Chapter 105- Explanation!

Akaash POV:-

I can see that everyone is enjoying their time with Vihaan.

I know it's not easy for Teja to introduce Vihaan to his father.

I can see the tears in Mr. Albert's eyes when Teja called his Vihaan's grandpa.

Mr. Albert is not a bad man, and I can see the love and longingness in his eyes for Teja.

I know he hurt Teja unintentionally.

He wants to protect his children, but the way he chose to protect his children went wrong.

He blames himself for not being able to take care of his princesses and his love, aunt Kaya.

Teja misses her mother, but she never shows it in front of us.

I saw aunt Kaya's picture in her room.

She put the picture in her drawer. So, no one can know about it.

Today, I am going to give a grand surprise to Teja, and I am sure she will like it.

Vihaan is now playing with Mavika, and Vihaan is laughing with her.

I turn to see Teja, who looks at me with a smile.

" Teja, please tell me. " I requested, and she sighed.

" Okay, fine. I will take Vihaan to my room. He needs rest now as he is recovering. Then I will talk to everyone about it. Is that okay with you? " She explained and asked.

" Okay. " I replied with a sigh.

She took Vihaan from Arjun and took him to her room.

Then everyone sat on the couch and started to talk about my marriage with Teja.

Everyone is excited about our marriage, but they want Teja's consent too.

They are also worried about Tanish.

After all, he can do anything to stop this marriage.

But the major problem is their divorce.

Everyone is worried about their divorce.

After half an hour, we heard Teja's heels click sound when she came downstairs.

She was looking beautiful in her green shirt and black frock, which reached till her ankles.

She came towards our couch and sat beside me while creating some distance between us.

Teja's aura felt just like our past when I met her.

I think it's because of Vihaan's presence.

She may not be smiling, but her face wasn't cold either.

" It's nice to meet you again, Mr. and Mrs. Rathore. " Teja said.

" Oh, you don't need to do the formalities, dear. After all, after you divorce Tanish, you will become our daughter-in-law. " Mom said, and Teja smiled.

" Yes, that's what I want to talk to you about. " Teja said, and everyone looked at her in confusion.

She sighed and started explaining to us.


Teja POV:-

After dinner with Akaash, I changed my clothes and left my home. I went to the hospital.

After all, how can I leave my three-year-old son alone there?

When I reached the hospital, I saw evening staff looking at me with shock.

I looked at them with confusion but ignored them.

Every staff greeted me by calling me, Dr. Lily.

After all, they aren't allowed to reveal my identity.

Even I have two cabins. Just in case if any of the patients want to meet me as a doctor.

I am the one who handles the worst cases of the neuro department.

I don't want to miss the chance to save lives.

That's the reason my secretary must be so irritated with me.

After all, she had to handle all of my works. If there had a mistake, she had to face my wrath.

But I must say, my secretary, is a loyal worker.

I came out of my thoughts when I heard my secretary's voice.

" Mam, you here? " She asked.

I looked at my watch, which showed 10 pm.

" Your working time was over some hours ago. So, what are you doing here? " I asked.

" Mam, I was talking to one of the businesswomen who are interested in investing in our project. " She replied happily, and I felt bad for yelling at her.

" Hannah, I am sorry for yelling at you. " I apologized, and she looked at me with shock.

" Mam, are you okay? " She asked while putting her hand on my forehead.

I removed her hand and asked, " What are you doing? I am fit. Why are you checking me? "

She smiled and replied, " Mam, you never apologized to me. But today, you apologized.

Why, mam? "

I sighed and replied, " You don't know my past. That's why you fixed my meeting with Tanish Kashyap. "

" Mam, Truth to be told, I was confused since I started this job.

Why do you live a mysterious life?

Why do you never attend any meeting without a mask?

You are beautiful, then why do you never show your face to anyone?

Why do you sign the contract that we will never reveal your identity to anyone and talk about you to anyone?

Why do you say to everyone call you Dr. Lily? " She asked, and I sighed.

" Today, I will tell you everything about me. " I said and took her to my cabin, where I started telling her everything about my past.

After my psychiatrist, she was the second one to whom I opened my heart.

When I was done I saw tears falling from her eyes.

She hugged me and said, " I am sorry. Because of me, that bastard found out about your new identity.

It was my fault now I understood why did you scold me too badly?

I deserve to be scolded.

Mam, you are a strong lady. Now, I can understand why you are so cold towards everyone. "

I smiled and wiped her face.

" Now, stop being a crying baby. Do you know why I chose you to become my secretary? " I asked, and she looked at me with confusion.

" Why, mam? " She asked.

" Because of your liveliness and smile. I want someone who can make my day with a smile.

You bore all my tantrums, but you never complained and gave me always smiled.

You always slap on your forehead whenever you done any mistake and give me your awkward funny smile. I show my face emotionless, but I always love it. " I stated, and Hannah smiled.

" Wow, I didn't know you noticed those things. " Hannah said, and I smiled.

" I may open my heart to you. But if you dare to break the contract and do your work carelessly, I will fire you. " I threatened her, and she gulped.

" Let's go. I want you to meet someone. " I said, and we started walking towards Vihaan's room.

" Who, mam? " Hannah asked curiously.

" You will see. " I said with a smile.

I entered Vihaan's room to see his nurse was reading a story for him through her phone.

I smiled to see him.

They turned to look at me, and Vihaan giggled and said, " Muwma!!! "

I walked towards him and took him in my arms.

" I missed you, my son. " I said and smelled his milky fragrance which calmed me.

I looked at the nurse, who looked at me with shock.

" You can go, now. I will take care of him. " I said, and she nodded and left the room.

I turned towards Hannah, who looked at us with shock.

" Mam, he looked just like you. How is that possible? You told me your second child died, then how? " Hannah asked with confusion.

" Oh, dear. My child died three years ago. But Vihaan is my son now. " I said and looked at my son, who slept in my arms.

" I will adopt him tomorrow. His biological parents died today. " I explained, and she became sad.

" Oh, I felt bad for him. But I am also glad that you found him and took him. " Hannah stated, and I smiled.

" That's true. You can leave now. It's late now and takes my car. It's not good to travel through the cab at night. " I said and gave her my car key.

" Thank you, mam. Good night! " Hannah said happily and left the room.

I adjusted Vihaan on the bed and covered him with a duvet.

I laid beside him, and soon sleep engulfed me.

I woke up from my phone call.

I groaned and looked at my phone.

Dad was calling me.

I sat on the bed immediately and picked up his call.

" Hello, dad. " I said.

" Hello, dear. How are you? " Dad asked.

" I am good, dad. Why did you call me? Does something happen? Is mom okay? " I asked worriedly.

" We are absolutely fine, dear. I call you because I need to tell you something very important. " Dad said seriously.

" What happened, dad? " I asked.

" I went to Tanish's office. Fortunately, my fingerprint has still accessed the room.

I talked to Tanish's lawyer, and he told me that he gave the divorce papers to Tanish. So, I checked the papers in case Tanish signed the papers before he left for London.

I found out Tanish signed the papers. I took out the papers and submitted them to court.

You are now free from this hell marriage, Teja. You don't need to fear him anymore. " Dad explained, and I smiled.

" Thank you, dad. That's brilliant news. " I said happily.

" You are welcome, dear. I can do everything for you. " Dad replied, and my heart melted by his love.

" Okay, dad. I will talk to you later. I have some work.

I will talk to you later. " I said, and dad hummed.

We said bye, and I cut the call.

Flashback Ends

I looked at everyone who looked at me with shock.

Suddenly, everyone jumped from their seats and said happily.

" YES!!! Now, you guys can marry. " They said in unison, and I laughed.

" Who is getting married? " I heard a familiar voice say.

I became shocked and turned to look at the entrance.

That person was non-other than Bubbly.