Chapter 113- You have this Right!

Teja POV:-

I broke my hug with dad and came back to my seat.

Vihaan was playing with mom.

" Okay, so everyone is here. I want to talk about Teja and Akaash's wedding preparations. " Dad Jagat said, and Aunt Nisha came back with some servents.

They gave a glass of water to everyone and put the cups of tea and snacks on the table.

" Dad Jagat, I want to ask something. " I said, and they looked at me with confusion.

" What is it, Teja? " He asked.

" I want our marriage according to Christian rituals. " I confessed, and they looked at me with shock.

" Teja, we are Rathores. We belong to the Rajesthan's royal family. My older brother is the king of Jaisalmer.

How can we forget our rituals and traditions and let you both marriage according to Christian traditions? " Dad Jagat said, and we looked at them with shock.

I never knew Akaash belonged to a Royal family.

" You belong to a royal family? " I asked Akaash, and he nodded with a sheepy smile.

I sighed and thought about it.

" Dad Jagat, we can do one thing. We can hold the church marriage here.

Then we can hold the Indian wedding after that.

You know very well that Tanish will try everything to break this marriage.

I don't want to give him that chance.

Also, I can call my lawyer, and we will sign and register our marriage after the marriage.

What do you think? " I explained and asked.

He took the cup the tea and took a sip while thinking.

Everyone else also started to think.

I gave a piece of biscuit to Vihaan, and he started to eat that piece like a hungry caveman.

I smiled looked at him so carefree.

" You are right. We can do that. After all, you are now Lily Smith. " Dad Jagat said, and everyone nodded.

I smiled and said, " Thank you! "

" But, the main question is who will walk with me on the aisle? " I asked, and I saw Mr. Albert's face turned into a bitter smile.

" Teja! Of course, your father will take you to your aisle. " Dad said.

" Dad, you are my father too, as well as Mr. Mayor, who gave me their surname when I came here.

So, how can I snatch your rights?

Especially, for that man who suddenly came into my life. " I stated and saw Mr. Albert's face, whose face turned pale.

I know I had hit on his nerve.

" Teja, he is still your father. " Dad stated.

" Teja, uncle is right. Dad is still your father. I know you can't forgive him, but please think about his feelings. " Akaash said, and I chuckled.

I turned towards Akaash and replied, " You are saying this to me, Akaash.

I know he is hurt. But dad is more father to me than my biological father.

Dad was the one who always cared for me.

He was the one who always understood me and respected my feeling.

Now you are saying to give his right to anyone else. "

" She is right, Raj. " Mr. Albert said, and I turned to look at him.

" Teja is right.

I am not the one who had this right.

You were the one who saved her when she was 10.

You were there to console her when she had a miscarriage at the age of 17.

You were the one who helped her in her studies.

You were the one who was able to understand her passion and support her always.

You were always there for her as a father whenever she needed you.

I was never there whenever she needed me.

She has every right to accuse me as she is right. " Mr. Albert said while a tear fell from his right.

He walked towards dad and held his hand.

" Raj, I know what Tanish did to Teja was wrong.

But you always respected Teja's wishes and stood for her.

If you wouldn't help her, she still was tied with that bastard.

You even abandoned your son for my daughter.

You loved her more than your son. Unlike me, who left her mother, sister, and her. I never looked back at them.

You have more right than me to take her on the aisle. " Mr. Albert said, and tears fell from Dad's eyes.

" No, Albert. That is not my right. I can't take your right.

I know you had took some wrong decisions in the past. But that doesn't mean I took your right.

It's her father right.

Yes, she is my daughter, and I love her.

After all, she is that angel who came into my life and filled our life with happiness.

It was me who doesn't deserve to become her father.

I was never able to save her from my son, who did so many wrong things with her in those six to seven months. " Dad stated, and my eyes moistured.

Dad is still living in guilt.

" I think I have a better idea. " Abhishek bhaiya said.

" You both can take her to the aisle. Teja, do you have any problem with this? " Bhaiya asked.

" No, I don't have any problem. " I stated with a shrug.

" Oh, god. You guys really made us cry.

I thought only women could be emotional and could be a crying mess.

But today, I realized that men could be a crying mess too. " Mom said, and everyone laughed.

" That's true, Angelina. I mean, look at these men.

Jeez, I remembered that time when Akaash came back three years ago and made us all cry.

These men are totally cry babies. " Mom Janvi said, and everyone laughed.

" Alright! Now let's start talking about the decorations, the place where we are going to do the ceremony and reception, dresses and much more. " Mom said, and I groaned in frustration.

" Seriously, guys, this much.

I thought now we will going to marry in a Christian way.

We don't have to do all these things.

But you have given us a whole long list.

Why??? " I said and made a crying face.

Everyone laughed.

" Because this all things we need to prepare for your wedding, sweety. " Akaansha bhabhi said.

" But thank God, the best part of this marriage.

I don't need to apply Mehandi this time!

" I said enthusiastically.

" Why? Don't you like Mehandi? " Mom Janvi asked.

" Yes, I hate Mehandi. Especially, Mehandi's smell. Yukk! " I replied, and they chuckled.

" Alright!

So, let's start the discussion. " Dad said, and we started to discuss everything and made a list of everything.

We decided to do the wedding at St. Etheldreda's church the next Sunday.

Then we will do the reception at Royal Hospital Chelsea.

Everyone agreed immediately.

Then we planned everything according to backers, designers, almost everything.

" All right, that's it.

Finally!!! " Mom said, and everyone sighed in relief.

" Alright, we need to make sure to tell the designer to make the bride's gown fully. " I stated, and everyone looked at me with confusion.

" But, why? Everyone bride likes to have their gown backless and strapless. " Mom Janvi stated, and I became uncomfortable.

" It's because... The reason is... I... I have... Wh... whip marks!!!! " I stated, and everything went silent.

I lowered my face in shame.

After all, I hate it to confess it.

Akaash lifted my chin when he sat on his knees in front of me.

" Teja, you don't need to feel shame about those marks.

I know you felt uncomfortable, but remember they make you strong.

You got this while fighting a most difficult battle.

They are your part, and Everyone accepted them already.

Then, why are you still uncomfortable? " Akaash explained and asked.

I looked at everyone who looked at me with a smile.

Then I looked at Akaash, who gave me a confident smile.

" You are right. They are not my weakness, but they are my power. " I stated, and he nodded.

I felt immense happiness when I said those words.

" Thank you! " I whispered to Akaash.

He smiled and pecked on my forehead.

" I am always here for you. " Akaash said with sincierity.