Chapter 109- Tanish's Evil Plan!

Tanish POV:-

When Akaash and Teja came from the hospital with a baby, who looked just like Teja, I got shocked.

After all, I never expected to see a baby with Teja again.

But suddenly, a thought came to my mind.

Is it that child Akaash said died three years ago?

That baby exactly looked like Teja and looked almost three years.

I know what I did with Teja. She would never let any male come near her.

Dr. Harsh Vardhan told me her exact condition.

Even Teja's other doctor who was treating maa told me about her past condition when Teja was almost raped at the age of 10.

I felt bad whenever I thought about her terrible past.

I know what I did with her doubled her fears and pain.

Her past trauma mixed with the wrongdoing that I did with her.

The whipping part was the second-worst decision that I did.

The worst decision was to accept Stishti as my mistress and tell Teja to treat her like a queen while my queen would become our slave.

In my Ego, I never realized what I did.

Every night I was sleeping, I dreamed about those times when I hurt her and insulted her.

I knew after doing all those things she never forgets me. Heck, I couldn't forgive myself.

But without her, I won't be able to live.

I want her to function in my life.

I looked at that child, and hope formed in me.

I asked questions about that child.

But she disclosed something else to me.

She told me that we were divorced.

I called my lawyer/ friend, and he told me that he received the divorce paper with my signature, and my dad was the one who submitted those papers.

I laughed at myself.

True that Karma is a bitch!

I used Teja's mother to force her into this marriage.

My own father broke our marriage for Teja's sake.

I can't blame him.

I know how much he loves Teja.

He loves Teja more than me, and he had every right.

After all, Teja made him proud.

She listened to him always unlike me.

Mom and dad always told me never hurt her.

But I didn't hear their advice and hurt her to such an extent.

But I can't believe they could be the ones who could break my marriage with Teja.

Now, I want to do something to make Teja listen to me.

After all, she did everything to not let me near her.

And for the first time, I felt weak in front of Teja's power.

She has the power here, like the power I have in India.

But I can't give up or else, I will lose her forever.

I was thinking all these, and I didn't even realize that I reached the penthouse already.

I went inside and went straight to my room and saw my red wine bottle and a glass.

I took the wine bottle and poured some wine for myself.

I turned and looked at the picture of my marriage with Teja.

Suddenly, a plan formed in my mind, and I kissed Teja's face, who smiled brightly at that picture.

I waited till the morning.

I took the limousine with me and went straight to the highway Teja used daily.

I parked the limo between the highway and hide and waited for Teja.

Soon, she came and looked at my limo with frustration.

I took out the spray and my handkerchief.

But she realized my presence and turned.

I sprayed immediately, and she started to lose consciousness.

She tried hard to fight with the stayed alert and fight with me.

But in the end, she got unconscious.

Before she fell on the ground, I picked her in bridal style.

I made her lay down on my limo.

Then I sat on the driving seat and took her to my penthouse.

I came out of the car and went to take her.

I took her in my arms and then went to my penthouse.

I went directly to my room.

I knew it would take time for her to gain consciousness.

So, I planned everything I would say to her.

After that, I made lunch for us. So, we can eat together and remind the time when we ate together peacefully.

I took the dishes with me to our room and saw Teja look at the picture of our marriage with shock.

But after some time, a bitter smile formed on her lips.

I entered the room and placed the dishes on the table near the bed.

I tried to make her eat her lunch.

But her words started to pull my strings.

I tried my best to stay calm.

But when she said, she didn't think of me as a man.

My mind snapped.

I tried to force her again.

But I didn't know she learned self-defense.

She fought with me and made me fall to the floor.

She did her work too fast that I didn't realize she tied my hands and legs.

I tried to run after her, but I fell many times.

Then, I removed the tie from my hands after some attempts.

After that, I undid the shoelaces.

By the time I reached the parking lot.

She ran away from my area.

I punched the pillar in anger.

" Teja, I will not let you become someone else. I will do everything.

Just wait and watch! " I said.

And again, I started to form a plan.

An evil plan came to my mind.

" Teja, who will save you from me, now? " I thought and started laughing.

Five Days Later:-

Teja POV:-

Today is a very important day for me.

The WHO and London's ministry people with my hospital's important members are going to do a live conference about the new project my hospital is going to launch with permission from WHO and London's ministry.

I got Vihaan ready. So, e can come with me.

I also made him wear a mask like me.

He wore a red high neck sweater with warm black jeans and black shoes.

I wore a red Armani suit and a red belly.

I did makeup and looked at myself in the mirror.

I am looking perfect.

I heard a clap behind me.

I turned and saw Vihaan is clapping while giggling.

I smiled and asked, " Vihaan, is mommy looking good? "

He nodded and said, " Muwma is looking bootiful. "

I laughed and kissed him on the cheeks.

I took him in my arms and wore my mask, and went downstairs.

I saw everyone look good and looked at us with a smile.

Mom came near me with a bowl in her hand.

She made me eat sweet yogurt, and I smiled.

" Best of Luck, Teja dear. I know you will do good. " Mom said, and I hugged her.

" Thank you, mom. " I said after breaking our hug.

" So, let's leave. I don't want to be late. " I said, and we went to this important conference.

I hope everything went well.