guys.

So, now let's talk about the next chapter.

What do you think about this dinner?

Will Teja accept Akaash?

Will Akaash overcome Teja's fears and be able to get the chance from Teja?

Will Akaash accept Teja's adopted child?

Let's find out on the next update.